First Latin High Mass -- Questions

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note: there is nothing wrong with women wearing hats or veils in any Latin Rite church today, no one ever as far as I know came out and said it was forbidden. I see women wearing hats from time to time, although anymore around my area it isn’t the custom.
Yes. I did go to St. Thomas the Apostle in Phoenix, AZ. The service was awesome.
Please come to this Mass again. We have a high Mass on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. The other Sundays are low Masses. And the Bishop just granted us permission to have the TLM on Holy Days of obligation, too. We rent space from St. Thomas and are hoping to achieve community status although we won’t know until May which is when we will have had the TLM for a full year. We are all praying that the bishop will allow us to continue.

The Mass was awesome and those altar boys are incredible. Fr. Saenz taught himself to say the Tridentine Mass and the Bishop granted him faculties. One Sunday there was a miscommunication on who was to say Mass and no priest showed up. We all said a rosary together and waited and Fr. Saenz came over (he is the pastor of St. Augustine’s). It was his first TLM and he did a beautiful job. He loves this Mass as much as we do. Since then the Bishop has put him in charge of it and he does the training of the priests and is our overseer. He is truly a holy man.
How can I find Latin Mass in my area?
Directory of Tridentine Latin Masses and Parishes:
There are no regular Latin Masses in the entire state of North Carolina. Please petition your pastor and bishop! Tell them you want a REGULAR Tridentine Mass!
Diocese of Charlotte
Most Reverend William G. Curlin
P.O. Box 36776
Charlotte, NC 28236

Consequently, NC has a cluster of Latin Masses by SSPX:
Old St. Mary Church
William & Mulberry, Goldsboro, NC 27533
Fr. Kenneth Novak, (919) 736-0096
SSPX, 1st/3rd/5th SU 5:30 pm

Holy Redeemer Church
1841 N. White St., Wake Forest, NC 27587
Fr. Kenneth Novak, (919) 363-8055
SSPX, 2nd/4th SU 5:30 pm

St. Anthony of Padua Church
108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd., Mt. Holly, NC 27587
Fr. Kenneth Novak, (704) 827-8676
SSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 (High) am, SA 11 am

Any of which would be good for an authentic introduction to the Latin Mass. Call to make certain the of the Mass Time. But they usually do not change.
Yes, if suffices for Sunday obligation, as long as you are not purposing to promote the SSPX itself.
And that is the objective answer to your question.
I think the confusion is on my part, which prompted my question about whether the readings differ in the 1962 Missal from Magnificat.

The homily was in fact on the “name of Christ” and the role it should play in establishing our priorities.

Deacons did not participate in the Mass. However, there were 9 altar boys. Responses were sung by a choir.
Yes in the Traditional Rite, last sunday was the feast of the Holy Name. Epiphany in the Traditional Rite isn’t moved to a sunday except in France, where it is a tradition to celebrate Epiphany on the Sunday after[tomorrow].
TNT said:
Directory of Tridentine Latin Masses and Parishes:

Diocese of Charlotte
Most Reverend William G. Curlin
P.O. Box 36776
Charlotte, NC 28236

Consequently, NC has a cluster of Latin Masses by SSPX:
Old St. Mary Church
William & Mulberry, Goldsboro, NC 27533
Fr. Kenneth Novak, (919) 736-0096
SSPX, 1st/3rd/5th SU 5:30 pm

Holy Redeemer Church
1841 N. White St., Wake Forest, NC 27587
Fr. Kenneth Novak, (919) 363-8055
SSPX, 2nd/4th SU 5:30 pm

St. Anthony of Padua Church
108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd., Mt. Holly, NC 27587
Fr. Kenneth Novak, (704) 827-8676
SSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 (High) am, SA 11 am

Any of which would be good for an authentic introduction to the Latin Mass. Call to make certain the of the Mass Time. But they usually do not change.
Yes, if suffices for Sunday obligation, as long as you are not purposing to promote the SSPX itself.
And that is the objective answer to your question.

Isn’t the SSPX the schismatic group? If so, how can the mass be valid if their priests do not have valid orders? I may be totally wrong by the way, so forgive me in advance.
Catholic Tom:
Isn’t the SSPX the schismatic group? If so, how can the mass be valid if their priests do not have valid orders? I may be totally wrong by the way, so forgive me in advance.
You are confusing being in schism with invalidity of orders. There has been a great schism since 1054, but both the Catholic and the Orthodox retain valid orders and sacraments.

