Ask your friend to explain why school teachers, coaches, scout leaders, doctors, lawyers and protestant ministers engage in child sex abuse. These are just a few of the occupations that have confirmed (prosecuted and found guilty of) cases of child abuse. Not one of these occupations requires celibacy as a condition of employment. Celibacy does not ‘cause’ a person to become a sexual predator. Fathers, brothers and uncles have all practiced incest, but we would never say that being a father causes incest. Celibacy does not cause homosexual tendencies, a desire for sex with children, the desire to rape or kill. Celibacy is practicing self control and living a chaste life, nothing more and othing less. Many people live happy ‘celicate’ lives who are not priests.
It is a sad but true fact that the Catholic priesthood like all occupations has a few bad characters. We are blessed that the numbers are very low. Most of our priests are holy men who are dedicating their lives to the service of God and man.
I would hazard a guess that your friend has other ‘issues’ with the church and is using this as a straw man argument.
My prayers are with you. I have had the same attacks made to me. When confronted with real life examples they usually find another topic.