Flood the press! Notre Dame President 2 get honorary doctorate alongside abortionist

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President of Notre Dame University in the U.S. also to be awarded honorary doctorate by University of Western Ontario Senate

At the 285th Convocation of the University of Western Ontario, Rev Malloy, President of Notre Dame (technically a Catholic University), will be awarded an honorary doctorate at the same time as Dr Henry Morgenthaler, the renowned Canadian abortionist who put abortion on the Canadian map.

For details on the Morgenthaler award go here:


This now is fully an American Catholic issue and we can go fult tilt boogey woogie at this without worrying about stepping on the toes of the Canadian financiers of Western University. In fact the uwo protest team has asked Americans and foreign posters to assist them by deluging Notre Dame and the American press with protests.

Here is what we can do:

It is recommended that letters go to Rev Malloy explaining his responsibility as a role model for Catholic teaching which includes the Culture of Life.

**It is recommended that letters also go to the following: **

the Board of Governors of Notre Dame;

Priests for Life U.S.A. and Fr Pavone in particular (with a view to getting this issue into the press);

the Catholic League

Hannity and all pro-life media

Catholic government representatives
Also can someone get a petition going asking Malloy to refuse his honorary doctorate?

The goals of this American initiative are as follows:

a) Get Malloy to decline publicly the honorary doctorate in protest of the same being awarded to an abortionist.

b) Get this story and the question of abortion onto every talk show in the country (U.S.).

The Canadian press have refused to cover this story. But once it hits the front pages in the U.S., the Canadian press will be obliged to cover it.

Now, Lisa4Catholics, do you still have the email addresses for media etc?
We should also write the American Conference of Catholic Bishops and ask them to comment on this award, keeping in mind that our Pope Benedict has asked us not just to think and believe our faith, but to take concrete steps.
Thanks ANI!We all need to make a stink over this,abortionist should not be honored in a public setting like this it only creates the illusion that what they are doing is respectable:( :nope: Yes ANI let me go and look at the E-bay action thread and I will post them here.😉 Here we are:bowdown:
info@frmcgivneyassembly.o rg
This is the Catholic action League e-mail
document.write(“JScarborough”+"@"+“msnbc.com”); [email=“JScarborough@msnbc.com”]JScarborough@msnbc.com[/email]
Joe Scarborough on MSNBC,I do not know if he is Catholic,but he spoke highly of the Pope and supported Terri,keep it in my when you e-mail him.God Bless
From Hannity and Colmes lets e-mail him too
Information package. The following link is to a page which briefly mentions Malloy. Nevertheless it is there. Keep in mind that it is an official page of the University of Western Ontario:


This is an article on the Silent March organized by Rev Michael Smith Against University Award to Controversial Abortionist:


emails may be sent to the following people protesting the award to Morgenthaler and expressing the hope that Malloy will decline his award.

Dr. Paul Davenport, President, UWO

Don McDougall, Chair of Board of Governors
c/o Jan VanFleet, University Secretary

This is something that everybody can do right away without waiting for the organizational structure to be set up. Please send emails to Davenport and McDougall. The uwoprotest group is encouraging Americans and foreigners to exert international pressure by sending these letters. Please post here that you have sent your letters; this keeps our spirits up.
My last post went missing. Here it is again:

Lisa, William up at Western uowprotest is burned out and needs to know that he can hand off the American side of this protest (re Malloy) completely.

You have a list of pro-lifers who worked really hard on the Terri struggle. Can you pm them and ask them to step forward for some leadership roles? This is what we need:

Someone to set up a petition webpage to get Malloy to decline the doctorate.

Someone to liaise with the Catholic media.

Someone to liaise with the media in general.

Someone to liaise with Catholic govt reps.

Someone to liaise with the bishops, clergy, religious, and Fr Pavone at Priests for Life.

Someone to organize the email campaign to the Papal Nuncio and to the Vatican.

Someone to find orthodox Catholic contacts at Notre Dame to organize a prayer march.

Someone to organize the email campaign to Notre Dame and to Rev Malloy there.

