For bishops and 'dissidents' perhaps it's strudel time

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In more than a few dioceses in the United States, Hans Küng would not be able to speak on church property. Bishops in some places are making lists of questions that guest speakers must respond to, and they are demanding that any invitation to speakers outside the small circle of diocesan officials and functionaries be vetted by the bishop.
  The list of the unfit to speak on church property is growing.

  Pope Benedict XVI himself apparently wouldn’t pass the orthodox 		purity test any more, having had a long and apparently cordial meeting with his 		long-time friend, arch-foe and one-time colleague Hans Küng.
In a church where too often dialogue is considered a form of either weakness or confusion, the model of a pope committed to keeping lines of communication open is refreshing indeed.
I agree. Cardinal Ratzinger had a fearsome reputation, but Pope Benedict XVI seems to committed to healing the Church and leading it forward.
And what about other groups – like Call to Action and We are Church and the Women’s Ordination Conference – all of them nervous that they’re not part of the conversation and all of them intent on staying in, even if it means grousing about things. Remember, many if not most of these folks were educated in the finest Catholic schools and universities. They know their stuff, they know the church has changed in the past and will in the future. They also know from long association with theologians and priests and bishops that even church officials talk about things that we’re all told are not supposed to be spoken about.
Another propaganda piece.
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