in a purely scientific, material universe governed by the laws of physics and mathematics Free Will is impossible.
if one has a complete knowledge of the position, direction, and speed of every particle in the universe, at the moment of creation and enough processing power to calculate their subsequent interaction than one can use those tools to determine the end state and any point in between.
by that reckoning than nothing could be any different than it already is, all particle motion is predetermined from the starting state of the universe
not even the electro-chemical interactions of the brain could be separated from these mathematical chains.
therefore Free Will is by necessity, a created quality.
Well, consider this:
Say there was no God, and the Universe really was a random creation from nothing for no reason known to us.
Life began on Earth due to just the right amount of distance from the Sun. Cells, bacteria, plants, etc, etc–you get the idea.
Along the lines, as the human species roams the Earth, there has to be a way of communication, a way of survival, and you have to find a way to ensure that the kids don’t wander around just anywhere, considering the many dangers.
Children are a curious bunch; they ask questions, they wonder what’s what and why this happens. At such a primitive time, you can only assume, the adults didn’t know themselves.
Myths are made up, stories are told, monsters are created to frighten them into place, and Higher Beings are imagined to give undying comfort… an imaginary friend.
Free will is spawned through curiosity. Humans may have natural instincts–that’s a given–but our own curiosities have evolved us into something more complex. We can choose to pursue this curiosity or we can choose not too; that’s probably ground zero from where Free Will comes from. But that’s just a theory.
Having an ultimate Creator could have merely been a way of saying, “I don’t know. I don’t know how this world came into place. I don’t know how or why we are alive, therefore, I will simply live and make the best of it, assuming I have a reason to live.” And with that idea, humans continuously take steps higher and higher on the food chain as discoveries are being made; after History is being created. However, there are those several people who chose not to act on their curiosities, therefore living a simple life. That is their Free Will.
The idea of a Creator is an excellent motivator. For all we know, it may be a set-up. Our primitive ancestors may have wanted order, and with order, you usually get corruption at some point. I’m not saying religion is entirely corrupt because it most certainly has it’s motivational moments as I already said, but that’s exactly the point:
It’s not the Creator who gave us free will, it may just be the desire to have a reason to live this Life, and the only way to have reason in this Life is by believing in something that above and unknown to us… even if, it may not be there.
But that’s just a theory.
Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood