I was interested to see what my fellow lefties do in this situation. I use my left hand.
I am glad you said that…I have a bit of dyslexia and CANNOT tell left from right to save myself! My sons think that is hysterically funny!Lefties of the world – untie! (aren’t we usually a little dyslexic, too?)
I don’t know if there’s history behind the use of the right hand, but for genuflecting, it was “the right knee for God and the left knee for the King”. QUOTE]
Can I say I’m genuflecting before the King of Kings? I genuflect on my left knee. I have no idea how long I’ve done it this way and didn’t until recently realize that I was backwards. Now it’s so ingrained that I’ve been unable to make myself switch.
No. I used my right hand.I was interested to see what my fellow lefties do in this situation. I use my left hand.
So practice. How hard IS this? Pretend you are an altar server at St. Peter’s. God is in the details! OK, jump on me. But I’m English and this stuff is genetically linked. (It really is.):whacky:I don’t know if there’s history behind the use of the right hand, but for genuflecting, it was “the right knee for God and the left knee for the King”. QUOTE]
Can I say I’m genuflecting before the King of Kings? I genuflect on my left knee. I have no idea how long I’ve done it this way and didn’t until recently realize that I was backwards. Now it’s so ingrained that I’ve been unable to make myself switch.
As a Byzantine Catholic, I have yet to see someone use their left hand. However we touch our forehead and then go to the our right shoulder instead of starting out with the left (as the Latin West does).You can use either hand for the Sign of the Cross. The Byzantines use their left hand regularly. That’s just part of their rite.
My son (he’s 2) uses his left and hand and only touches his head and tummy. The ushers get a kick out of it. I know it counts.