I was homeschooled K-12. I’m in college now, Junior year and have a 3.9 grade average so far. And I will echo Cruciferi, college is so much like homeschooling, just a higher level.
As far as socializing goes, it is so easy to socialize in public school because you’re stuck with umpteen kids 5 days a week. But, one thing that I wonder, when in your adult life are you ever going to be in a room with 25 people your exact same age? When you homeschool, and you go to homeschool get-togthers you will have to interact with babies, toddlers, teenagers, young adults and adults. One thing I’ve consistently heard from folks is that homeschoolers can talk easily with adults in a mature way.
And, as Cruciferi noted, you have to actual seek out folks when you are homeschooled to be friends with. And there is nothing wrong with that. Because that’s oftentimes what you are going to have to do as an adult. Put them in activities that required socialization. I was in soccer for a few years and I served at the altar (still do actually as the head MC).
But, as a homeschooled parent, never let folks laugh you off as someone who does nothing. My mom would smack them over the head. She does so much. But the good things is there is so many resources. You can get your kids to take online classes (I did some of that during highschool). Homeschool co-ops.
And the best part? You can do school in your PJs. And have Friday off if you work hard. I loved my homeschool experience and wouldn’t change it for the world.