Fr. Pavone on the Supreme Court Vacancy

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July 1, 2005

Dear Friends:

As you may have heard, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has just resigned her position. Justice O’Connor was frequently the deciding vote in 5-4 decisions. Please pray for Mrs. O’Connor and her family in this difficult time.

With her resignation, a Supreme Court vacancy has been created. We have every confidence that President Bush will appoint a nominee who will exercise the restraint necessary to judges to strictly apply the Constitution rather than write new policies into it. Even so, we know that as you are reading this, the White House is being flooded with calls regarding the vacancy. Even if President Bush is predisposed to nominate a judge who recognizes the many levels on which Roe was wrongly decided, it is extremely difficult for politicians to withstand pressure that is heavily against their inclinations.

How important is this nomination? The Supreme Court is currently divided 6-3 in favor of Roe. This is an opportunity to gain an anti-Roe seat on the Supreme Court and replace Ms. O’Connor with a strict constructionist who will apply the Constitution rather than rewrite it.

That is why I am writing to you now. We need as many pro-lifers as possible to contact the White House about the vacancy. Please call the White House Comment Line at (202) 456-1111 and tell resident Bush that you strongly agree with his view that Justices on the Court should not write law, but apply it. You may also contact the President via e-mail at or by fax at 202-456-2461. Because time is of the essence, it is best to use one or more of these methods of communication, as mail will likely be too late to have a serious impact on the decision. Please also forward this to all of your pro-life friends and relatives. Any given call could mean the difference between protecting women and children in three years and not protecting them for decades to come.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director,
Priests for Life
Lets not waste time. Lets bombard the White House and our senators regarding our expectations regarding Supreme Court nominations. This was one of our primary reasons for voting for them in the first place. Now, lets hold them to our expectation!!!
This is encouraging:

O’Connor Resignation Creates Ominous Court Vacancy

Planned Parenthood
July 1, 2005
CONTACT:Erin Libit
(202) 973-4883

The resignation of Justice O’Connor creates a devastating and dangerous moment for reproductive health care and women’s rights," said PPFA Interim President Karen Pearl. "Her departure places women’s health at risk, endangering the future of reproductive rights in this nation . . .full article
We need as many pro-lifers as possible to contact the White House about the vacancy. Please call the White House Comment Line at (202) 456-1111 and tell resident Bush that you strongly agree with his view that Justices on the Court should not write law, but apply it. You may also contact the President via e-mail at or by fax at 202-456-2461.
Any suggestions on how to comment for those who are new to this arena?

Should comments be brief and general?

Should women who regret having had an abortion mention this in their comments to the President regarding the Justice vacancy?

Just some questions that have come up in response to this request… thanks
You might simply say “Anyone but Alberto Gonzalez”

If Bush does nominate the Attorney General it will be very bad for the pro-life movement, conservatism and the Republican party.

I can’t imagine he will do it but then you never know.
Funny, the article talks about the health and reproductive rights for women! Underlying that is death of children from murdering children for the sake of sexual relationships without responsibility. Not just Christian issues of murder, but also undermining marriage, adultry/ fornication & coveting neighbor’s spouse. Wow! Satan can color over such horror with a pretty picture!

Let your President and senators know that you expect a pro-life candidate who will interpret law based upon the original intentions of the constitution!

This is encouraging:

O’Connor Resignation Creates Ominous Court Vacancy

Planned Parenthood
July 1, 2005
CONTACT:Erin Libit
(202) 973-4883

The resignation of Justice O’Connor creates a devastating and dangerous moment for reproductive health care and women’s rights," said PPFA Interim President Karen Pearl. "Her departure places women’s health at risk, endangering the future of reproductive rights in this nation . . .full article
There Go I:
Any suggestions on how to comment for those who are new to this arena?

Should comments be brief and general?

Should women who regret having had an abortion mention this in their comments to the President regarding the Justice vacancy?

Just some questions that have come up in response to this request… thanks
There Go I:

Comments to the President should state our desire for a Pro-Life Judge who will strictly interpret the Constitution (the two go hand in hand - Roe V. Wade came about because somebody “read something into” the Consitition).

We need to also state our willingness to support that nominee in the fight that will ensue on the floor of the Senate, and that we will match the Pro-Abortion Liberals in terms of the actual numbers of people involved, and that, unlike them, we represent the majority of Americans on this issue.

By all means, those women who’ve suffered from the pain of Abortion should tell their stories, not only to the President, but to each and every member of Congress. The Liberal Democratic women will esp. be horrified to hear about the suffering they’re hslping to cause.

