Fla. College Bans Gibson's 'Passion'

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Friday, Jan. 14, 2005 3:23 p.m. EST
Fla. College Bans Gibson’s ‘Passion’

Florida’s Indian River Community College (IRCC) is engaging in a campaign of repression against a Christian student group for attempting to show Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” on campus.

In November 2004, the college banned the Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) from showing the film because it was R-rated, despite the fact that the college has hosted a live performance entitled “F**king for Jesus” that describes simulated sex with “the risen Christ.”
CSF students report that after their group wrote President Edwin R. Massey in protest, administrators pulled group leaders out of class and, astoundingly, demanded an apology from them for their actions.
This sounds like a dilly of a school, no freedom of speach, or assembly. I mean if to students that are members of the same club can’t stop and talk without being interupted by faculty and campus security what’s next there? If I was a christain and a student there I would be transfering out a.s.a.p., and if I was one of the students being harassed I would be filing a civil rights lawsuit as a matter of principle.

Linda H.
Florida Indian who??? Are they even accreditted??? No wonder I don’t here of any of their graduates going on to bigger and better things. Any school that doesn’t promote the “Passion” is a waste of time and money.

swampfox said:
Friday, Jan. 14, 2005 3:23 p.m. EST
Fla. College Bans Gibson’s ‘Passion’

Florida’s Indian River Community College (IRCC) is engaging in a campaign of repression against a Christian student group for attempting to show Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” on campus.

In November 2004, the college banned the Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) from showing the film because it was R-rated, despite the fact that the college has hosted a live performance entitled “F**king for Jesus” that describes simulated sex with “the risen Christ.”
CSF students report that after their group wrote President Edwin R. Massey in protest, administrators pulled group leaders out of class and, astoundingly, demanded an apology from them for their actions.
I’m sure they jumped at showing Fahrenheit 9/11, though. :mad:

Sorry, didn’t mean for that political stuff to jump out of my mouth!

Perhaps it will be allowed once it wins a few Best Picture Award.
Get 'em in touch with the ACLJ.
According to the article, they have gotten in touch with FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) so they did get legal counsel. Thier web site has information on this case.

My word. I can’t imagine being a Christian and continuing to go to that school. It’s not like this place is the only community college in Florida, I’m sure.
According to the article, they have gotten in touch with FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) so they did get legal counsel. Thier web site has information on this case.

Good deal.
I don’t do links at home, 33k and no patience!
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