Financial Support for Palestinians

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"Between October 2000 and December 2003, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees in the Near East issued seven appeals for emergency funds.* The seven appeals resulted in pledges totalling $324.3 million.

The US – the “enemy” of the Palestinians – was by far the largest contributor, with pledges of $112.3 million, or 34.6% of the total.* Next in line were the European Commission Humanitarian Office and the UK, with pledges of $40.3 million (12.4%) and $39.6 million (12.2%), respectively.

Germany contributed only $7.5 million (2.3%), and France – the “friend” of the Palestinians – forked over a scant $3.3 million (1.0%).* Some friend!* Words are indeed cheap.* The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Belgium, and Canada loosened their pockets more than did France.
What about the Arabs?* The UAE’s Red Crescent Society was generous, providing $27.0 million.* Otherwise, the Arabs were miserly.* Saudi Arabia gave a grand total of $250,000.00, all of it in October 2000.* I guess they didn’t have much left over after paying the families of suicide bombers.

How many Palestinians are aware of America’s largesse?* Very, very few I’d bet.* We need to do a much better job of making the Palestinians – and the rest of the world – aware of our aid to needy Muslims.* Hopefully, our tsunami relief operation will start to set the record straight…"
Do you honestly think the UN will ever give the US credit for anything good?
Come on Matt25 and Norwich, what say ye to this? My bet is that you will spin it into something negative about the US.
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