Free will is fake

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I recently heard that God knows our decisions before we make them. I understand that he is not “forcing” us to make it, but he knows everything I do before I do it. This makes free will a load of manure
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This makes free will a load of crap.
How is that? God’s knowledge of your actions is still based on the action you choose, even though he knows outside of time. I don’t see how God knowing what you will choose is an issue of free will.

Also, there is already a pretty lengthy ongoing topic on this in the #apologetics:philosophy category. You may wish to read through it if you haven’t already, or contribute there if you want.
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I recently heard that God knows our decisions before we make them. I understand that he is not “forcing” us to make it, but he knows everything I do before I do it. This makes free will a load of crap.
@gorgias will be here shortly to disavow you of that proposal.
Free will? I dont think so Philosophy
I am a firm believer in Free Will and I have always been able to agree with it and God being all-knowing. I have always believed that God knew every decision you might make in your life. That until you made that decision it was not cast in stone. But I have learned that God knows what decision you will make before you make it. All this was known the moment my soul was created. There might be the illusion of free will, but it just isnt so. My path has already known by God. Nothing I do will…
There’s already a thread open on this.
What’s with all the free-will threads lately? And all with the same misunderstanding.
I understand that he is not “forcing” us to make it, but he knows everything I do before I do it.
If you know he is not forcing us, you know that you are choosing to do whatever you do. The fact that he already knows what you will choose does not take away your ability to do so.
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And there is also this one.
Puppet Master vs Free Will? Philosophy
Sometimes it feels as though I’m a puppet, that I don’t have a right to ambitions and can’t hope for good things. All I’m supposed to do is leave it to the will of God. In this case, I might as well be lazy and not work. But then my common sense tells me that I’m running my life into a ditch. What’s going on?! Look, I’m not asking for permission to offend God, or profane his name. But I feel that God is going to grasp me by the neck, and shove me down a mediocre path that I don’t like, then sa…
Not necessarily. Right now I am typing this reply. God knows what I am going to write before write it. What if now I decide that I want to write the word kangaroo. God knew I was going to do that. But say I stop writing kangaroo and decide to use my “free will” ro write some thing else. God knew that also. I am trapped in a cycle of predetermined fate
You are wrong. It is not predetermined. You are deciding to change what you write. God isn’t changing anything. He merely has the knowledge that you are going to change it.
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Yes but with more serious matters, like sin and harm, God knows this will happen but does nothing to stop it. It’s like allowing a baby to walk into a fire that you made and not stopping them.
I prefer he do something rather than just let me fall into sin. This also makes you wonder if he know if you goint to heaven or hell.
Not necessarily. Right now I am typing this reply. God knows what I am going to write before write it. What if now I decide that I want to write the word kangaroo. God knew I was going to do that. But say I stop writing kangaroo and decide to use my “free will” ro write some thing else. God knew that also. I am trapped in a cycle of predetermined fate
The Holy Trinity gives the free will to make the moral choice, and also knows the decisions that occur as ordered events, yet that knowledge is not bound by time.

Catechism of the Catholic Church
600 To God, all moments of time are present in their immediacy. When therefore he establishes his eternal plan of “predestination”, he includes in it each person’s free response to his grace: "In this city, in fact, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place."395 For the sake of accomplishing his plan of salvation, God permitted the acts that flowed from their blindness.396
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Not necessarily. Right now I am typing this reply. God knows what I am going to write before write it. What if now I decide that I want to write the word kangaroo. God knew I was going to do that. But say I stop writing kangaroo and decide to use my “free will” ro write some thing else. God knew that also. I am trapped in a cycle of predetermined fate
But the reason that God knows what you’re typing is because you are typing it. If you suddenly change your mind and type kangaroo he knows that you type kangaroo because you type. He knows it because you did it, not the other way around.
Your saying that God sees us in the present. If this is so then we have free will. But God does not see us in the present
If he did something to keep you from sinning, you would not have free will.
Well then why should I want free will. I do not want to go to hell or sin. Again, say you start a fire and let a baby walk into it. You could just take away the fire and eliminate just that choice
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