Frist will break with Bush, support embryonic stem cell research

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Yes, he may lose some of the Catholics, but the Evangelicals will likely continue to support him.

I was listening to Hugh Hewitt, who is a PROTESTANT (Presbyteberian), on Friday on this very subject. Hugh understands that Pre-born Babies have to die for Fetal Stem Cell research to be conducted. Hugh also understands that the people doing the research and spending the money on Fetal Stem Cell Research are going to use even the slightest results to justify the continued slaughter of 4,400 babies/day through Abortions in our country.

I can safely say that Bill Frist has lost much of Hugh Hewitt’s support due to this.

I believe you’re conflating LIBERAL Pro-Abortion Protestants such as those in ECUSA with CONSERVATIVE Pro-life Protestants such as the Southern Baptists or Hugh Hewitt.

The Liberal, Heterodox, Pro-Abortion Protestants will support Dr. Frist’s position on Fetal Stem Cell Research, since they don’t have any real problems with the act which gives the researchers the stem cells.

On the other hand, most Conservative, Orthodox Pro-Life Protestants will condemn Fetal Stem Cell Research because of the act which gives the researchers their stem cells.

I know there are some in that group who don’t get it, and there are others who are ill-informed and susceptible to be emotional pleas from patients and the families of those whom the MSM has convinve FSCR is their only hope, but many do know better, and many are informed and can resist he emotional blackmail of the MSM.

Do you think that you could resist the emotional blackmail of several patients and their loved ones who believe that their only hope is FSCR? And, what if you were the one who was suffering and it was you own loved ones applying the pressure?

This is where doing the right thing has a cost and might be more than a little uncomfortable…

Richard, on this one, I know whereof I speak.

Blessed are they who act to save the live of God’s Little Ones, Michael
Gabriel Gale:
So far, there is no evidence that Frist 10 principles will be implemented in any negotiation.
Yeah…I know…And I don’t really think he has any misplaced altruism at heart. His own words belie his lazy thinking…

QUOTE: Frist says: Like transplantation, if we can answer the moral and ethical questions about stem cell research, I believe we will have the opportunity to save many lives and make countless other lives more fulfilling.

Embryos are not like organ to be transplanted. transplant organs are harvested when the patient has no potential for life remaining—embryos need only a uterus and nine months.

The more appropriate comparison would be to have a child to transplant her heart into another child—saving one child at the cost of the other child’s life.

QUOTE: Frist says:
No. 5. Provide funding for embryonic stem cell research only from blastocysts that would otherwise be discarded. We need to allow Federal funding for research using only those embryonic stem cells derived from blastocysts that are left over after in vitro fertilization and would otherwise be discarded (Cong. Rec. 18 July 2001: S7847).

This gives the message—“go ahead—create life—and if you don’t use it, we will make your son or daughter’s potential life have meaning.” It soothes the conscious of those that may be hesitant to create life only to be indefinitely suspended or simply destroyed. It gives an “out” for their guilt—but if you REALLY think about it—they are USING people. The embryos ARE SLAVES.

QUOTE: Frist says:* But I also strongly believe – as do countless other scientists, clinicians, and doctors – that embryonic stem cells uniquely hold specific promise for some therapies and potential cures that adult stem cells cannot provide…*
Unlike other stem cells, embryonic stem cells are “pluripotent.” That means they have the capacity to become any type of tissue in the human body. Moreover, they are capable of renewing themselves and replicating themselves over and over again – indefinitely.

Even later in his own statement he admits that this is not FACT:

**Frist says: **“Exciting techniques are now emerging that may make it unnecessary to destroy embryos (even those that will be discarded anyway) to obtain cells with the same unique “pluripotential” properties as embryonic stem cells.

For example, an adult stem cell could be “reprogrammed” back to an earlier embryonic stage. This, in particular, may prove to be the best way, both scientifically and ethically, to overcome rejection and other barriers to effective stem cell therapies.”

QUOTE: Frist says: Moreover, those lines unexpectedly after several generations are starting to become less stable and less replicative than initially thought (they are acquiring and losing chromosomes, losing the normal karyotype, and potentially losing growth control). They also were grown on mouse feeder cells, which we have learned since, will likely limit their future potential for clinical therapy in humans (e.g., potential of viral contamination).

