Fiorenza - "Gospels are not accurate biographical accounts"

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“For Us and For Our Salvation”

(Side note - interesting how our dear Archbishop has chosen to be PC and mis-quote our Creed as being “for us and for our salvation”… once again choosing to instead insult the intelligence of us women. :rolleyes: )

speak for yourself, Trixie. I’m not insulted by using standard English and I’m as much of a woman as you are.

“For Us and For Our Salvation”

(Side note - interesting how our dear Archbishop has chosen to be PC and mis-quote our Creed as being “for us and for our salvation”… once again choosing to instead insult the intelligence of us women. :rolleyes: )

Don’t be so judgemental. It was and article!!! Not the Mass. He was paraphrasing. Good heavens, some people spend all their time picking apart every word a Bishop says. Must get blammed old for them. :rolleyes:
I spent most of the 1990s as an undergraduate studying literature with professors wildly obsessed with gender-inclusive language. Today, in my professional writing, I sometimes find myself out of spite wanting to address letters with phrases like, “Dear Gentlemen,” as opposed to using some silly sexless title like “Dear Service Representative.” But then, I remember my Christian charity. Nonetheless, re-editing the Nicene Creed seems an odd thing to do. Do my Catholic sisters in faith really not understand that “men” refers to “humankind”? Is the phrase “for us men” nonstandard English?

Do my Catholic sisters in faith really not understand that “men” refers to “humankind”? Is the phrase “for us men” un-standard English?

Certainly we do. Been around the block more than a few times. I get more flapped over all the second guessing people do these days. They think NOTHING about attacking a Bishop or priest. That is scandalous…VERY scandalous. :mad:

I’d give the Bishop a reminder on the Creed and the proper wording,** IF** it were done at Mass. And even then it would not be bad mouthing him, but polite! Sheese! :rolleyes:

One of the greatest losses of Pre-Vatican II was respect for the office of priests and Bishops. Irritates me no end. Those who are constantly attacking them, act like a bunch of Protestants who don’t know better.
One of the greatest losses of Pre-Vatican II was respect for the office of priests and Bishops. Irritates me no end. They act like a bunch of Protestants who don’t know better.
Point well taken!
Seems to me we “strain at gnats and swallow camels.” How many idiots out there understand the us as us dogs, us cats, us camels? There has to be no one who doesn’t understand that it is us humans whether we use “us” or “us men.” To start with the whole prayer is a translation and not the original words. My guess is the original words were probably Greek, which was translated into Latin, which has been translated into English. Any translation becomes a best estimate of what was originally said sometimes a very good estimate and sometimes a poor one. Even then who out there doesn’t understand what is being said? I suppose some people just like to stir the waters and point fingers.
One of the greatest losses of Pre-Vatican II was respect for the office of priests and Bishops.
And pray tell, whom do we thank for that? :rolleyes: Hint: Inform yourself about the reception of Humanae Vitae and the Catechism!


PS And for real fun, observe the reception the new Catechism gets! A.
Anna Elizabeth:
And pray tell, whom do we thank for that? :rolleyes: Hint: Inform yourself about the reception of Humanae Vitae and the Catechism!


PS And for real fun, observe the reception the new Catechism gets! A.
Done all of the above dear. The fact that people have no respect, has to do with the culture now days. It cuts across the board. The whining masses (not Masses) are on all sides of the spectrum. :rolleyes: I don’t think I need your hints kiddo! I take my faith very seriously. Always have and always will.

I find it more than disgusting that society has gone down the slippery slope. Even more so that every Joe six pack now days thinks he is Catherine of Siena. 😃 😃
What exactly is the point of this thread?
Not real sure. I think it is another one of those: “Let’s jump on the Bishop”, type of threads. 🙂
Not real sure. I think it is another one of those: “Let’s jump on the Bishop”, type of threads.
Not at all. Certain select people have been secretly appointed by mysterious Vatican officials to prowl the internet searching for statements by bishops and other priests that don’t measure up to arcane but completely just standards which most people aren’t privy to.


– Mark L. Chance.
I Do my Catholic sisters in faith really not understand that “men” refers to “humankind”?
They same way I would know what you mean if you said “colored people”.
Is the phrase “for us men” nonstandard English?

I’m happy to defer to linguists on this if we can all agree it is a question for them, not churchmen.
They same way I would know what you mean if you said “colored people”.

I’m happy to defer to linguists on this if we can all agree it is a question for them, not churchmen.
You are free to feel like a victim despite Church teaching to the contrary, but you are not free to change the liturgy.
They same way I would know what you mean if you said “colored people”.
That’s something I still can’t figgure out.
What is the big difference between “colored people” and “people of color”?
All your doing is moving the adjective. Sounds kinda petty to me but what do I know.

And with regards to misquoting the creed I’m sure that a Bishop wouldn’t have done that on accident. It had to be deliberate. And just why?
Not pointing fingers, heck I’m not even Catholic yet, it just doesn’t smell right.
Not at all. Certain select people have been secretly appointed by mysterious Vatican officials to prowl the internet searching for statements by bishops and other priests that don’t measure up to arcane but completely just standards which most people aren’t privy to.


– Mark L. Chance.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
That’s something I still can’t figgure out.
What is the big difference between “colored people” and “people of color”?
All your doing is moving the adjective. Sounds kinda petty to me but what do I know.

And with regards to misquoting the creed I’m sure that a Bishop wouldn’t have done that on accident. It had to be deliberate. And just why?
Not pointing fingers, heck I’m not even Catholic yet, it just doesn’t smell right.
LOL! Not being Catholic yet, is no excuse for bad Catholic manners. 🙂 And less acceptable when you are. 😉
speak for yourself, Trixie. I’m not insulted by using standard English and I’m as much of a woman as you are.
Actually it is the butchering of standard English. Once it was understood that sex that was not identified was refered to as he. Now it is replaced with it. My doctor thought I wanted a boy because I refered to my unborn child as he. I had to explain simple standard English to him
“I’m happy to defer to linguists on this if we can all agree it is a question for them, not churchmen.”
What makes them exclusive of each other?
I Do my Catholic sisters in faith really not understand that “men” refers to “humankind”? "
*Please don’t paint all women as being so ignorant. *
I’m happy to defer to linguists on this if we can all agree it is a question for them, not churchmen.
Actually, it is a question for those in Authority…not lay people of any stripe. Linguists don’t run the church…they just think they do. 😉
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