Then, everyone should e-mail the Senators from their states, esp. if those Senators are Democrats, stating that they OPPOSE ANY FILIBUSTER of any kind. If the Senators from your states aren’t Democrats, e-mail Minority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Hillary Clinton (Clinton’s running for President in 2008 & is trying to establish some “Conservative Credentials”).

Oer the following communication, the Pro-Abortion groups are preparing for a big fight on this and are going to insist that the Democrats in the Senate FILIBUSTER and PRO-LIFE Nominee. The agreement actually allows the Democrats to do the FILIBUSTER by calling the replacing of a PRO-ABORTION JUSTICE (Sandra Day O’Conner) with any PRO-LIFE JUSTICE (anyone Bush plans to nominate) an Extraordinary Circumstance allowing for the FILIBUSTER.


The Senate’s Contact information is here:
Senators of the 109th Congress

We should also cc when sending anything to President Bush

The White House also has a web mail so you can know that you’ve been registered:

I hope this helps:

As soon as I’ve e-mailed letters, I’ll post them her, but I recommend that women who sufferred the pain of Abortion personally describe the event and the pain, than then post the letter here so we can pray for you.

God bless you all for acting to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Thank you, Traditional Ang, for the wealth of helpful information and suggestions given in your response.
You might simply say “Anyone but Alberto Gonzalez”

If Bush does nominate the Attorney General it will be very bad for the pro-life movement, conservatism and the Republican party.

I can’t imagine he will do it but then you never know.

Alberto Gonzalez ia Pro-Life and Conservative regarding the Constitution. Although there are a dozen or so who are better gualified than he is, he’s still an improvement over Sandra Day O’Conner. He probably won’t vote to ban all abortions, but he will vote to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Remember, as Chief Justice of the TX Supreme Court, he was bound by that accursed law. All the right people (NOW, NARAL. PP, etc.) hate him and will push the Democrats to FILIBUSTER him. That should tell you all you need to know for this fight.

Blessed are they who act to stop the slaughter of the Innocent. Michael
There Go I:
Thank you, Traditional Ang, for the wealth of helpful information given in your response.
You’re welcome, There Go I.

Now, let me see if I can get White House Web mail to work, or if we’re stuck with e-mails.

Bless you, Michael
Brothers and Sisters - Just sent to the White House:

Dear Mr. President:

As we note the retirement of Sandra Day O’Conner, we note the opportunities lost, first to nominate a justice with a firm set of beliefs, than when the various times she decided to support Roe V. Wade and it’s various follow-ups on narrow ruling after narrow ruling, none of which seemed supported by the actual words of the Constitution, but all of which found support under the Liberal Wing of the Supreme Court and the Liberal’s new found friend, Justice O’Conner.

Mr. President, PLEASE DO NOT make the same mistake that was made when Justice Sandra Day O’Conner was nominated, do not yield to the pressure from the Democrats and nominate a Moderate - Liberal Justice who will continue to interpret the Constitution in a way never envisioned by our framers, but only recently (in our country’s history) forced upon us by Liberal Courts who started using the “Spirit of the Constitution” and Foreign precedents to allow them to lesgislate from the bench.

Please nominate a Justice who is Pro-Life and Conservative, who will fight to preserve Life, esp. that of Innocent unborn babies, and who will strictly interpret the Condititution such as Justices Scalia and Thomas have and do.

If you do this, I promise you my support and that of my fellow Catholics and Conservatives during the upcoming fight in the Senate. I promise you that we will turn out in force for such a nominee.

Name and Address in Original

This was sent to
White House Web Mail
And e-mailed to &

White House Web Mail can be a bit cantankerous, so just be patient, and remember to watch your e-mail and RESPOND to the inquiry it sends out!

There are also phone numbers here if you’re feeling ambitious:

May God bless those who act over this weekend. Michael
Sent to Sen. Boxer - I live in CA:

Dear Senator Boxer:

The resignation of Justice Sandra Day O’Conner means that President George bush now has the opportunity to nominate someone to fill that seat. It also, I understand, means the Democrats in the Senate now will exercise what they meant when they said “Extraordinary Circumstances” in the agreement that was so recently brokered to restored comity to the Senate.

I hear that the groups who raise your money are demanding just such and have set up phone banks and sign up all their members as “Rapid responders” who’ll make it look as if the FILIBUSTERING and SLANDERING of the most MILD PRO-LIFE or CONSERVATIVE Nominee has popular support, when, in fact, that isn’t the case.

Senator Boxer, I’m a Democrat, but I’m also a Catholic, and because of that, I cannot only NOT support such an action on your part or that or any other Democrat, I must vigorously oppose it. If you decide to participate in this combination “FILIBUSTER and SLANDER Session”, you’ll leave me with no alternative but to cross party lines and to oppose you in the next election. This will include “wising-up” the Republicans so they do not run a stiff against you again, but someone with real across the board appeal who can actually beat you.

