What do you mean by other books, surely a Bible or Christian material should not be produced to make money?
If someone is getting rich of teaching a religion, then surely this is not of the true God.
But surely the Church has another motive, of which mission is even greater than feeding those who have need of physical food, For you can feed the world, but it doesn’t stop evil existing even within them.
We know some have their names and pictures on the front covers, teaching really their own philosphy and doing very well out of it.
For if someone wrote a book blaspheming the Catholic Church, and telling a different history and story claiming his now true, but if his book is a bestseller and has made him rich, then surely the very purpose of the book can be clearly seen and disregarded by all as only to his gain.
But if he gave it away freely claiming the very need of this book for the human soul, and devoted his life to it, seeking no personal wealth from it, but prepared to give up all for it, even be ridiculed and persecuted, then surely then this book has a lot more credit.
What if people were charged to come to Church, to talk to a Preist, what if those who were in need of physical food were only used to maybe work for us for their food, of which is good that we work for our food, but someone seeking their gain out of someone hungry, as some may do, go to these poor countries and use them for slave labour.
Of course i’m in no way accusing the Catholic or any other Church of this at all, all i’m saying is should the service of God be charged by mankind?
For surely translating Bibles, or providing of any materials of the Word of God or doing any ministry or showing compassion on another is not for our benefit as if we ask payment of them.
I hope no one of the Church makes money out of any ministry to their own wealth, as far as i now all the money would go back into the Church to pay for all ministries of the love and compassion of God, the very ones even doing this work needing the very necessities of life.
In this i can see the point if the money goes back into the Church and not into an individuals pocket, but i’m still not sure if i agree on charging money for such a service, and the point already raised to give away Bibles even for sale without the very guidance of the Church, isn’t that a danger of itself?
In this i could see maybe more of need for study Bibles, but we have the Church itself, of which maybe only Bibles should be given to those who want to be taught of the Church, for not just a Bible itself has been needful, for a Church was set up and not in vain.
If we only needed Bibles then we wouldn’t have needed a Church, but surely the Church has only one reason for producing Bibles, and surley it’s not for anyones personal gain, but for the very teachings of the Church, which Scripture alone has never been enough.
Maybe the very teachings in Bibles may bring people to the Church, but some as many do may make up their own minds of their own personal interperatation of Scripture, for which reason i beleive if we’re going to produce Bibles for the ordinary public, then they should be at least study Bibles of which gives the explanation of the Church and stops them corrupting Scripture.
But there are many study Bibles even out there from different denominations, so what can make one truly stand out from all the rest?
One of course would be what it does teach, but another would be the price, and if they were free and encouraged the need of being part of the Church, then surely this of itself is a witness to the message of this Bible apart from the others, without even opening the cover.
And truly shows the Church is not caught up in the riches or even bussiness of the world, of which can have it’s necessity to life, and even in that we do give our income to the Church, and even proof of this that this Bible is possible to be available for free.
And if more are encouraged to give, not of just an empty gesture which even they may praise themselves, but of from the heart of devotion to the Church and it’s service, then surely more can be accomplished and everyone in the Church has their part, whether giving of their wealth, or their time in producing these Bibles, surley all is one service and for one purpose.
I just think the gesture of a free Bible may give a stronger message to encourage all, but this is just my opinion, and i am am really nobody.