(Who doesn’t follow news of the SSPX closely enough to answer the question of whether they are schismatic)
What you are referring to is known as the “Missa Cantata” which in English means Sung mass. It is a High Mass in that it has the asperges, music, and incense, but there is no Deacon or Subdeacon. At a Solemn High Mass there is the Priest, Deacon, and Subdeacon.

You are also clearly mistaken in the second part of your comment. According to the 1962 liturgical books, it is not an abuse to have a Priest perform the role of the Deacon or the Subdeacon. Having a Priest be the Deacon or Subdeacon at a Solemn High Mass is usually the norm. A lay person, if he knows what he is doing, can also be a Subdeacon at a Solemn High mass and he is known as a “straw Deacon.”
It might be noted that before the liturgical renewal, High Mass rarely had a deacon and subdeacon. What was done is that priests would pretend they were deacons or subdeacons. This is now considred an abuse. The liturgical renewal re-introduced concelebration, which had been forbidden.
In 1988 when Archbishop Lefebvre of the SSPX ordained 4 men as Bishops, along with the help of Bishop Castro Meyer, the Pope issued his Motu Propio Ecclesia Dei. What this document states is that that Archbishop Lefebvre, Bishop Castro Meyer, and the 4 newly ordained Bishops (Fellay, Williamson, Tissier de Mallerias, and Galaretta) incurred the automatic penalty of excommunication.

The Ecclesia Dei Commission, created by the Vatican in order to deal with issues regarding the Latin Mass, has ruled that masses said by the SSPX are valid, but illicit. Masses said by the SSPX do fulfill the Sunday obligation. (

The only real theological question surrounding the Sacraments of the SSPX are those of Confession and Marriage. The SSPX, because it does not have local Bishops with physical dioceses, lacks jurisdiction. If you do not have jurisdiction then all of the marriages performed and confessions heard by Priests under the SSPX Bishops are invalid.

Now here is the interesting point. The Church states that if someone is invincibly ignorant of the fact that the SSPX Priests lack jurisdiction in the cases of Confession and Marriage, then the validity is supplied by Holy Mother Church and these confessions and marriages as a result are valid.

The whole situation surrounding the SSPX is a very interesting and very complicated theological situation.
Catholic Tom:
Isn’t the SSPX the schismatic group? If so, how can the mass be valid if their priests do not have valid orders? I may be totally wrong by the way, so forgive me in advance.
As for vestments,
-Gold can replace, white, green or red.
-A clergy can always fill a function below him, for example, you can have three priests, and they can each fill in the role of a priest, deacon and subdeacon, it done constantly during Solemn Masses. A Deacon(transitional, pernament) may fill in the role as Deacon and subdeacon with full functions.

-If a seminarian has permission he may fill in the role of a “straw” subdeacon, but cannot perform all of its duties and function since he is not ordained a subdeacon.

-The Normative form of a Traditional Latin Mass on a Sunday/important feast day/solemnity is a Solemn Mass with a priest, deacon and subdeacon if the bishop is not around. It is the Solemn Mass what reallly differentiates the different variants of the Roman Rites Mass(Dominican, Roman, Carthusians, Carmalite, Norbertine)

-A Sung Mass is rubrically closer to the Low Mass than the Solemn Mass.

-For some reason in America, Americans developed a Low Mass mentality, the book Why Can’t Catholics Sing by Thomas Day has an interesting theory behind it.

Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described by Adrian Fortesque, J.B. O’Connell and Alciun Reid, O.S.B. can be order through the FSSP Publications.

This ceremonial manual describes everything and how to do everything in the Old Missal.
I would like to purchase a few mantillas, but have not had any luck on the internet. Suggestions appreciated.
I would like to purchase a few mantillas, but have not had any luck on the internet. Suggestions appreciated.
They can be made very easily. Buy some lace and cut it out in a triangle shape. You can finish the edges off by adding a lace trim if you like … if that is beyond your sewing capablities just wear a cut piece of lace. … it all works
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