I beg you to not force me to use my valuable time in that fashion, but to not participate in any of the Slandering of President Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court, whoever that may be, and to vote for cloiture on each and every vote.

Thank you for your time. I really do want you to represent me on this and not some group from outside of our state.

Name and address on original

That’s about as nice as I can make it to a Senator with a 100% from both NARAL and Planned Parenthood. She’s also about as PRO-DEATH as someone can get and not be opposed to human survival.

I’ve corresponded with Senator Boxer for over 4 years. I don’t think I ever managed to get her to RECONSIDER ONE position in over 4 years. But I did say to send out letters to the Democrats, didn’t I?

Blessings on those who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Minority Leader Harry Reid:

Dear Minority Leader Reid:

The resignation of Justice Sandra Day O’Conner means that President George bush now has the opportunity to nominate someone to fill that seat. It also, I understand, means the Democrats in the Senate now will exercise what they meant when they said “Extraordinary Circumstances” in the agreement that was so recently brokered to restore comity to the Senate.

I hear that the groups who raise money for the Democrats are demanding just such and have set up phone banks and signed up all their members as “Rapid responders” who’ll make it look as if the FILIBUSTERING and SLANDERING of the most MILD PRO-LIFE or CONSERVATIVE Nominee has popular support, when, in fact, that isn’t the case.

Senator Reid, I’m a Democrat, but I’m also a Catholic, and because of that, I cannot only NOT support such an action on your part or that or any other Democrat, I must vigorously oppose it. If you decide to participate in this combination “FILIBUSTER and SLANDER Session”, you’ll leave me with no alternative but to cross party lines and to oppose any and all Democrats in the next election. This will include campaigning for any Republican running against you, and campaigning for the Republicans running against “Vulnerable” Democratic Senators in the next election.

I beg you to not force me to use my valuable time in that fashion, but to not allow any of the Slandering of President Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court, whoever that may be, and to insist that Democrats vote for cloiture on the first vote.

Thank you for your time. I really do want you to represent the PRO-LIFE People of Nevada that you claim to represent, and not these “Carpetbaggers” from back East.

Name and Address on original

Minority Leader Reid’s Webmail/E-mail Form:

The Senator’s Contact List:

Senator Barbara Boxer:

Senator Diane Feinstein:

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (She’s running for President in 2008):

Please note - All of these letters are direct and to the point.

If you don’t have time to write you’re own, copy and send them. Just change a few words/phrases so that the Senator can see that the message is YOURS and not MINE.

Please remember, we have to have everything sent out by the end of this weekend. The Forces of Death are moving a lot of people in on this one, and we have to get there first.

Blessed are they who ACT to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Traditional Ang:

Alberto Gonzalez ia Pro-Life and Conservative regarding the Constitution. Although there are a dozen or so who are better gualified than he is, he’s still an improvement over Sandra Day O’Conner.
He would be. But the politics of the situation is that the tens of thousands of activists who have been waiting over a decade for this movement will sit the nomination fight out. They want a dramatic shift in the court. Bush promised them a Supreme Court justice in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. Gonzalez only has a two year record. The activists don’t want there to be any doubt. They do not want another Kennedy and certainly not a Souter (Gonzalez is not the latter but, in a decade or two, he could turn into a Kennedy).

C-Span just ran a Family Research Council press conference. The panel didn’t say they would oppose Gonzalez. The president of the FRC did say members of the 20,000 churches the FRC has organized would not be motivated to participate in the battle.

I do voter registration. So difficult to get some evangelicals to vote. They are not of this world, they say. It makes no difference, they claim. A betrayal such as this and I’m going home too. Next election I will not do the grunt work. I’m not about to explain why someone must vote Republican after Bush promised a Scalia and nominated Alberto Gonzalez.

I understand Bush’s desire for a Hispanic. I would like to see that too. And there is an excellent pick available to him–5th US Circuit Court of Appeals Emilio Garza.

(btw…I’m not in favor of gender, religious or ethnic slot on the bench–except for the first. Hispanics deserve to have their guy picked, all things being equal, one time)
Brothers and Sisters - This is very important!

The 7 Turncoat Republicans really did us NO favors when they made the deal with the Democrats last month! I know that, but not acting now, when Roe V. Wade is ONE Step Closer to defeat than ever IS LUNACY!