As people come onto this thread, could you please just choose a job and post it here so that we can shorten our list? Thank you.
media contacts:

Please phone The Sean Hannity radio program line between 3PM and 6PM Eastern Time at: 1-800-941-7326.
Hannity’s contact webpage:

Priests for Life
P.O. Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
**Tel. (914) 937-8243
******Fax (914) 937-9207

Another helpful media outlet:

Arlington Catholic Herald,
200 N. Glebe Rd., Suite 607, Arlington, VA 22203; Vol. 24, No 9;
page 4, dated Mar 4, 1999.
E-mail: letters@catholicherald.com
Fax: 703/524-2782;
Editorial: 703/841-2590;
Here are some very helpful people:

Your Catholic Voice is dedicated to activating faithful Catholic citizens for the vital work of political participation. Your Catholic Voice Foundation is dedicated to informing, educating, supporting and serving a new Catholic Action. See Your Catholic Voice Foundation website.

Send general inquiries to:

Send inquiries about becoming a local Leader In The Your Catholic Voice Movement To:

Send membership inquiries or suggestions on issues or action to:

Submit your published Letters-to-the-Editors supporting Catholic values to:

Your Catholic Voice
PO Box 9248
Bakersfield, CA 93389
Phone: (661) 869-1000
Fax: (661) 869-0461

Write to your Congressman:

Here is my contribution emailed to Don McDougal, Dr. Paul Davenport, the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops and to the London Free Press. This was all done April 14 and to date there has been no response so it is great news to discover Catholic Answers Forum is jumping unto the protest bandwagon. The following is a draft of my letter.
"Dr. Morgentaler does not deserve an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. He does not value the dignity of women and his contribution to the deaths of so many unborn children is a holocaust not an achievement.
Such will be the judgement of future generations once the culture of light and life finally prevails over the culture of darkness and death. The failure of the Supreme Court of Canada to recognize the personhood of our smallest and most vulnerable citizens will properly be judged as a travesty of justice based on age discrimination and place of residence. The day is coming when even our youngest Canadian citizens -residing in the wombs of their mothers- will be welcomed and embraced with joy by our national family which for so long has denied their humanity and their rights to life, liberty and justice which they are entitled to by reason of their very existence.
Allowing women to have an abortion is more akin to sexual slavery than freedom of choice. In reality, they have become increasingly exploited by selfish men who use them as objects to satisfy their needs then abandon them once they become pregnant. If men would be more responsible fathers women might have the freedom to enjoy the gift of their motherhood. Sadly, women abort because they feel they have no choice. Once a father decides he doesn’t want the child her “choice” has already been made. Women deserve better.
Moreover, what is UWO teaching students when a law degree is awarded to a man who flagrantly broke the law in order to achieve his own ends? The end never justifies the means as one can never do evil that good may come of it. That is a foundational principle of sound ethics. Without it a conscience is unmoored and the common good of society is shipwrecked on the waves of anarchistic individualism.
email address for Letter to the Editor of the London Free Press in Ontario, Canada: letters@lfpress.com
While I agree it would be laudable of Rev. Edward Malloy, President of Notre Dame, to decline this award as a timely symbol of protest and in solidarity with the pro-life movement a clarification is needed here nonetheless. In all fairness, the convocation ceremony at which Rev. Malloy is scheduled to receive his doctor of laws degree will be Tuesday, June 14 at 3:30pm while that of Morgentaler will be on Thursday, June 16 at 10:00am.

No one has mentionned as yet that Doris Anderson, the former editor of Chatelaine magazine, from 1957-77, prominent feminist leader and known to have written about abortion is likewise to receive a Doctor of Laws degree on Monday, June 13. In fairness, I have never read her writing so there is a chance she was a pro-life feminist.:confused: Does anyone know if she is yet another candidate who is being awarded for her pro-abortion viewpoint?
The following Catholic media people are now in receipt of my info package on Rev Malloy:

Levanthal and Hannity at Fox
Scarborough at MSNBC
Catholic Herald
Arroyo at EWTN
Rosalinda. Thank you for sharing your very forthright letter to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and to the London Free Press.

This initiative is in two parts.

Part 1 is the Canadian initiative to exert pressure on Western to retract their offer of the honorary doctorate to Dr Henry Morgentaler. This pressure takes the form of emailing the Western governors, sending information packages and emails to the media, particularly the Christian media, and sending information packages and emails to organizations who have an interest in the matter. The Catholic Civil Rights League Canada have also requested that Western alumni refuse further financial contributions to the university unless the offer is retracted.

William at Western has contacted the Southern Ontario media. What Canadians can do is to contact the media in other regions. There is actually another thread on here for Canadians. It is best to take care of the Morgentaler busines on that thread.

