Fr. Pavone on the Supreme Court Vacancy

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Brothers and Sisters - This is the Information on the Petition:

Replace Sandra Day O’Conner with a Pro-Life Justice

Please visit it before Wednesday and let your friends know about it. Also, please continue to send any of those E-mails to the Senators you haven’t sent them to yet.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
It is particularly important to contact the fourteen senators that were part of the filibuster compromise! If you are in the home state of any of the Democrats in this coalition, I would write them, email them, and call them. Let them know that this is the key issue concerning their reelection!

Democrats: * Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Ken Salazar of Colorado, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut. *

Republicans: John McCain of Arizona, Mike DeWine of Ohio, John Warner of Virginia, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island
Exactly right, Shemp.

I hadn’t got the names of the Democrats at the time, because I was far more worried about the role of the Republicans who were betraying their party, their platform and their base.

But we need to see if we can prevent a FILIBUSTER by the Democrats, and maybe the 7 who brokered the compromise from their side might be able to go ONE step forward and vote for coiture the first time.

Good catch!

That’s an additional thing for everyone to do. If your state doesn’t have a Democratic Senator, or one of the Republican Turncoats, please E-mail and call at least 2 or 3 of the Democrats of the 7 on the list above and post what you said to them here!

Thank you, Shemp.

Blessings on you for acting to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Nebraska went around 60% for Bush. Senator Ben Nelson is up for reelection in 2006 and is very vulnerable. If you are a resident of the state, be sure to contact him. Same in Florida with Senator Bill Nelson, also up in 2006.

There are three or four more which might be flipped.

Traditional Ang…do you the list of Senators up for reelection in 2006 who face serious challange?

Just to let you know I emailed the President, Vice-President and all the Rep. senators listed. I used Siena’s email as that fit my particular circumstances, I tweaked it a bit here and there but it worked well. I just copied and pasted the email, it was super easy. Thanks to Siena and to everyone for providing all the links and information. 😃
I encourage all posters and lurkers to please use this information to contact your elected officials and those listed here.
A look at how irrational the opposition is.

Florida Sun Sentinel.
Letter to the editor.
July 4, 2004:
“He will no doubt next attack abortion rights and put us back in the dark ages of illegal, back-alley abortions.”

"What has happened to our beloved country? Are we facing a dictatorship with a man who cares nothing of the people’s wishes but only his own? "
"This president has done nothing good in 4 1/2 years, but has divided the country. His ego is leading us down a very frightening road and I for one am scared to death. I don’t know what I fear most: a terrorist attack or the next 3 1/2 years of this leadership."
Sun-Sentinel is published in Ft. Lauderdale. Serves Palm Beach and Broward counties. This is not an unusual sentiment in this part of the state .
July 5, 2005
Dear Friend,
This is one of two emails I am sending you today. My regular column is below (the other email is our July newsletter).
I sent you an alert about the Supreme Court vacancy; along with
contacting the White House, please be sure to let your Senators know that you expect a swift and fair up-or-down vote on the President’s nominee, when that person is announced. And please pray! Join the National Prayer Campaign for our Nation’s Courts and Judges (sign up at and have others join as well, as we enter this key time of transition!
This is part of another email I recieved today.

I just received this PM from David_Paul - I’m involved with Cardinal Mahony a few projects wiht the Canadians - So He’s heading this for the time being:
Perhaps we need to contact Brownback fast:

national review online: the buzz
12 July 2005

The Hill’s Geoff Earle reports Senator Sam Brownback will hold a personal meeting with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Brownback, who sits on the Judiciary Committee, was asked if he believes Gonzales would make a good SCOTUS nominee. “I need to talk with him about his view of the Constitution to tell. That’s what I hope to do this week,” Brownback said.

My initial response is that if Brownback is “interviewing” Gonzales as a possible nominee, this must mean the White House is serious about the possibility of nominating him . . .

I think you should post this on the
Fr. Pavone on the Supreme Court Vacancy

Tell people to write President Bush. Remember, all of the information needed to contact him is in this post - please repeat it in your post so people don’t have to look.

I think you want to send President Bush a simple note explaining what you told me, and reminding him that these first TWO nominations NEED to be STRONG Constructionists who understand the actual words of the Constitution and the expressed intent of the framers of the document.

You also might want to remind him that APPEASING the Left and the PRO-ABORTION Lobbys simply doesn’t work, and that the Constitution has to be more important than their feelings rantings and ravings, or our republic is done for!

Please contact Senator Brownback AFTER you’ve contacted the President.

I want to make sure that people contact the President first, since he’s the one making the decision. Then, we can start contacting the various members of the Senate who’d be involved in this.

The President’s Information is:
White House Web Mail
Petition is here - Please Sign:
Replace Sandra Day O’Conner with a Pro-Life Justice

Senator Brownback’s information is here - As I said, please contact ONLY AFTER you’ve contact the President!

Senators of the 109th Congress

Sam Brownback Republican Kansas
(202) 224-6521
Fax: (202) 228-1265
Other addresses and info available here:

I know it’s more work, but I really believe that’s the best concentration of effort.

David, thanks for telling me. Let me finish with Cardinal Mahony and I’ll be over to help out, but I do need you to get the ball rolling. So, please, could you write and E-mail to President Bush and post it here after you’ve sent it so the members can use it for their E-mails?

And, once again, could we start sending E-mails to Senator Brownback after they’ve been sent to President Bush?

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
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