Ireland Eve ( 2months old) is being Life Flighted to Children’s Hospital. No idea what is wrong but she is seriously ill, 104 fever and lethargic.The emergency clinic decided it is wayyy serious!
I’m praying for her, and sending her name for prayer requests.Ireland Eve ( 2months old) is being Life Flighted to Children’s Hospital. No idea what is wrong but she is seriously ill, 104 fever and lethargic.The emergency clinic decided it is wayyy serious!
Man - I will pray hard for Ireland. You must be out of your mind with worry.
I’m praying for her, and sending her name for prayer requests.
Thank you all. It’s going to be a long night. They are doing a spinal tap right now. They are testing for meningitisPraying now, dear. Please keep us posted.
Thank you. No changes to report yet today, but I know God is listening.Thank you for the updates. I’m still praying.
Thanks be that the problem’s been diagnosed. Prayers for a quick recovery.Test results are in. She has a UTI. Fever is normal now, and if it stays normal through 5:00 tonight, she can come home tonight or in the morning.
Thank you for all of your prayers.
I’ll second that!Yippee!!! Praise God.
Yes, she is home today and doing very well. Almost back to her sweet smiling little self.Any updates on the little mite? Did she get to come home?