For Those who Say Yoga Is Demonic: AoG Pastor Briefly Speaks, Then Hear From A Priest’s Perspective

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Hope can you post the threads where the priests are saying yoga opens the demonic door. Have any priests on CAF actually said this, or is it hearsay, second hand. CAF ers saying no don’t do yoga because i heard priest x y or z say its a demonic entry point
Wasn’t “yoga” invented in Sweden as an exercise regimen and only years later co-opted in India as a religious practice?
I don’t recall any priests on here say that, but posters here have said they’ve heard it. I’ll try to find a couple posts.
Hope that video has been removed. Take it as more internet rubbish. I clicked your link and got nothing

trying again
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The thing is, posters can say anything they want, ’ i heard this, i heard that’ But it doesnt make it a fact. we have to go to the horses mouth.
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I read an article or two on that. Interesting. I think hatha yoga goes way back in India. But I also think it was invigorated and popularized by Swedish & English influence.
Bishop: Yoga, Reiki, and Tai Chi can lead to people being in the grip of demonic forces Spirituality Bishop Porteous - who has stood in as exorcist for the Sydney archdiocese over the past five years - warns that yoga, reiki massages and tai chi can lead to people being in the grip of ‘‘demonic forces’’. ‘‘A person can move from the use of a simple practice to de-stress to embracing the underlining theory and religious beliefs because these all come out of religious traditions of the East and people can then find themselves in the grip of demonic f…
i cannot access the link to your CAF thread. Can you… the link of the Bishop’s statement?
Tap the top, the title, and it leads to the thread.
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I can still access it. Can anybody else?
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i suggest contacting ArchBishop Porteous and asking him personally what he was saying in 2010. Rather then going by a non catholic minister on a random fb page.

be prepared though, he is pretty outspoken case in point

and very hard line

His bio,

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I can’t guess what is in the minds of people that condemn yoga, but I suspect it isn’t the stretching that upsets detractors, most likely it is the candles , mandalas, chanting and so on. I think saying it is demonic is a stretch. [yes it’s a pun]

As far as master Harry, well, haven’t we all wished when we were being scolded by our third grade teacher that we could turn her into a toad or something? Seriously though, there are probably a small group of children or adults that might become attracted to the idea of magic, and they could stray to other things such as wica.

Given the chance would I “wish away” Hogwarts? Not a chance. It is wonderful escape literature and a huge help with literacy. I have deep respect for the ministry of exorcism, but personally I just cant sign on to the fact that yoga or Harry is somehow harmful for the majority of people.
Here’s some of it:beckycmarie

Mar '10
Bishop Porteous - who has stood in as exorcist for the Sydney archdiocese over the past five years - warns that yoga, reiki massages and tai chi can lead to people being in the grip of ‘‘demonic forces’’.
‘‘A person can move from the use of a simple practice to de-stress to embracing the underlining theory and religious beliefs because these all come out of religious traditions of the East and people can then find themselves in the grip of demonic forces,’’ he said. ‘‘People can be naive in that regard.’’
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Mar '10
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Mar '10

I don’t really know about yoga.

I do know, however, about Tai Chi. I used to practice martial arts for well over a decade.

The bishop is dead wrong. Tai Chi is a form of exercise, derived from an ancient martial art. It’s main benefits are health of the body and peace of mind - of mind, mind you, not of soul.

In some of it’s forms, it is rooted in ancient eastern philosophical theories, yes. However, the practice of martial arts, including Tai Chi, was heavily promoted in communist and atheist China, by a regime that loathed anything that resembled spirituality or religion, be it holy or demonic.

Take my example. I practiced Karate Do, Jeet Kune Do and Tae Kwon Do for 12 years and it did nothing to make me more or less religious. I was way healthier back then, though.

The bishop might as well say that the study of sculpture is dangerous, what with all those pagan statues of gods and naked women.

And even IF we did go into the spirituality that was used by the ancient Chinese to found martial arts on, it’s very difficult, if not straight out impossible, to find anything that directly opposes Christianity. To speak of demonic forces involved in Tai Chi is absurd,not to mention insulting for a billion Chinese for whom Tai Chi is part of their national heritage, in general, and for millions of Chinese Christians who practice it, in particular.
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