Four POV In Next Conclave

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Since no one group has the necessary majority to sway the vote, Allen believes it’s plausible that members of different parties will form “alliances.” It’s conceivable, Allen explained, that members of the social justice and reform parties could align as well as representatives from the border patrol and integralists. “I don’t think you’re going to get a pure representative of any one of these four camps as your pope; inevitably, it’s going to be a compromise,” declared Allen.

According to Allen, it’s unlikely that eligible members of the College of Cardinals will elect somebody presently working in Rome, such as Nigerian-born Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. It will probably be a candidate outside of the Vatican who is acceptable to two or more groups.

“The story of the next election is being written right now,” declared Allen. “You have an opportunity to be involved in this conversation.” He urged Catholics to “engage” themselves by communicating with cardinals who will be electing the next pope.
Better yet…Pray and fast for our bishops and clergy like we know we are supposed to do.
Pax vobiscum,
I’m not sure if it’s our place to be invloved, except through prayer and fasting. The cardinals are not representatives and senators who are there to do our will. They don’t need our influence; they’ll be influenced by the Holy Spirit.
I’m not sure if it’s our place to be invloved, except through prayer and fasting. The cardinals are not representatives and senators who are there to do our will. They don’t need our influence; they’ll be influenced by the Holy Spirit.
Well a rather well known Catholic disagrees with your theory of non-involvement: Abp.Fulton J.Sheen before the KoC Jun/1972. “Who is going to save our Church ? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious.”

Since the average Catholic knows nothing much about international bishops most of them I would think, would not be lobbying for an individual but for a POV - I see nothing wrong in encouraging bishops who you think take the proper stands publicly to continue to embrace what you feel is the right thing to do. We will continue to get more of what we’ve seen in the past few decades unless we let our cardinal bishops know what we need and what we hope for.

If more of us had been awake sooner, much pain, sorrow and non-sense could have been avoided,
All news and stories are gossip/speculation until they happen Gilliam.
John Allen? Give me a break. Why does the liberal media always go to John Allen for gossip? Because those inside the Vatican who want their gossip to get out to the press tell it to John Allen. He is the Ann Landers of the Vatican.

I say it again: gossip
Well a rather well known Catholic disagrees with your theory of non-involvement: Abp.Fulton J.Sheen before the KoC Jun/1972. “Who is going to save our Church ? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious.”

Since the average Catholic knows nothing much about international bishops most of them I would think, would not be lobbying for an individual but for a POV - I see nothing wrong in encouraging bishops who you think take the proper stands publicly to continue to embrace what you feel is the right thing to do. We will continue to get more of what we’ve seen in the past few decades unless we let our cardinal bishops know what we need and what we hope for.

If more of us had been awake sooner, much pain, sorrow and non-sense could have been avoided,
That’s interesting, I never knew that. I would have assumed that would encourage campaiging by cardinals, which is a grave sin. I guess not though, since campaigning to lay people would be pointless, and in the end they have no real incentive to do what we say anyway, since they technically don’t have to answer to us like an elected offical does.
That’s interesting, I never knew that. I would have assumed that would encourage campaiging by cardinals, which is a grave sin. I guess not though, since campaigning to lay people would be pointless, and in the end they have no real incentive to do what we say anyway, since they technically don’t have to answer to us like an elected offical does.
There is always campaigning although not overtly - either by an indiividual, a faction or a friend. Campaigning in the sense that the Vatican states it as “grievous sin” is usually considered as looking at candidates who try to buy, sell or promise things or who overtly campaign for themselves - it’s a definitive no-no. Sheen’s words are not about campaigning for individuals to hold office but on how the life of the church is going. Bishops and cardinals are humans - heaven kows they hear from us when they displease us, we ought to encourage them when they do the right thing.
John Allen? Give me a break. Why does the liberal media always go to John Allen for gossip? Because those inside the Vatican who want their gossip to get out to the press tell it to John Allen. He is the Ann Landers of the Vatican.

I say it again: gossip
For four reasons:

He is the most widely known and read Vatican reporter from the US.

He is able to articulate what he sees and hears pretty well and has a reputation of being “fair”.

He has been right on target in a number of stories.

He makes himself available to the press often when the Vatican offices don’t provide the info reporters are looking for when they are covering stories.

And every reporter in the world knows that in most interviews he is getting, the person giving it is usually wanting to get their POV across. This four factions is his own analysis of what he has garnered in this regard for a couple of years now.
He is the most widely known and read Vatican reporter from the US.
He is one of the very few US reporters who lives in Rome.
He has been right on target in a number of stories.
He’s also had some spectacular failures: the Rice/Sodano story this week and the Pope’s supposed Passion comment jump to mind.
He makes himself available to the press often when the Vatican offices don’t provide the info reporters are looking for when they are covering stories.
Yes, which, imo, is the reason for the above.
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