Forgotten Private Revelation?

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So I’m currently discerning the priesthood, and I started to in second grade, or so I thought until my mom told me that one day after VBS when I was five, I told her that God had talked to me. I tried to explain how he had, but all I said was, “in the air.” I told her that he said he wanted me to be a priest.

I don’t remember that. I feel like it could have happened, but I was only five and could have been mistaken or lying.

This is, as far as I know, a unique situation. I don’t see how it would be impossible to forget a private revelation, but I don’t see why one would, or why God wouldn’t help one to retain it.

I know that God works in His own Way and certainly doesn’t always “make sense,” but I want to know if y’all have any particular insights, comparisons, or advice.
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Saint John Bosco said of his private revelations: that they are written on the soul, and are impossible to forget, because they are from God, not the material world.
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We don’t always remember stuff that happens when we are that young. My mother remembered stuff I said or did that I do not have good memories of.

You are also not bound by whatever you might have said when you were that age. As small children, we consider a lot of careers. I wanted to be a go-go dancer or a veterinarian, neither of which I ended up doing, though I do like to dance and I have a lot of rescue pets.

If this thought is really bugging you though, it may well be that God is trying to send you a message now. You should pray over it and discuss it with your spiritual director.

Good luck with your decision.
The person is not posting it saying that God actually spoke to him and told him there are going to be 3 more Popes before the end of the world or that the world is ending if we don’t all pray the LOTH or whatever.

He is just recounting a story his mother told him from his childhood in view of a current decision he is making.
If the thread goes buck, it could still get closed.

Most of us have had some small experience involving seeming to get an “answer” from God. If it’s reasonable sounding, people usually don’t flag it.
When I was five, I wanted to be an astronaut…

I wouldn’t suggest letting the report of something you said when you were five influence you either way.

If you feel called to the Priesthood, start the process rolling and see how it goes. Maybe it’s for you, maybe it isn’t…
Thank y’all for the comments and advice.
It would be really great if I could see what exactly St. John Bosco said because I have some new thoughts.

Last night God directed me to this passage:

“Then the Lord said: Go out and stand on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will pass by. There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake—but the LORD was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire—but the LORD was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound.
When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. A voice said to him, Why are you here, Elijah?”
-1 Kings 19:11-13 (NABRE)

God wasn’t in all the extraordinary and miraculous events but in the small sound. Perhaps I did not forget the Revelation I just forgot the pomp and circumstance.

But I do not think this something that anyone other than me will ever be sure of, and I am not yet sure, but this idea has brought me peace.
Read the book: ‘The Forty Dreams of Saint John Bosco.’ (For more understanding of how God worked the charism of dreams with this saint).

It is on for paperback purchase or ebook download onto the kindle app.
A private revelation cannot be believed in unless your priest spiritual director approves of it.
And cannot be publicised unless your bishop approves of it. ☺️
Read: ‘The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything’ on how to discern priesthood using Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s method of discernment.

Basically when it is God’s will there will be peace and good fruit in your life from you towards all others, and prayer will come easily.

When it is not God’s will; there will be no peace within you, there will be bad fruit from you towards others in your life, prayer will become difficult, and good deeds will become difficult.

‘By your fruits shall you know it.’
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It seems that Juan Diego believed in his Private Revelation without approval of a spiritual director.
And there are many who had private revelations and believed them, that the Vatican investigated and disapproved. Or worse: people who had demonic apparitions claiming to be from God.

Saint Theresa of Avila wrote:
The more God sent her visions etc, the more satan sent false apparitions.
And she wrote: ‘Whoever has themself as their own spiritual director, has a fool for a spiritual director.’

Because only the church can approve private revelation.
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Once a miracle has occurred, it simply becomes embedded in the natural world, and subject to all natural processes.

If the experience has were authentic, the fact that you forgot about it does not detract from the experience. The experience may not even have been for your benefit in particular, but your mother’s, to prepare her emotionally for your potential vocation.
That was then, this is now. God is speaking to you right now. Only in silence will you - can you - hear Him.
You are right that I should consult a priest, and until I do I will neither accept my possible revelation as true or untrue, as heavenly, earthly, or demonic. I will be open to God and strive in prayer. I think I have implied more than I have meant to, but I want to assure you that I follow God and His Church, and all she teaches.
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