For health reasons

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I have been in this situation and took ABCs prior to marriage and they did more harm than good.

Now I am a patient at Pope Paul VI and instead of birth control, my painful cysts are treated with progestone injections. The pain diminishes/disappears within an hour or so. There may also be a root cause to your fiancee’s cysts, which cause her to develop a type of cyst called a luteinized unruptured follicle. These too can be identified and treated easily by the PPVI Inst.
I’m wondering if she could have the cystic ovary removed? That would certainly solve the pain and the dilema of using birth control pills, and she could still conceive easily with only one ovary. You can use NFP until you are ready for children.

Good luck.
That’s sort of like cutting your hand off because it has an infection rather than taking antibiotics, isn’t it…

you’ve still got one good hand, right…
My fiancee has an ovarian cist that not only causes her great pain when it ruptures but has been told by the doctor that if things get worse it could cause damge to her ovaries. Since it ruptures when she ovulates the doctor has said that if it gets to a certain point she will have to take the pill in order to keep the cist from rupturing and then when we’re ready to have kids to get off the pill. With both of us being Catholic I guess you can see whatthe dilemma we’re in is. On the one hand we have our faith that is opposed to artificial birth controll but on the other hand if she does not take the pill there is a possibility that damge could be done making her unable to have kids. We are discussing this and don’t know what to do, We want Biological kids of our own yet we don’t want to go against the church either. When it comes to the pill does the church allow for exceptions i a woman takes it for medical reasons as opposed to just simply avoid getting pregnant?
I have discussed this with a priest in the not too distant past…and he explained that if the pill is being used for health purposes, hormonal balancing, etc…and not for the purpose of preventing birth, then it would be permissable. It is when we use it for the express purpose of preventing life, that it would be deemed unacceptable.
I actually asked this same question on the boards sometime in december…its probably a few pages back if you want to read it…

I to have some severe cysts to the point I have been hospitalized from them rupturing…I was also put on the pill to help with the problem so I can only tell you what happened to me personally.

The way I understand it is that my own cysts also form and rupture during the time of ovulation, now the general idea behind the pill is the hormones are supposed to supress ovulation therefore if your not ovulating you will not expreience cysts.

This is all welll and good but somehow i STILL got a cyst and it ruptured AGIAN.

So my feelings are this : either my doctor did not really take the time to look into the root causes of my cysts and they are not related to ovulating OR while on the pill I still ovulated and had a cysts.

Either way this upsets me because 1) i’m in alot of pain and want this condition resolved and 2) if I am infact ovulating while still on the pill that definatly reinforces the abortive effects of BC pills for me which is horrifying!!!

Luckly my husband and I practice NFP while taking the BC so we were not having relations during “fertile” times

My advice would be to get a few other opinions from some other doctors and see if its necessary and realize she may very well STILL get cysts…I have 😦

good luck!

We’re also looking into other options
I take the pill for hormonal/medical reasons…can you elaborate on NFP while using the pill? I thought that was interesting. thank you. (you can pm me so we don’t go off topic…and share too much here lol)🙂
Even though the church says it’s ok to take the Pill for medical reasons such as chronic cysts, ask your doctor about other treatment options, and about ways to find out why she gets these cysts. As the poster w/ PCOS noted, there are often underlying conditions that cause them, and those should be treated for the sake of her overall health. Insulin resistance, for instance, is a major risk factor for developing type II diabetes. Thyroid trouble can also be a cause of ovarian cyst trouble.

After I had my first ruptured cyst, I was told by a doctor that taking vitamin E supplements can help prevent development of scar tissue on the ovaries, which is what leads to the kind of infertility that your dr. is concerned about. Also, there are ways to adjust one’s diet to help the old hormones stay balanced. That can be a start, in addition to any other treatments the doctor finds necessary. For myself, controlling my diet, and getting regular exercise keep the cyst problems down to a tolerable level, so I don’t need the Pill. 🙂 I also take vitamins that help to keep the thyroid healthy and prevent insulin resistance. Incidentally, exercise also can help with insulin resistance and diabetes, along with a number of other things. 🙂
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