Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy Pulled From EWTN

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Since the orginal thread was closed :confused: Did anyone get a prayer request for Father Angelus? I got one tonight:

*We want to storm heaven for prayers for Father Angelus.
Please send this novena to as many friends as you can.
Father needs us now !

The Franciscan motto is “With Christ I Hang Upon The Cross”
    When Father Angelus was ordained into Holy Priesthood more than fifty years ago, he was         assured that he would have to endure persecution as he lived his life in the footsteps of Christ.         Father welcomed the challenge with open arms.  However, Father never imagined that his persecution  would come from within Holy Mother Church.

    We know that the Church cannot be damaged by attacks from without;  any damage originates
from within. According to Matthew 15: 17-19 Jesus said “Dont you see whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then goes out of the body? But the things that comes out of the mouth come from the heart and this makes a man unclean.”
    At the present time, Father Angelus is undergoing a persecution from within his own missionary        assignment. This assault is being driven by  fear, jealously, lust for power and perhaps, senility. A person so bent on destroying another person because of their own evil will ultimately destroy themselves in the process.  Father Angelus is like pure gold; the more it is burnished, the more beautiful it becomes.

                               This is the reason we must have a prayer novena.  

    Our beloved Father Angelus and all of us will be victorious when Our Lord and Savior is born on Christmas Day, 2005.                                                  

    "Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold.  In that hour vouchsafe, O My God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of  His Blessed Mother, Amen."

    It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times a day from the Feast of St. Andrew (30th Nov.) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.]
Interesting, my son just sent this to me and it is coming from his Official Website:confused: from the webmaster.

Something about this just doesn’t set right with me though. I think that the Moderators should check into it so I have sent a report to them.
And be sure to support him on his website here

Was Fr. Angelus pulled from EWTN because some higher up in his Capuchin order was ticked off by his overtly orthodox ministry there? Or was it plain jealousy? Or just one big mistake? We may never know.

This reminds me of what happened to a Fr. Ken Roberts a number of years back, who was yet another holy priest hushed up by his superiors, and also associated with EWTN. Kinda makes one wonder doesn’t it…:ehh:

It seems the older and more established these orders become, the more political rather than mission driven they are. And I’m sure Capuchin founder Father Matteo di Bassi must be turning over in his grave right now.

Whatever the case, let us pray…:gopray2:
I made the original post that got pulled :confused: and got the same e-mail this evening. I will try to see if I can find out more about what’s going on. I knew something seemed very wrong with his abrupt departure from EWTN’s televised Mass. In the mean time PLEASE PRAY!! I miss seeing him. :gopray2:
Interesting, my son just sent this to me and it is coming from his Official Website:confused: from the webmaster.

Something about this just doesn’t set right with me though. I think that the Moderators should check into it so I have sent a report to them.
I received this mass email too. I felt too that there was something in this that was not quite right. I am wondering if this actually came from Fr. Angelus. Maybe it came from one of his supporters using this name? Here is my response to this email.

Your mass email on Fr Angelus’ persecution has been going
around. I don’t understand why you resorted to this
type of email. It is a defensive position and yet it
also comes across as very aggressive as well.

Note you said: " At the present time, Father Angelus
is undergoing a persecution from within his own
missionary assignment. This assault is being
driven by fear, jealously, lust for power and
perhaps, senility. "

This can become a vicious speculation to those who read this. Who is this person-- Mother Angelica? We can start pointing

Why mention “haft truths” or incomplete facts.

If you wanted to come up with a defence, first mention
what the issue is all about and not just talk about
the supposed reason of “fear, jealousy, lust for power
and senility”. When you leave things
vague, people will fill in the blank and there may be
a lot of injustice and wrongful accusations.

Many saints were persecuted but they remained silent. But this email was like going on a duel fight in public.
Did Fr. Angelus actually approve of this email
campaign you are doing?

This is not to say that I don’t love Fr. Angelus . I
love him and I have always enjoyed his spirited
homilies and I am so sad that he is no longer with
EWTN. Yes, I will pray for Fr. Angelus.

Thank you!
The original thread on this topic was closed because it did not contain a link to a news source. Neither does this one and it has met the same fate, as will any future ones.

Please do not open threads based on emails or rumor. You are free to discuss this topic if you can link to a news source (not a blog).
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