Freedom isn't Easy

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How long do you think it takes for a people in bondage and forced dependancy to LEARN how to succeed after being freed??

I ask this question within the context of three things on my mind:
  1. The USSR and it’s satellites
  2. Iraq
  3. The USA, post-slavery, then post JimCrow
How long do you think it takes for a people in bondage and forced dependancy to LEARN how to succeed after being freed??

I ask this question within the context of three things on my mind:
  1. The USSR and it’s satellites
  2. Iraq
  3. The USA, post-slavery, then post JimCrow
2 generations, IMHO. 😉
I think I agree in short. But 2 generations if WHAT happens?
Heck if I know. 😛

Just takes 2 generations to change the gaurd.
Now it’s up to them to want it bad enough for themselves, if they don’t want to succeed on thier own, no one can make them.
Heck if I know. 😛

Just takes 2 generations to change the gaurd.
Now it’s up to them to want it bad enough for themselves, if they don’t want to succeed on thier own, no one can make them.
I was just thinking of America and how grand an experiment it was!!

No King?? Representative government?? Elected, no less??? Separation of church and state?? Huh?? Bill of Rights?? Whoa, nellie!!

And yet, how long and how hard the slog it must have been?? We can romaticize the early years of this great nation, but I sincerely doubt EVEN WITH A MORAL JUDEO-CHRISTIAN SOCIETY, that working out policy and enforcement of policy in a new country was easy.

Even with a Bill of Rights, there was economic stability to contend with. Goodness, we had slavery!! Both these issues led to a incredibly bloody civil war within a century.

Even governmental stability can’t necessarily make a culture stable all by itself.

Case in point: How long will it be before the black populous of our country succeeds as much as an anglo or asian?? Jim Crow was ended almost a half-century ago, the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 ensuring their basic rights as men and women. Two generations later, we still have problems we can’t ignore. Why??

CHOICES. That’s why. And you said it best:

it’s up to them to want it bad enough for themselves, if they don’t want to succeed on thier own, no one can make them.

In 1962, it was estimated that only 2 out of 10 black children were born out of wedlock. Today, it’s estimated that it’s 7 out 10!!

Could you imagine a black community, capitalizing on the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, AND maintaining households with BOTH a mother and a father, at least at the same rate of 8 out of 10??? Throw in a dose of (not entirely just, but hey) affirmative action, and what would our cities look like??

Freedom is simple in many ways, and yet, because of our human frailties, it can be a complicated mix.
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