Friends says God is telling her to. What do I say?

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But how did Hosea know it was God, and not his own inner voice? How are we to know if God is telling us, “Take little Mary over to little Katie’s house and take some raisin cookies with you.” or if it is just our thoughts?
By faith. There is no real assurance unless God does something miraculous.

Some people who “hear voices” are actually mentally ill, but this is not to say that God cannot use this method to tell something to a person. Bush says that God told him to run for President and that he would get elected if he did. The 9-11 hijackers also claimed that God was telling them to do what they did.

We really can’t be sure one way or the other when it comes to private revelation.
Tell your friend even IF God is telling her to marry this man, that doesn’t have to mean now and it doesn’t mean under this man’s conditions. If God intends for this marriage to happen then she can set the terms and her boyfriend will have to make the changes. If God is behind this, He’ll give her a few months, or even years, to discern the message.

OK, that’s out of the way!

Actually I’d be a bit concerned that this fellow is dangerous as well as just a jerk.
She honestly is ready to be married and will make a wonderful wife. The whole dating thing is not something she is ready for. (She’s in her late 20s.)
If she isn’t ready to date, she isn’t ready to marry.

And just because she MAY be ready to marry, it doesn’t mean it just happens. Some people who are ready ot marry NEVER marry. She needs to consider this, as we all do.

I am ready to marry as well, have had numerous opportunities, and I am 30. I just have to find the person God intends for me to.

It isn’t a switch just flip. It takes two parties to “be ready for marriage”. Most divorcees thought there were ready for marriage.
Let me tell you what you are dealing with.

Your friend’s problem is not that God is telling her to marry this guy. The problem is that she is desperate to be married, and has now found a man that will give her the time of day. He’s mentioned the word marriage to her and she’s suffering from such lack of self worth that she actually believes that this is her one and only chance. However, due to the impossible demands he has made and the fact that he rejected her, she’s had to justify it to herself somehow that this is a match in spite of these obvious signs he is NOT a match for her.

I am glad she is getting counselling, and I am glad she talks with her pastor. I am also glad that you are her friend. She needs to believe that she can have the marriage she has always wanted. The kind that is detailed in the bible. Your job is to help her believe that. Talk with her, share your faith with her. One quote that I like is by St. Paul I think… “Let your mind dwell on what is true.” What is true? The word of God. Simple as that. She needs to read the Bible and let that speak to her.

It is a tough battle though, and please be patient with her. In the coming months whe will be struggling greatly to keep justifying this belief… Like this: she’ll read/hear something that will indicate that she’s doing wrong, and she’ll feel bad, and then work hard to re-justify it in her mind so that the bad feeling will go away. So that is when you need to keep talking with her and help her along with this struggle.

I could go on and on… I actually have a lot of experience on this one particular problem… Be there for her, pray for ger, and always speak with the truth.
I also recommend Ten Stupid Things by Dr. Laura, and though she oks birth control, she is RABIDLY anti-abortion and also anti-sex outside of marriage. But the book is EXCELLENT. EVERY single gal should have it required reading BEFORE even starting to date.

My favorite Bible verse when I’m looking for wisdom is: “But the wisdon from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, REASONABLE, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.” James 3:17

It doesn’t sound like your friend’s “boyfriend” qualifies as a wise choice in light of James.


“Thanks to God for My Redeemer”
Micheal, where did I say heaping criticisim on her was the way to go? What I said was she is lacking common sense, needs professional help and Forest Pines search for marriage scripture quotes was not the way to help her. She needs prayers and advice. That includes advice from a counselor and her friend. Her friends owe it to her to talk honestly and openly about their concerns for her well being- clearly there is concern and I believe that friends should be straight forth with one another.

QUOTE=Traditional Ang]canne:

The problem isn’t whether Forest-Pines’ friend is hearing something or someone telling her what to do - The problkem is, as I see, who’s doing the talking. We can convince ourelfves that God id talking to us when it’s either ourselves or the Devil. This is esp. true in people who have very low Self-esteem and whose spiritual tradition doesn’t have the models we Catholics have to compare the “Private Revelations” to.

You, Forest-Pine or I may hear a similar message, and, after running it through our own filters, we’ll talk to priests and spiritual directors. If we couldn’t demonstrate why God would want us to do something that would make us totally miserable, thy could show us why the “Private Revelations” were nonesense and weren’t from God, and then we could ignore them and go on our way (telling the Devil were he could stow his ideas while we were at it) in spite of any self-image problems we might have.

I don’t think Forest-Pines’ friend has a spiritual tradition that helps her to do that. That’s a real advantage to Catholicsim that we take for granted.

Canne, for all we know, Forest Pines’ friend usually operates with loads of common sense, but dating and all that strip that away - It’s an artificial situation. That’s why Orthodox Jews still use “matchmakers” and “arranged” marriages. That’s why several therapists and counselors have tried to change the whole dating set-up with things like “Speed-Dating” and e-Harmony.

I think that, once Forest-Pines’ friend has extricated herself from this horrible situation, she might want to use one of those services and forget about conventional dating.

Meanwhile. Forest- Pines and the rest of this lady’s friends have to help her see that she’s a beloved child of God for whom Jesus died who really doesn’t deserve to be martried to an (uncharitable term) who’s going to treat her like dirt.

I don’t see how heaping criticism on someone whose low self-esteem has caused her to believe that this is really what God wants for her is going to help.

In Christ, Michael
We can convince ourelves that God id talking to us when it’s either ourselves or the Devil. This is esp. true in people who have very low Self-esteem and whose spiritual tradition doesn’t have the models we Catholics have to compare the “Private Revelations” to.
Why do you say this is especially the case with people with low self esteem? I don’t understand, pls explain.
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