I was once quite intrigued by string theory and m-theory (still am, but limited TIME you know) so I am familiar with what seemed to me to be dimensional explosions. I was not bright or patient enough to try to nail down the math such that it all became “real” to me so now I merely nod to the extra dimensions.Treating time like a spatial dimension is just a mathematical trick to make calculations easier. If one wants to use the Euclidean scalar product, the time axis has to be imaginary (mathematically - a space/time point = (ict,x,y,z) with i = sqrt(-1), c lightspeed, t time) for the space/time-vectors to be Lorentz-invariant. That’s special relativity.
Time has some intriguing properties, which are not fully understood yet. (Yet! We will in time.) Entropy and CPT-symmetry violation comes into my mind.
If we take gravity into account, our 3-dimensional space is folded into the 4th dimension, that makes at least another axis. Some unified theories postulate space to have 11 (or more) dimensions, but they are no way proven yet.
So God must be at least 6-dimensional by your analogy. Ok, you won’t have a problem with that.
Concerning philosophy and theology, the characteristics of time have always seemed to be quite important to me. Nature abhors time travel (except for constant “walking” one way at a constant “speed”). The math seems to explode in many ways, predicting??? This produces a great deal of life characteristics and causality relationships that seem important to our mortal tutelage. We can neither have a “redo” nor recover “wasted” time.
In any case, while our current understanding of space-time suggests to us that time cannot be completely modeled by a fourth special dimension upon which the “police” require that those in mortal tutelage walk one way one speed; this is a useful model to conceptualize what it might be to rise into the fifth dimension and look down upon the three special dimensions marching down the fourth time dimension.
Our understanding of the world around us is imperfect and models are used such that we can get our hands around the experimental results we see. Our understanding of theology (be we Pope or Prophet) is likewise incomplete and models are used so that we may try to get our hands around the experimental (revealed) results we see (feel).
You seem to be intrigued by the rabbit hole that is physics. The rabbit hole that is theology and philosophy is many thousands of years deeper. For many years nobody pushed forward the excavation whose tools were the stopwatch and ruler, but philosophers have been excavating with the thought tools throughout recorded time.
Charity, TOm