Filioque question

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I understand that the early church fathers wrote about the Holy Spirit proceeding from the father and the son and also the father through the son, however many say it is the same thing since everything comes from the father. So does father and son mean father through son, or is it father through son as well as directly from the father, and separately directly from the son without the father? Also what is the difference between double and single procession. Does this have anything to do with the question above? Thank you
@steve-b answered your question here:
Is the Eastern Orthodox Church correct Non-Catholic Religions
What you say here though really just dodges the point that I brought up, an ecumenical council (Council of Ephesus) approved by the pope of Rome (infallibly?) is totally ignored (Canon VII) by a later pope with the insertion of the Filioque (and the son), are you claiming that adding the Filioque does not change the creed? Cause it sure seems like it does. If you wish to dance around the point that’s fine but either one pope was infallibly correct or the other pope was infallibly correct not…
uhm . . . this is kind of like wandering onto a college campus and asking questions about multi-variate calculus.

The short version of the answer is that the Spirit originates in the Father, and is sent through the world by the Father and the Son.

For more than that, it’s a complicated question, in which the grammatical differences between greek and latin play a critical role in the schism between the Roman Church and the Orthodox Churches . . .
The short version of the answer is that the Spirit originates in the Father, and is sent through the world by the Father and the Son.
This is exactly what I am wondering about. Is it that the Holy Spirit comes straight from the son and other times straight from the father, or is it straight from the father and son originating from the father and sent by the son?
Also since the father is the origin, then what is the whole controversy between east and west?
I’d suggest you read some of the older threads on this–it’s been beaten to death.

For higher level discussion, look at the archives of the East and West subform on

Much comes from the differences in Latin and Greek, so be prepared for a deep dive 🙂
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