For Trump, a Pattern of Denial, From the Virus to Russia to Climate Change

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He ‘plays down’ publicity as to bad news and anything which conflicts with his worldview. Isn’t this condescending or disrespectful to the American people? We can handle the truth.

" Still sick and dependent on a potent cocktail of antiviral drugs and steroids, President Trump turned his highly choreographed return to the White House into another vivid example of the recurrent theme of his presidency: the denial of obvious facts when they don’t meet his political needs.

His message on Monday evening and reiterated on Tuesday was that Americans had nothing to fear from the coronavirus, and it denied the obvious: The disease he said would disappear as the weather warmed in the spring, “like a miracle,” had already claimed the lives of more than 210,000 of his compatriots.

Mr. Trump wasn’t really saying anything new — he has minimized the effects of the virus since January — and his presidency has in many ways been defined by his dismissal of many of the biggest threats facing the United States. His preoccupation with demonstrating strength or rearranging facts to reinforce his worldview has led him, time and again, to downplay, ignore or mock everything from climate change to Russian interference in the American political process.

Mr. Trump’s own Pentagon declared in a report last year that a warming climate was a major “national security issue” that could spur future instability around the globe, but to Mr. Trump it remains a theory, something to be stricken from government reports and explained away when the West erupted in wildfires.

His intelligence agencies have assessed that North Korea’s nuclear stockpile has expanded significantly on Mr. Trump’s watch. But to the president, that arsenal — which he said in 2017 might force him to take military action leading to “fire and fury like the world has never seen” — is hardly worth mention today. Asked about it, he invariably turns the conversation to his relationship with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader."

Cannot wait for the leftist media to actually report on the actual facts.The unredacted,declassified reports on the nefarious actions of HC,Obama,et all. Truth will out!🇺🇸
Given how well Trump seems to be handling his bout of COVID, it would appear that treating the virus like an unstoppable death sentence was not so warranted.
This is honestly the most bizarre takeaway from Trump being unwell. There was always a chance that the elderly could survive the virus - a man over the age of 100 survived it in Italy months ago. The fact that the president of America survived after receiving the best treatment available doesn’t really contradict anyone’s narrative (and by all accounts he is still unwell).
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Cannot wait for the leftist media to actually report on the actual facts.The unredacted,declassified reports on the nefarious actions of HC,Obama,et all. Truth will out!
Nice deflection. You have anything on the issue of this thread?
You can always tell who watches only the alphabet networks.
Haaaaaa,more Projection
oh welll
Chickens are coming home to roost!👍
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Isn’t that the God’s honest truth! :woman_facepalming:t2:
Cannot wait for the leftist media to actually report on the actual facts.The unredacted,declassified reports on the nefarious actions of HC,Obama,et all. Truth will out!🇺🇸
A rather unimaginative pivot. Typical.
For the NY Times opinion blog: a pattern of denial from Cuomo to China to Russia to climate change.

They should be cheering Trump’s declassification of the Russian business. But they’re not. I wonder why.
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