I live in the Rochester, NY Diocese and for those who don’t know, I think “Rochester” is Latin for “Liturgical Abuse.” I know there are many other dioceses like this too. I think it is time for us faithful members of these spiritually ill, disobediant dioceses to devise some practical, peacful, charitable, Christ centered ways to renew them, stop the horrible Liturgical abuses, and unify them with the universial Church. Obviously and sadly, are Bishop(s) are not helping but condoning these behaviors. As sucessors of the Apostles, we must have respect for them, but we can not remain silent when are basic rights as Catholics, such as the right to the mass the way it should be, are violated.
Here are some of my suggestions, please post comments and any other advice or ideas you may have:
Please pray for me, and I will keep all those in this forum, and those experiencing abuses in my prayers. Pray to Mary, our teacher, guide, and mother. I truly believe in The Holy Father’s vision of a “new springtime of evangilization.”
God Bless
Here are some of my suggestions, please post comments and any other advice or ideas you may have:
- Eucharsitc Adoration. I believe it was Fr. Groeschel who said that renewal in the Church must be and will be Eucharistic centered. We must pray and adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and have His light shine on us, so it may shine on others, just as Moses’ face was shining after he came down from Mount Sinai conversing with God(Ex 34:29).
- Pray fervantly for your Bishop, write to him, if he does nothing, write to the Vatican, according to Redempionis Sacramentum. If we all start doing this, sooner or later it will make an impact. Do not feel we have no say, are to weak, do not despair. Remember, a humble woman such as St. Catherine of Sienna was responsible for moving the Pope back to Rome during the time he was in Avignon, France. Let’s pray fot the intercession of St. Catherine, other Saints, especially Servant of God Fulton Sheen for the Rochester diocese.
- Find the good, orthodox parishes in your diocese if you can. Do not go on supporting parishes and priest who dissent and/or are disobediant to the Church and Liturgical norms. I know that even when there are many liturgical abuses, Christ is still made present (as long as the mass is valid), so we must remember that and never show disrespect or walk out even a lay person is giving a homily. But if you are able, find a better parish, even if it means traveling a bit. Register with the better parish and support them monitarily. No need to give money to the parishes who are abusing the Liturgy! A good way to make change, cut off the donations to the abussing parish! Please Do not forget the precept of the Church to contribute to the support of your pastor, this is why I suggest finding a good pastor to support. Remember prudence!
- Read and learn about the Saints. See what they have done to make reform in times like these. Pray for their intercession.
- We must pray for each other, and treat each other in a Christ like manner. Inner renewal is key! We must conform to Christ and live according to His Gospel.
- Let’s try to meet with others and form prayer groups, adoration groups, active groups, and teach others the faith.
Please pray for me, and I will keep all those in this forum, and those experiencing abuses in my prayers. Pray to Mary, our teacher, guide, and mother. I truly believe in The Holy Father’s vision of a “new springtime of evangilization.”
God Bless