Can energy be the first cause?, if not why?
Energy in the physical world of time and space is actually energy/matter and could not have just preexisted. The problem of some measurable thing being a First Cause is like a “fish” being a First Cause without regard to where the fishtank (time/space) came from.Can energy be the first cause?, if not why?
The Law of Thermodynamics works in a system that operates within the backdrop of time and space. Can a photon preexist? Where did the photon come from apart of the hand of God?Don’t some people speculate energy always existed, what about the First law of Thermodynamics?
I would argue that energy (as it relates to thermodynamics) is not eternal. It had a beginning in time. Only God is eternal. We talk about the distinction between the “essence” of God and the “energies” of God but these are very different things. We have to use terms like “energies” because that is the best human language has to offer. But the “energy” of God and the energy of thermodynamics are just utterly and completely distinct from each other.Thanks, you pretty much answered my question about Thermodynamics, however their is this; if energy is eternal their would be no need for an unmoved mover, as energy moves itself.