Fr Reilly Reports on Inagauration

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While the crowd at the inauguration ceremonies at the Capitol showed great respect to former Presidents Clinton and Carter, the demonstrators shouted obscenities to those attending the inauguration. One demonstrator shouted “f*** you,” to Fr. John Wroblewski, pastor of St. Anthony’s Church in Staten Island, New York.

Imagine what the inauguration would have been like if their man Kerry won!

Based on the local Washington coverage, however, one would think that the inaugural ceremonies were staged to interfere with the protestors. One of the local networks gave better coverage to a man who had a lawn sign proclaiming, “Bush is still an idiot,” than they gave to the president’s inaugural address.

So it should have been no surprise that the crowds at the White House reviewing stand for the parade actually booed as the press pool drove past. While Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld undoubtedly enjoyed the reaction of the spectators, the press corps was visibly shocked.
While the crowd at the inauguration ceremonies at the Capitol showed great respect to former Presidents Clinton and Carter, the demonstrators shouted obscenities to those attending the inauguration. One demonstrator shouted “f*** you,” to Fr. John Wroblewski, pastor of St. Anthony’s Church in Staten Island, New York.

Imagine what the inauguration would have been like if their man Kerry won!

Based on the local Washington coverage, however, one would think that the inaugural ceremonies were staged to interfere with the protestors. One of the local networks gave better coverage to a man who had a lawn sign proclaiming, “Bush is still an idiot,” than they gave to the president’s inaugural address.

So it should have been no surprise that the crowds at the White House reviewing stand for the parade actually booed as the press pool drove past. While Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld undoubtedly enjoyed the reaction of the spectators, the press corps was visibly shocked.
You always come up with the BEST stories… I heard an interview with one of the protesters on yesterday’s Michael Medved radio program. She kept claiming she was “in a peaceful mood and didn’t yell” What she DID however was stand up on her chair and unfurl some kind of banner. She was then outraged when some of the people sitting nearby asked her to sit down. When she refused the police escorted her out.

It’s so funny to listen to these people. Just because THEY want to express their views, we are all supposed to accomodate them whether they are interfering with our enjoyment of a historic event. This woman was just SHOCKED that anyone objected to her standing on a chair waving a banner because she was “feeling very peaceful…” Uh Huh!

Say does anyone know WHY all these people speak with the same sort of inflection? Their voices rise on the last syllable of each sentence. They sound so very valley girlish.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Say does anyone know WHY all these people speak with the same sort of inflection? Their voices rise on the last syllable of each sentence. They sound so very valley girlish.

Lisa N
I’ve been pondering this one for a long time, and I think it’s a new version of “ya know?” I.e., you say something and inflect as if it were a question, and what you mean is hey you got that? You understand? COMPRENDE? Eh??? Then the fact that these people talk only to eachother, it just compounds the problem.

Unfortunately after figuring this out I started doing it myself in my snarkier moods… 😦
first i wouldn’t assume the man doing the wrong thing in cursing was a John Kerry man… i know repub’s, and other party canidates that assume the same…:eek:

this constant divisive talk helps no one… and it is not complementary to your point…:banghead:

Abe Lincoln said one time that "it’s one thing for others to think your a fool, it’s quite another to open your mouth and remove all doubt… (maybe not exact verbage)… :o

this your side and some other Americans side of things are defeating… we are all Americans exercising our inalienable rights to support or not support whom ever occupies the white house…👍

just think… if we could finally quiet the press corps or who knows, with Gods help elimanate all news sources except Fox, then we will be right up there with the Soviet Union…:cool:
I don’t know about the rest of you, it seems like some people are still bitter about the election. Our nation unfortunately is deeply divided.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
I don’t know about the rest of you, it seems like some people are still bitter about the election. Our nation unfortunately is deeply divided.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
space ghost:
first i wouldn’t assume the man doing the wrong thing in cursing was a John Kerry man… i know repub’s, and other party canidates that assume the same…:eek:

this constant divisive talk helps no one… and it is not complementary to your point…:banghead:

Abe Lincoln said one time that "it’s one thing for others to think your a fool, it’s quite another to open your mouth and remove all doubt… (maybe not exact verbage)… :o

this your side and some other Americans side of things are defeating… we are all Americans exercising our inalienable rights to support or not support whom ever occupies the white house…👍

just think… if we could finally quiet the press corps or who knows, with Gods help elimanate all news sources except Fox, then we will be right up there with the Soviet Union…:cool:
Do you really know Republicans who have cursed at priests?
Our local paper from the capital of our state has a beaut of a story which won’t make the other news services I’m sure:

The Publisher attended and ended up sitting with a large group of Texans, as the ceremonies ended, a British reporter kept trying to find someone to interview, the opening line was: You look you’re from Texas, isn’t this a “down” moment for you? - people just said no and continued to file out - the Publisher was asked and said, No I’m not from Texas but what’s your question mean? The reporter said, well he doesn’t have a mandate - publisher said yes he does he caputred both electoral and popular vote - in disgust they left him. (See Drudge for the UK newspapers skewed slams at the President).

Stories are circulating about ABC network advertising on their network for the past week wanting to contact a family whose child had been killed in Iraq and who was being buried on Inaugauration Day so they could run it for Peter Jennings comments. A blogger discovered it, put out the news, they pulled it from their webpage but apparently they found a family as Jennings commentary did include it.

The fourth estate looks as if they are bent on suicide for their industry - and most of them just don’t get it. They aren’t trusted, they aren’t believed and frankly, they are becoming a national bad joke.
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