My fiancee has an ovarian cist that not only causes her great pain when it ruptures but has been told by the doctor that if things get worse it could cause damge to her ovaries. Since it ruptures when she ovulates the doctor has said that if it gets to a certain point she will have to take the pill in order to keep the cist from rupturing and then when we’re ready to have kids to get off the pill. With both of us being Catholic I guess you can see whatthe dilemma we’re in is. On the one hand we have our faith that is opposed to artificial birth controll but on the other hand if she does not take the pill there is a possibility that damge could be done making her unable to have kids. We are discussing this and don’t know what to do, We want Biological kids of our own yet we don’t want to go against the church either. When it comes to the pill does the church allow for exceptions i a woman takes it for medical reasons as opposed to just simply avoid getting pregnant?