This really doesn’t answer the question however, as to wether or not there will be free will in heaven.As St. Paul said, there is a constant struggle between the flesh and the spirit and the body is conducive to sin. When we no longer have a fleshy body, the spirit should start to rule.
Are you saying our free will is simply a product of the flesh?
Or that our spirit’s will is more in alignment with God than our Flesh? If so why on earth create us with “flesh” in the first place, if it is only going to take us further from God, since God wants us close?
Free will cannot be tied to flesh.
That just doesn’t make sense, it sounds like something that people simply “say”, as an explanation but it doesn’t really mean anything.
I think the desire to lack free will in heaven, is really a desire to no longer have to “fight” or “struggle” to be a good person because it seems so hard sometimes.