Freemasonry's Influence in Europe

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**Date: 2005-01-30

****Freemasonry’s Influence in Europe

****Incompatible With Christian Religion, Says Historian

**MADRID, Spain, JAN. 30, 2005 ( To understand what is happening in Europe, the phenomenon of Masonry must be taken into account, says Protestant historian César Vidal.

The director of the program “La Linterna” of the Spanish bishops’ COPE radio network, Vidal has just written a book, “Los Masones: La Historia de la Sociedad Secreta Más Poderosa” (The Freemasons: History of the Most Powerful Secret Society), published by Planeta.

Among other things, the book addresses the Masonic influence in the most important events of recent Spanish history, especially since the election last March of the Spanish Socialist Labor Party (PSOE).

Vidal says that “the secularist current promoted by the government headed by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero shares more than enough Masonry’s rank anti-clericalism.”

The author explains that the Freemasons have an enormous role in the European Union and, by way of example, says that “the project of the European Constitution has been driven by a Freemason,” Valéry Giscard D’Estaing, “who has excluded mention of the continent’s Christian roots and, in addition, has insisted on the inclusion of an article that subjects the churches of the different nations but frees ‘philosophical organizations’ from that obligation.”

Vidal has doctorates in history, philosophy and theology, and a law degree.

Q: Which outstanding personalities in Spain were and are Masons, a fact known by very few people?

Vidal: The list would be too long and some, only some, are mentioned in my book “The Freemasons.” Suffice it to say by way of illustration that the Grand Master of the great Spanish east is Dr. Josep Corominas, PSOE deputy; that the special five-member commission that established Felipe González as the PSOE’s secretary-general has three Masons among its members – one of them the future president of the Senate – and that Rodríguez Zapatero’s grandfather was a Freemason.

Q: Can it be said that Masonry is behind the secularist current that is being witnessed in Spain?

Vidal: What can be said without danger of exaggeration is that the secularist current promoted by the government that José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero heads shares, more than enough, Masonry’s rank anti-clericalism.

Q: What role does it have and might have in the European Union?

Vidal: Enormous if one takes into account that the project of the European Constitution has been promoted by a Freemason who has excluded mention of the continent’s Christian roots and, in addition, has insisted on the inclusion of an article that subjects the Churches to the different nations but frees “philosophical organizations” from that obligation.

Q: In what way, over the last century, has Masonry been present in the history of Spain?

Vidal: Repeatedly and lamentably. A very important role must be attributed to Masonry in the pro-independence movements of Cuba and the Philippines, in anti-clerical and secularist campaigns, in the erosion of the parliamentary monarchy of the Restoration, going so far as to take recourse to terrorism, in the proclamation of the Second Republic and, very especially, in the redaction of a Republican Constitution which created a social break that led to the Civil War.

Q: Can you tell us about concrete events that prove its struggle against Catholicism?

Vidal: That is the history of Masonry since the 18th century, but suffice it to recall, by way of example, that Rodolfo Llopis, Freemason and Socialist, became secretary-general of the PSOE [and] promoted the anti-Christian educational legislation of the Second Republic; or scandals such as that of the Banca Ambrosiana which were linked directly to the Masons’ action.

Q: What were Masonry’s origins?

Vidal: The real origins of Masonry date back to the end of the 17th and early 18th centuries, when groups of individuals attracted by occult gnosis founded meeting places in which, supposedly, it was transmitted.

Of course, they talk about origins that refer to pagan religions, to gnosis, to a nonexistent personality of Solomon’s time and also to the druids.

rest is here:
Masonry has plenty of influence in the US, Mexico, South America, Israel, the Middle East, the Vatican…
John TE:
Masonry has plenty of influence in the US, Mexico, South America, Israel, the Middle East, the Vatican…
Masonry is different in the US. It is more of a philintropic organization. Still, Catholics cannot be Masons, even in the US.
Masonry is different in the US. It is more of a philintropic organization.
On the surface it is.
And you would know differently, how?
I follow the topic closely.

Al Capone knew the PR and distraction value of philanthropy. It didn’t change the fact that he was a murderer and a thief.
John TE:
I follow the topic closely.