I know that deal, when we were SO CLOSE was as discouraging as it gets, but Our Lord and the Traditions of the Church tell us to - Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NAB

So, please e-mail President Bush and your Senators, and when you have done so, post that fact here on this Thread! That way, we’ll all be able to see what is being done.

When you’ve done that. e-mail your friends about this and link this site. The Pro-Death side is nothing if not organized, and what I said in my letter about the Phone Bank and the “First Responders” was true, so we absolutely have to show that what they’re trying to demonstrate IS NOT THE FACT!

After we’ve done this, we’ll start targetting the other Democrats (Internations do them first) and the 7 Turncoats, so they don’t do the same comprimize the Principals trick again!

Please help! We can’t affort to lose this one!

God’s Blessings on those who act. Michael
He would be. But the politics of the situation is that the tens of thousands of activists who have been waiting over a decade for this movement will sit the nomination fight out. They want a dramatic shift in the court. Bush promised them a Supreme Court justice in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. Gonzalez only has a two year record. The activists don’t want there to be any doubt. They do not want another Kennedy and certainly not a Souter (Gonzalez is not the latter but, in a decade or two, he could turn into a Kennedy).

C-Span just ran a Family Research Council press conference. The panel didn’t say they would oppose Gonzalez. The president of the FRC did say members of the 20,000 churches the FRC has organized would not be motivated to participate in the battle.

I do voter registration. So difficult to get some evangelicals to vote. They are not of this world, they say. It makes no difference, they claim. A betrayal such as this and I’m going home too. Next election I will not do the grunt work. I’m not about to explain why someone must vote Republican after Bush promised a Scalia and nominated Alberto Gonzalez.

I understand Bush’s desire for a Hispanic. I would like to see that too. And there is an excellent pick available to him–5th US Circuit Court of Appeals Emilio Garza.

(btw…I’m not in favor of gender, religious or ethnic slot on the bench–except for the first. Hispanics deserve to have their guy picked, all things being equal, one time)

That’s part of the reason for the e-mails and phone calls to President Bush.

If we’re not willing to fight for Alberto Gonzalez, who shouldn’t even be FILIBUSTERED, and then I don’t see why they would actually go to the mat for a Scalia (there are 5 that Hugh Hewitt has listed - He’s obsessed on 3 of them):

Emilio M. Garza
J. Michael Luttig
Michael W. McConnell
John G. Roberts
Larry D. Thompson
(Link from Hugh Hewitt)

Now, this is something to think about, because this will be the reply of the PRO-DEATH Crowd to anyone who Isn’t a lock-step supporter of Abortion on Demand:

Talking Points Live
Terry Neal Chief Political Correspondent
Friday, July 1, 2005; 12:00 PM

Please pay attention to the dialogue. If we let Gonzales hang out to dry, that will EMBOLDEN these people, and we’ll get NOBODY! EVER!

As I said, GONZALES will vote against Roe V. Wade! When he wrote the Concurring decision that so many conservatives are up in arms about, HE WAS APPLYING THE LAW! It was a law he had NO POWER TO STRIKE DOWN!

I thought that was what you wanted…

Let Gonzales take the JUNIOR SLOT, and then two of the jurists I listed above take the CHIEF JUSTICE SLOT and ANOTHER SLOT a when Chief Justice Rheinquist and Justice Stephens (he’s old) retire in the NEXT YEAR.

It still moves the Court in the Right Direction… Isn’t that what we want? and, Wouldn’t a FILIBUSTER of Alberto Gonzales denomstrate just how unreasonable and what hypocrites the Democratic Senators and their PRO-DEATH ACTIVISTS Really are??

Gonzales is not a done deal, but let’s assume the worst, and remember the worst is still a lot better than Sandra Day O’Conner because he knows to APPLY THE LAW!

And, Once we’ve gotten the PRO-DEATH Side to show their true colors, it won’t be so hard for the American people to finally begin repudiating them. and, Then, It just be easier to get the two Jurists we really want.

Please, do not sit on your hands. We can’t let these evil people win any more! TOO MANY BABIES ARE BEING MURDERED EVERYDAY!

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael

Dear Mr. President,

I am a Roman Catholic, and a former Democrat who switched to Republican and voted for you because of your stand on life issues. I STRONGLY implore you to take the opportunity that Justice O’Connor’s resignation
presents to nominate Justices that are in line with our values. The right to life at all stages is being attacked by activist judges who are seeking to re-write the Constitution to suit their agendas.


Please nominate pro-life judges who will help restore this great nations honor and dignity!

Thank you.

(name and adress)
I understand. My comments only reflect what I see. Bush had two tough elections. Supporters stood by him because he is a man of his word. In 2000, he promised two things: Tax cuts and orginalist judges. He stood by those promises. He could have caved and filled the Federal bench with judges Charles Schumer would accept. But he did not.