So, Frist is willing to push the line that was drawn by Bush back because their conclusions about the embryonic stem cells they COULD use were wrong. How is that a good reason?—it’s like my daughter explaining she should be able to have another cookie before dinner because she ate the one she had too fast. Not reasonable. Furthermore—this just SHOWS that they know embryonic stem cells are not necessarily as USEFUL as they may THINK they are and I for one don’t want babies MADE and USED and DESTROYED just for a guess that they MAY benefit some potential disease—where does it STOP?

WASHINGTON - Breaking with President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has decided to support legislation to expand federal financing for embryonic stem cell research, raising the possibility Congress will enact such a bill, according to a Senate aide knowledgeable about Frist’s plans.

Frist, who last month said he did not at this time support expanded federal financing of such research, was to explain his decision to now support such financing in a speech on the Senate floor Friday morning.

Frist plans to say that he will support the broader federal financing despite having reservations about disagreeing with Bush’s policy that stringently limits taxpayer financing for stem cell research, said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of a reluctance to undercut Frist’s formal announcement.
Well, Frist definitely won’t have my support should he seek the presidency in 2008! :banghead:
Yeah…I know…And I don’t really think he has any misplaced altruism at heart. His own words belie his lazy thinking…

QUOTE: Frist says: Like transplantation, if we can answer the moral and ethical questions about stem cell research, I believe we will have the opportunity to save many lives and make countless other lives more fulfilling.
Or how about Kervokian’s suggestion to do medical experiments on death row inmates?
Gabriel Gale:
Or how about Kervokian’s suggestion to do medical experiments on death row inmates?
OOooo…good point…they’e not going anywhere either–kinda like those embryos trapped in their frozen prison. Why not USE them too–and we don’t have to wait for them to defrost!

So why isn’t that ethical?
The problem is not only what he did, but how he did it. He leaked it to the NYT and after the article ran then and only then he called Bush to tell him.

Frist’s current position is his original position-a position he dropped 4 years ago. Basically it shows that Frist has no core convictions. Lets face it-he hasaslo been a terrible Majortiy Leader. We would be a lot better off with Lott back.
Lets face it-he hasaslo been a terrible Majortiy Leader.
I agree.
We would be a lot better off with Lott back.
I disagree there. Lott was also prone to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I’d like to see Mitch McConnell be majority leader myself.

I agree that Frist has not been a good Majority Leader, and it may be his lack of core values that has brought that about and has caused him to value “comity” over “truth”.

It’s a problem that’s not that uncommon in the Senate.
I agree.

I disagree there. Lott was also prone to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I’d like to see Mitch McConnell be majority leader myself.
Lott did snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and stuck his foot in his mouth, but he has been far more gracious than most of his opponents on the other side.

I’d have to look at Senator McConnell’s record to be sure, but you’re probably right.

I think the Republican “Big Tent” may serve the Party well during elections, but really makes having a common vision for our country all but impossible and makes it difficult to put effective LIFE-CENTERED legislation before the President.

The Republicans have to decide how important the "Big Tent’ is to the party and how wide the “Big Tent” can become before it interferes with creating or implimenting a ruling Pro-Life vision.

That’s not going to be easy thinking for that Party, but I think the Party has to do it.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
I agree.

I disagree there. Lott was also prone to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I’d like to see Mitch McConnell be majority leader myself.
I agree that McConnel would be an excellent majortiy leader. You are probably right about Lott but he was a lot better than Frist

Have you noticed how the same people who derided Frist for expressing a medical opinion on Tterry Schiavo are now telling us he has more credibility than most on stem cells becuase he is a Doctor?

in addition to the hypocrisy in this it shoud be noted that the stem cell debate is not a medical deabte-it a debate on morals and ethics-an area that being a Dr adds no expertise.
I live in a town which includes a relatively strong Baptist church. Many of them are very vocal about their beliefs and they have been very vocal against embryonic stem cell research. This is NOT a Catholic issue.
It is not a Catholic issue, but it is the Catholic Church which accepts ethics based on science.

Not ethics based on utilitarianism… which is generally accepted in society.
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