Al Capone knew the PR and distraction value of philanthropy. It didn’t change the fact that he was a murderer and a thief.
Freemasonry is incompatible with the Catholic faith. Freemasonry teaches a naturalistic religion that espouses indifferentism, the position that a person can be equally pleasing to God while remaining in any religion.

Masonry is a parallel religion to Christianity. The *New Catholic Encyclopedia *states, “Freemasonry displays all the elements of religion, and as such it becomes a rival to the religion of the Gospel. It includes temples and altars, prayers, a moral code, worship, vestments, feast days, the promise of reward or punishment in the afterlife, a hierarchy, and initiation and burial rites” (vol. 6, p. 137).

Masonry is also a secret society. Its initiates subscribe to secret blood oaths that are contrary to Christian morals. The prospective Mason swears that if he ever reveals the secrets of Masonry - secrets which are trivial and already well-known - he wills to be subject to self-mutilation or to gruesome execution. (Most Masons, admittedly, never would dream of carrying out these punishments on themselves or on an errant member).

Historically, one of Masonry’s primary objectives has been the destruction of the Catholic Church; this is especially true of Freemasonry as it has existed in certain European countries. In the United States, Freemasonry is often little more than a social club, but it still espouses a naturalistic religion that contradicts orthodox Christianity. (Those interested in joining a men’s club should consider the Knights of Columbus instead.)

The Church has imposed the penalty of excommunication on Catholics who become Freemasons. The penalty of excommunication for joining the Masonic Lodge was explicit in the 1917 code of canon law (canon 2335), and it is implicit in the 1983 code (canon 1374).

Because the revised code of canon law is not explicit on this point, some drew the mistaken conclusion that the Church’s prohibition of Freemasonry had been dropped. As a result of this confusion, shortly before the 1983 code was promulgated, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a statement indicating that the penalty was still in force. This statement was dated November 26, 1983 and may be found in Origins 13/27 (Nov. 15, 1983), 450.
Freemasonry is often little more than a social club…
And sometimes it’s a lot more than a social club like, for instance, when Wiiliam Morgan was killed according to rituals laid out in the masonic oaths: an incident which John Quincy Adams commented on in great depth in his “Letters on Freemasonry.”
I bought this book and another book “The Unseen Masonry: a research in internet” by Ricardo de la Cierva, are very interesting and these mason people are very powerful in the world, for example in the “Trillateral Commision” and " Bieldelberg", greetings
Masonry is different in the US. It is more of a philintropic organization. .
In the Phonetic alphabet:

Bravo, Lima, Xray.

It’s a good military term.
John TE:
And sometimes it’s a lot more than a social club like, for instance, when Wiiliam Morgan was killed according to rituals laid out in the masonic oaths: an incident which John Quincy Adams commented on in great depth in his “Letters on Freemasonry.”
Kinda reaching back 200 years there.
Freemasonry isn’t naturalistic, sure they might include naturalism in their beliefs as well as occult, but at its core they believe in the Christian God, however they reject Him and their adoration is instead devoted to Lucifer.

"Magic is the science of the ancient magi… “Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever Philosophy can possess that is most certain, and Religion of the Infallible and the Eternal. It perfectly … reconciles these two terms … faith and reason … those who accept [magic] as a rule may give their will a sovereign power that will make them the masters of all inferior beings and of all errant spirits; that is to say, will make them the Arbiters and Kings of the World…”

"That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition… The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion to science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? “Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods… Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

-Alber Pike, Grand Commander, 33rd degree Mason
Freemasonry isn’t naturalistic, sure they might include naturalism in their beliefs as well as occult, but at its core they believe in the Christian God, however they reject Him and their adoration is instead devoted to Lucifer.

"Magic is the science of the ancient magi… “Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever Philosophy can possess that is most certain, and Religion of the Infallible and the Eternal. It perfectly … reconciles these two terms … faith and reason … those who accept [magic] as a rule may give their will a sovereign power that will make them the masters of all inferior beings and of all errant spirits; that is to say, will make them the Arbiters and Kings of the World…”

"That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition… The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion to science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? “Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods… Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

-Alber Pike, Grand Commander, 33rd degree Mason
Finally someone getting down to what Freemasonry is really about!
The article reminded me of the novel of the Spanish Civil War, The Cypresses Believe in God, in that Freemasons were seen as major culprits. Loved that book.
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