Friends: I know this ties over to other threads I might have written but I’d like to say, I’ve finally grownup -------well enough where I honestly have learned to say “NO” and not to take “in-law abuse” any longer—stonewalling and nasty treatment, etc… I told my H this year I do not want to be with his family (which have all been awful to me)…this Thanksgiving or X-mas, and that I have no desire to associate with abusive folks. If he wants to visit, he’s more than welcome to, without me. For 16 or so years, I’ve been duped to always associate with these abusive folks, (even my own parents forced me into it)…and always, it ruined my X-eve, X-mas parties in my home, or Thanksgiving, etc., not to mention my self-esteem and my self-worth as a person, and as a mom, and as a wife, etc… Gosh—how much head-banging must it take for one to finally realize it? I feel 16 years is too long. If I can help one person with what I’ve been thru, I hope I can do such with advice, encouragement, and love, knowing how to love in the right way, without being abused. There is a big difference here.
Many of you might think this is an un-Christian attitude, but to be honest, I don’t care if you think it. IF anyone has taken similar abuse, you truly KNOW what I’m talking about, if not, you do not.
This forum has helped me alot, which is one reason I’m writing. It’s so helpful to have Catholic forums out there.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone~~ and may God Bless~~~
Many of you might think this is an un-Christian attitude, but to be honest, I don’t care if you think it. IF anyone has taken similar abuse, you truly KNOW what I’m talking about, if not, you do not.
This forum has helped me alot, which is one reason I’m writing. It’s so helpful to have Catholic forums out there.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone~~ and may God Bless~~~