Is it like- even free will He know what I will do? Or He wait to the moment I choose?
Does God can change his mind, his opinion?
And we can ask- something is determined. Okay. But if future is free, so it can’t exist now.
So why God know something doesnt exist? What He determined something which is not possible to know?
If will is free, why was showed biblical prophercy? If future is something we create…
Or maybe God is really an architect, He create everything and He look what we are choosing.
But it’s still a question- even my free will- God know what I choose from choices?
Does God can change his mind, his opinion?
And we can ask- something is determined. Okay. But if future is free, so it can’t exist now.
So why God know something doesnt exist? What He determined something which is not possible to know?
If will is free, why was showed biblical prophercy? If future is something we create…
Or maybe God is really an architect, He create everything and He look what we are choosing.
But it’s still a question- even my free will- God know what I choose from choices?
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