Free Catholic Bibles?

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I just wanted to know if any of you knew of any Catholic evangelization/missionary organizations that offer free Bibles. I know LDS and Evangelical groups are the most noticeable, but a Protestant friend asked if there were similar Catholic organizations. Any information would be appreciated.

The Catholic programs that I’m aware of that donate Bibles do so in a teaching environment. They don’t just throw Bibles at the wind for people to come to whatever conclusion they want (or use the pages for starting fireplaces, or worse.:eek: )

And consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, also wrote to you, speaking of these things as he does in all his letters. In them there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant and unstable distort to their own destruction, just as they do the other scriptures. 2 Peter 3:15

2Pet 1:20 - no prophecy is a matter of private interpretation

I just wanted to know if any of you knew of any Catholic evangelization/missionary organizations that offer free Bibles. I know LDS and Evangelical groups are the most noticeable, but a Protestant friend asked if there were similar Catholic organizations. Any information would be appreciated.

we give them to every Confirmation candidate and catechumen. The Knights give them out at youth events in our diocese, and we provide them free for those doing prison ministry to distribute. The Bible without the teaching to back it up does not stand alone so handing them out like packs of gum is not enough.
I do think that more young Catholics need to know the importance of the Bible. Besides a picture Bible I just recieved my first Catholic Bible two months ago…then again, we still have Catholics like my parents who believe that Catholics aren’t supposed to read the Bible except in church.
The Catholic programs that I’m aware of that donate Bibles do so in a teaching environment. They don’t just throw Bibles at the wind for people to come to whatever conclusion they want (or use the pages for starting fireplaces, or worse.:eek: )
But why are Catholic Bibles then sold?

And should maybe Catholic study Bibles be given away?
pure in heart:
But why are Catholic Bibles then sold?

And should maybe Catholic study Bibles be given away?
For the same reasons any books are sold. They cost money to produce, and the people who produce them have families to feed.
Joseph Bilodeau:
For the same reasons any books are sold. They cost money to produce, and the people who produce them have families to feed.
I agree with Joseph.

But a thing of most importance.
When I was protestant any website or else that i looked at only gave away anything for a sizable donation. Even the smallest thing they may say what utmost important for me was only for a good price.

On the contrary though, many Catholic sites with many good resources , pamphets, booklets, books, studies, medals, rosaries, are given away free, completely free.

Unlike the protestant sites if i wanted a benefit to my spirituality i had to be in the money to benefit and obtain info. Yes I agree that ppl need the money to dispense these things, but the poor were left out of the spiritual loop and thus not worth it.
Joseph Bilodeau:
For the same reasons any books are sold. They cost money to produce, and the people who produce them have families to feed.
But any other books are sold as you say to make money, but aren’t these books produced by the Church, and are not for a bussiness to make money, but to teach the Word of God.

Should it really be made a bussiness of?

I can see the problem of just giving out Bibles without them being in a teaching enviroment, but if they are sold as a bussiness, and anyone can purchase one, then isn’t just that being done?

There’s other ways to make money, should Scripture really be sold?
Not many people are going to volunteer to translate and produce Bibles.
Not many people are going to volunteer to translate and produce Bibles.
Why not, what’s the difference from any other ministry?

Didn’t the early Christians?

Did at one time maybe only the Clergy have Scriptures and taught the people?
Largely, yes. But that was before printed matter of any kind was readily available, and when most people could not read in any case. It really has no bearing on the issue of whether bibles or any other books should be sold today.
What do you mean by other books, surely a Bible or Christian material should not be produced to make money?

If someone is getting rich of teaching a religion, then surely this is not of the true God.

But surely the Church has another motive, of which mission is even greater than feeding those who have need of physical food, For you can feed the world, but it doesn’t stop evil existing even within them.

We know some have their names and pictures on the front covers, teaching really their own philosphy and doing very well out of it.

For if someone wrote a book blaspheming the Catholic Church, and telling a different history and story claiming his now true, but if his book is a bestseller and has made him rich, then surely the very purpose of the book can be clearly seen and disregarded by all as only to his gain.
But if he gave it away freely claiming the very need of this book for the human soul, and devoted his life to it, seeking no personal wealth from it, but prepared to give up all for it, even be ridiculed and persecuted, then surely then this book has a lot more credit.
What if people were charged to come to Church, to talk to a Preist, what if those who were in need of physical food were only used to maybe work for us for their food, of which is good that we work for our food, but someone seeking their gain out of someone hungry, as some may do, go to these poor countries and use them for slave labour.

Of course i’m in no way accusing the Catholic or any other Church of this at all, all i’m saying is should the service of God be charged by mankind?

For surely translating Bibles, or providing of any materials of the Word of God or doing any ministry or showing compassion on another is not for our benefit as if we ask payment of them.

I hope no one of the Church makes money out of any ministry to their own wealth, as far as i now all the money would go back into the Church to pay for all ministries of the love and compassion of God, the very ones even doing this work needing the very necessities of life.

In this i can see the point if the money goes back into the Church and not into an individuals pocket, but i’m still not sure if i agree on charging money for such a service, and the point already raised to give away Bibles even for sale without the very guidance of the Church, isn’t that a danger of itself?

In this i could see maybe more of need for study Bibles, but we have the Church itself, of which maybe only Bibles should be given to those who want to be taught of the Church, for not just a Bible itself has been needful, for a Church was set up and not in vain.
If we only needed Bibles then we wouldn’t have needed a Church, but surely the Church has only one reason for producing Bibles, and surley it’s not for anyones personal gain, but for the very teachings of the Church, which Scripture alone has never been enough.

Maybe the very teachings in Bibles may bring people to the Church, but some as many do may make up their own minds of their own personal interperatation of Scripture, for which reason i beleive if we’re going to produce Bibles for the ordinary public, then they should be at least study Bibles of which gives the explanation of the Church and stops them corrupting Scripture.

But there are many study Bibles even out there from different denominations, so what can make one truly stand out from all the rest?
One of course would be what it does teach, but another would be the price, and if they were free and encouraged the need of being part of the Church, then surely this of itself is a witness to the message of this Bible apart from the others, without even opening the cover.
And truly shows the Church is not caught up in the riches or even bussiness of the world, of which can have it’s necessity to life, and even in that we do give our income to the Church, and even proof of this that this Bible is possible to be available for free.

And if more are encouraged to give, not of just an empty gesture which even they may praise themselves, but of from the heart of devotion to the Church and it’s service, then surely more can be accomplished and everyone in the Church has their part, whether giving of their wealth, or their time in producing these Bibles, surley all is one service and for one purpose.

I just think the gesture of a free Bible may give a stronger message to encourage all, but this is just my opinion, and i am am really nobody.
For if someone wrote a book blaspheming the Catholic Church, and telling a different history and story claiming his now true, but if his book is a bestseller and has made him rich, then surely the very purpose of the book can be clearly seen and disregarded by all as only to his gain.
Are we talking about the* Da Vinci Code *here?
pure in heart:
But why are Catholic Bibles then sold
Well, book publishers need to make money to cover the cost of publishing, printing, and distributing books. Bibles do cost money to make, from the ink and paper, to the dilivery trucks to send them to book stores.
Are we talking about the* Da Vinci Code *here?
I was thinking of the Da Vinci Code, but the same could be true of anyone who wants to do the same, as many do, and there are many off shoots of Christianity.
I don’t now that many offer free material, but i’m sure some do.

Yes the Mormons offer the book of Mormon free, and one of their representatives in your area will deliver it and explain it’s message to you.,17785,2071-1-1-USA,00.html

Seems they even offer free Koran’s.

So if these can produce them for free, then why not Catholic Church?
There is no reason for the Church to just give away Bibles without explanation, that would be kinda wrong from my perspective. It would be kind of irresponsible, since the Church doesn’t teach the belief that you can just grab a Bible and your own personal interpretation is true.