Now he has promised a Scalia type judge. I think he will deliver and not nominate Gonzalez. But if he does you will hear a whooooosh as enthusiasm rushes out of the GOP.

Bush and Rove must understand this. The impact if Bush caves will affect the WOT, privatizing SS and every proposal he makes in the next three years.

I’ve spent a decade explaining Souter and Bush Sr. tax increases. Both were defensible because Democrats held congress and the liberal media was dominate.

There is no excuse today. What am I supposed to say next year when I go out to register new voters and motivate people to get to the polls next year?

“Yes, I know Bush promised to nominate a justice such as Scalia but…well…Gonzalaz is an old buddy from Texas and the President does have a right to change his mind?”

If Bush wanted Gonzalez, he should have told us in 2004.

btw…I want Janice Brown. Theocons and Econocons love Janice.

Dear Mr. President,

I am a Roman Catholic, and a former Democrat who switched to Republican and voted for you because of your stand on life issues. I STRONGLY implore you to take the opportunity that Justice O’Connor’s resignation
presents to nominate Justices that are in line with our values. The right to life at all stages is being attacked by activist judges who are seeking to re-write the Constitution to suit their agendas.


Please nominate pro-life judges who will help restore this great nations honor and dignity!

Thank you.

(name and adress)

Well done!

Now E-mail some Senators:

Here’s the list of Republicans and their contact information who made the deal that insured that a PRO-LIFE Strict Constructionist would be FILIBUSTERED:

Lincoln Chaffee (R - Rhode Island)
(202) 224-2921
Web Form:

Susan Collins (R - Maine)
Voice (202) 224-2523 Fax: (202) 224-2693
Web Form:

Mike DeWine (R - Ohio)
Phone: (202) 224-2315 Fax: (202) 224-6519
Web Form:

Lindsey Graham (R - South Carolina)
(202) 224-5972

McCain, John (R - Arizona)
Phone: (202) 224-2235 Fax: (202) 228-2862
Web Form:

Olympia Snowe (R - Maine)
(202) 224-5344 Fax: (202) 224-1946

John Warner (R- Virginia)
(202) 224-2023 Fax: (202) 224-6295
Web Form:

Re: End Pro-Abortion Litmus Test

Send them copies of that e-mail and let them know you would appreciate it if they would vote for the “Constitutional”/“Nuclear” Option this time, and that anything else might have you campaigning against them.

God bless you for acting. Michael
I understand. My comments only reflect what I see. Bush had two tough elections. Supporters stood by him because he is a man of his word. In 2000, he promised two things: Tax cuts and orginalist judges. He stood by those promises. He could have caved and filled the Federal bench with judges Charles Schumer would accept. But he did not.

Now he has promised a Scalia type judge. I think he will deliver and not nominate Gonzalez. But if he does you will hear a whooooosh as enthusiasm rushes out of the GOP.

Bush and Rove must understand this. The impact if Bush caves will affect the WOT, privatizing SS and every proposal he makes in the next three years.

I’ve spent a decade explaining Souter and Bush Sr. tax increases. Both were defensible because Democrats held congress and the liberal media was dominate.

There is no excuse today. What am I supposed to say next year when I go out to register new voters and motivate people to get to the polls next year?

“Yes, I know Bush promised to nominate a justice such as Scalia but…well…Gonzalaz is an old buddy from Texas and the President does have a right to change his mind?”

If Bush wanted Gonzalez, he should have told us in 2004.

btw…I want Janice Brown. Theocons and Econocons love Janice.

Write him what you posted here… I’ve provided both the White House Web Mail and the V.P.'s E-mail address. Isilzha provided the President’s E-mail. Put it in all 3 boxes. Have your friends do the same.

Make sure they tell the President they will defend the Nominee during the horrendous fight and FILIBUSTER the DEMOCRATS most certainly will throw-up. Make sure they let him know they will deluge the hill will E-mails, Calls and Faxes on behalf of that Nominee.

That might just be persuasive.

But remember, President Bush is nothing if not loyal, and Alberto Gonzales has done him some favors and is a long time friend and ally.

If all ele fails, remind your friends that there will be 3 seats to be filled, and at least 2 will be strict Constructionists, and Alberto Gonzalez does NOT legislate from the Bench like Liberals - He Interprets and enforces the Law, even when the Law is wrong and evil. (That’s actually one of the definitions of a Strict Constructionist and why he’d vote to OVERTURN Roe v Wade at the first opportunity.)

Please write those letters and let us know when they’ve been sent.

Blessings on those who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
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