Free will stems from the divinely-granted grace of “knowing” which: is immanent and transcendent; and which is within and inside space-time and without space-time in the eternal “now.” One accident of this gracious gift is knowledge, the ability to construe and convey information. Even a baby can manifest this gift of knowing, and it is why the fallen nature of man induces an unbaptized baby to squall during the consecration, as any priest will tell you. United to God as His creation, this baby has the faculty of knowing, and conveys the knowledge by crying. Baptism will refine this unity with the Creator, as do all the sacraments.
Free will is manifest in God’s creation where there is choice. Adam and the Woman were debarred from the Paradise of Pleasure for violating the sacred formula for choice: Everything but this one thing. Where there is no option, where all has been chosen and there are no taboos, there is no choice, and no personhood as defined by free will.
We know what we experience and sense by divine revelation as immanent; and know more than what we experience and sense by divine inspiration as transcendent. Hence, Adam and the Woman could receive the information from Lucifer and react in sin; but knowing God, they further chose to reject Satan and embrace, in their knowledge, reconciliation with the Divine. Having the gift of knowing, there were consequences to the free-will choice. For Adam, having authority and power from God as steward of life and blessing, sin and death came into the world as corporate leader. On the level of personal responsibility, the ground would bring forth weeds as a consequence of this personal choice. The Woman would as a consequence of her personal choice bear the responsibility of giving birth in pain.
Satan is a Gnostic Materialist, the Father of Lies and Murder, first profanes knowing with profane knowledge as the will is weakened by doubt; and urges deadly choice. This assault on reason can be fed by peer pressure of the world, and urges of the flesh. Yet the transcendent touchstone within all, that faculty by which we know the voice of our Shepherd, grants discernment of the truth as a basis for choice. The corporate head of the household said rightly, speaking for his charges in saying, “As for me and my house, we chose life.” In transcendent wisdom (personified as female–one wonders if the Woman nudged him) Corporate Adam heard the voice of God and responded for all mankind and in humble love to bring reconciliation with God.
Going by the space-time continuum, Adam failed, and mankind should have been damned. The Lamb of God, slain before time began, who incarnated in the fullness of time, gave us new choice in conquering sin and death. Christus vincit. Christus regnat. Christus imperat.
Free will is manifest in God’s creation where there is choice. Adam and the Woman were debarred from the Paradise of Pleasure for violating the sacred formula for choice: Everything but this one thing. Where there is no option, where all has been chosen and there are no taboos, there is no choice, and no personhood as defined by free will.
We know what we experience and sense by divine revelation as immanent; and know more than what we experience and sense by divine inspiration as transcendent. Hence, Adam and the Woman could receive the information from Lucifer and react in sin; but knowing God, they further chose to reject Satan and embrace, in their knowledge, reconciliation with the Divine. Having the gift of knowing, there were consequences to the free-will choice. For Adam, having authority and power from God as steward of life and blessing, sin and death came into the world as corporate leader. On the level of personal responsibility, the ground would bring forth weeds as a consequence of this personal choice. The Woman would as a consequence of her personal choice bear the responsibility of giving birth in pain.
Satan is a Gnostic Materialist, the Father of Lies and Murder, first profanes knowing with profane knowledge as the will is weakened by doubt; and urges deadly choice. This assault on reason can be fed by peer pressure of the world, and urges of the flesh. Yet the transcendent touchstone within all, that faculty by which we know the voice of our Shepherd, grants discernment of the truth as a basis for choice. The corporate head of the household said rightly, speaking for his charges in saying, “As for me and my house, we chose life.” In transcendent wisdom (personified as female–one wonders if the Woman nudged him) Corporate Adam heard the voice of God and responded for all mankind and in humble love to bring reconciliation with God.
Going by the space-time continuum, Adam failed, and mankind should have been damned. The Lamb of God, slain before time began, who incarnated in the fullness of time, gave us new choice in conquering sin and death. Christus vincit. Christus regnat. Christus imperat.