German GIRL, sweetie, German girl.
Gosh, I guess I ruffled your feathers a bit. And, mea culpa, I was wrong about the German vote. I knew I should have checked it more carefully, that’s what I get for being home and only checking via the Internet instead of being at work where I could have checked out real materials in the library.
However, let’s try to start all over again, friendly-like, with my apologies for being wrong on several counts.
What I meant to say is, for the positive aspects of the Norman Conquest, it isn’t that “we don’t want to be speaking German”. That is, indeed, a moot point. Saxons didn’t speak German, and one of the posters quite correctly pointed out to you that the admixture of Norman French and Saxon Old English produced the masterpieces of first Chaucer and later Shakespeare et. al.
Indeed, what would Russell Kirk, for example, have considered the best reason for the Norman conquest? I don’t think it was “not speaking German”. Since you very kindly referenced Mr. Kirk for another poster, and since you equally well referenced Mr. Tolkien’s reason as the second part of your poll, could you please use Mr. Kirk’s best reason, if not by changing your question, as a response to me, so that I can better think about my own take on the Conquest?