First Eucharistic Celebration

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:hmmm: At the first Eucharistic Celebration (Last Supper) when Jesus Blessed the Bread and wine did He use the venacular which was Aramaic in that region or was it Latin? When he gave His disciples His Body and Blood in this first Eucharist were they knelling at the Communion rail and receive it on their tounges or were they handed the Body and Blood of the Lord?

DigitalDeacon 😃
DigitalDeacon said:
:hmmm: At the first Eucharistic Celebration (Last Supper) when Jesus Blessed the Bread and wine did He use the venacular which was
Aramaic in that region or was it Latin? When he gave His disciples His Body and Blood in this first Eucharist were they knelling at the Communion rail and receive it on their tounges or were they handed the Body and Blood of the Lord?

DigitalDeacon 😃

What is the problem? No one wants to address this issue? :whistle:
You going fishing for an argument? I would have to say that the Church gets its guidence from Sacred Scriptures as well as Sacred Tradition, both are qually important.
Hmm… at the risk of getting slammed…:rolleyes:

I’d say, probably Aramaic, although I could be wrong - Latin was spoken in those times;

Probably NOT kneeling, nor on the tongue, but they were the 12 Apostles - the First Priests and the First Bishops - they are ALLOWED to touch the Precious Body & Blood of Christ!

However, I was not in the room at the time, so I cannot say for sure. How about you?
Look here, no one is saying the during the Last Supper, Jesus spoke latin.

And I do remember Jesus saying “for many” not “for all”. To be fair, Latin Novus Ordo Missae gets it right.

You know why the priest faces east along with the congregration?

Do you even know what Mass is?
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