This thread is for the campaign to get Rev Malloy (President of Notre Dame, an American Catholic university) to decline the award being offered to him at the same Convocation. This is Part 2.

William has asked that Americans step forward and completely take over the Malloy campaign. I have started that campaign already even though I am not American. (I understand the CA crew have made me an honorary German-American.)
While I agree it would be laudable of Rev. Edward Malloy, President of Notre Dame, to decline this award as a timely symbol of protest and in solidarity with the pro-life movement a clarification is needed here nonetheless. In all fairness, the convocation ceremony at which Rev. Malloy is scheduled to receive his doctor of laws degree will be Tuesday, June 14 at 3:30pm while that of Morgentaler will be on Thursday, June 16 at 10:00am.
Rosalinda: It is the same Senate of Western that is making both awards. The point is not if both men are standing on the same stage. The point is that the same institution is honouring a Catholic educator and an abortionist with the same Doctor of Laws.

The fact that this honour is offered to Dr Morgentaler for his work in normalizing abortion reduces the value of the award, besmirches Rev Malloy’s reputation, and poses ethical problems.

The struggle is first and foremost about abortion and its victims. Let us not quibble about the details of locale. The Canadians are doing their part by protesting the award to Morgentaler. The Americans are being asked to their part by asking Malloy to decline the award.

If you are Canadian, please go to the Morgentaler thread on this forum. If you are American, then this current thread is the thread for you. I am hoping you will step forward and do one or more of the suggested initiatives previously posted on this thread.

Our current Pope has underlined that being Catholic is not just about talking the talk, it is now more than ever about walking the walk. In an age troubled by moral relativism and secularism, if we are not part of the solution then we are part of the problem.
**What order is “CSC”

I noticed that he is involved with GHW Bush’s Thousand Points of Demonic Light too.

Real Nice.**
CSC is Congregation of the Holy Cross, the original founding order of Notre Dame. Bishop Jenky is a member of this order.

Oh, and BTW, tell me why again this is worth getting all exercised about (The Father Malloy part, not the abortionist part).

Piusx and John Higgins:

With all due respect, your comments are off topic. You are welcome to start your own threads. However this thread is about asking Rev Malloy to decline his award. If you are not willing to join in that action, that is up to you.

Piusx: I have no idea what you are on about. You have explained nothing and provided no links.

John Higgins: Your comments are disingenuous and sarcastic. There is more than enough information on this case posted both on this thread and on the Morgentaler thread for you to get a thorough idea about what the issues are. I have also taken the trouble to post links to all sources of information.

Both of you are disrupting this thread. I have asked the mods to intervene and hope that you will take any of the following options:
  1. Start your own thread.
  2. Do the reading and join in the action.
  3. Do nothing.
Whatever you decide, please stop disrupting this thread. Ani.
The Catholic Civil Rights League (Canada) has asked University of Western alumni to withhold financial donations to the university until such time as the university retracts its offer to award Dr Morgentaler a Doctor of Laws for his work in normalizing abortion.

Please write to the Notre Dame alumni and ask them to withhold further financial donations to their university until such time as Rev Malloy publicly declines his award in protest against the same award being given to abortionist Dr Henry Morgentaler. Here is the email address:


Here is the open letter from Catholic Civil Rights League Canada to University of Western Ontario:

**CCRL encourages Western alumni to stop donating **

TORONTO, March 23, 2005 – The Catholic Civil Rights League (www.ccrl.ca) today expressed its deep regret that the University of Western Ontario is granting an honorary degree to Henry Morgentaler. The London, Ont. university recently announced that the honorees at this year’s Spring convocation ceremonies will include Morgentaler, calling him “a humanist leader who has promoted the idea that people have a right to control their own sexuality and reproduction, without interference by the state.”

The league criticized the choice in an open letter to Western President and Vice Chancellor Paul Davenport. “This man’s sole contribution to Canada has been the taking of life in unprecedented numbers,” said Joanne McGarry, executive director of the league and a Western graduate. “The widespread, unrestricted access to abortion that he has championed is nothing to be proud of, and has been extremely controversial and divisive every step of the way.

“Assuming the views of your alumni reflect those of the Canadian population, at least two-thirds of us do not think unrestricted abortion access is a public good. I will be encouraging all alumni to stop donating to Western, as I will, as long as this award is granted,” said Ms. McGarry. “I urge you to reconsider this decision.”

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