The Catholic Church takes a pretty serious view on maintaining the proper interpretation of scripture and for someone new to the Church it is pretty much a necessity to go to RCIA.
In RCIA you are not charged for instruction, you are given free study material which usually includes a Bible, and or Catechism.

So while you might find other material provided by the Church for free, usually they stress having free instruction with the Bible.

This might be because of some guy about 500 years ago who decided all we need is the Bible and then many people decided they had the right interpretation which kinda caused some problems.


If you need a Bible feel free to PM me and I will send you one if the Church cannot afford to give you one.
There is no reason for the Church to just give away Bibles without explanation, that would be kinda wrong from my perspective. It would be kind of irresponsible, since the Church doesn’t teach the belief that you can just grab a Bible and your own personal interpretation is true.

The Catholic Church takes a pretty serious view on maintaining the proper interpretation of scripture and for someone new to the Church it is pretty much a necessity to go to RCIA.
In RCIA you are not charged for instruction, you are given free study material which usually includes a Bible, and or Catechism.

So while you might find other material provided by the Church for free, usually they stress having free instruction with the Bible.

This might be because of some guy about 500 years ago who decided all we need is the Bible and then many people decided they had the right interpretation which kinda caused some problems.


If you need a Bible feel free to PM me and I will send you one if the Church cannot afford to give you one.
And that truly makes sense to me, but why then sell Bibles, doesn’t it go against then this wisdom?

If it’s only to make money to produce Bibles, surely the Church should provide for this themselves, and with this selling them they are available to all and probably go against your point.

I see your point of not making Bibles freely available to all, but by selling them surely they are even though you have to pay, if you understand what i mean - as they are freely available without the Church if they are being sold.

My point is, why sell these Bibles like this,?

If the Bible are made freely available, then why not make study Bibles available free which describes the Churches interperatation and shows the need for the Church?

For then maybe some good could come from it, and they are not just distributed freely without the interperatation of the Church, it is then spreading the Word of God, so how then could you rightly charge for this?

I guess my main point is which i can’t get my head round, is i can see your point and it truly makes sense, but making them available the way they are by selling them goes against this point to me and makes no sense.
My Church here gives away free material on the faith, and as I said free Bibles with instruction.

The best answer I can give is the Church’s job is to maintain the truth. Since there is so many people making their own interpretations, it is really imperative to the Church to give instruction and not just give out Bibles. Even with explanation, without people to ask questions of you can get people who decide to do their own thing.

This will differ greatly from any Protestant\Evangelical(if they don’t consider themselves Protestant) churches in that they are based on the Bible. If you are based on the Bible it would attest to your belief to give out Bibles. It would be spreading the faith and makes sense to give out Bibles.

The Catholic Church is based on the faith first understood by the Apostles and this goes hand in hand with the Bible which the Church made canon at several points in history beginning with Pope Damasus\ Saint Jerome and the Councils of Hippo\Carthage.

Mormons will do it as they truly believe that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and their faith depends upon it being spread.

Muslims also have the same sort of thing, but the Quran is their book written by their prophet, their faith is based on it.

You see the difference with the Catholic Church? It is a whole different approach. When I went to Calvary Chapel, the thought was just get the Bibles out there and then they will believe the message. I did happen to see people go to other Churches from our church as they decided on their own interpretation, or they just liked some church better.

I really don’t think Catholic Churches make any real money off of Bibles. Our Church usually is just barely breaking with the budget each week anyways.

Here is the short answer.

I really think it is hard to understand if you from a Bible based church, since the Catholic Church is more based on the faith passed on through the apostles with the Bible fitting like a glove to this understanding.
Giving out Bibles without this understanding, then leads to Protestantism.
In RCIA you are not charged for instruction, you are given free study material which usually includes a Bible, and or Catechism.

So while you might find other material provided by the Church for free, usually they stress having free instruction with the Bible.
For a moment there, I thought there was a cost to attend RCIA.
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