Richardols:Yes, he may lose some of the Catholics, but the Evangelicals will likely continue to support him.
I was listening to Hugh Hewitt, who is a PROTESTANT (Presbyteberian), on Friday on this very subject. Hugh understands that Pre-born Babies have to die for Fetal Stem Cell research to be conducted. Hugh also understands that the people doing the research and spending the money on Fetal Stem Cell Research are going to use even the slightest results to justify the continued slaughter of 4,400 babies/day through Abortions in our country.
I can safely say that Bill Frist has lost much of Hugh Hewitt’s support due to this.
I believe you’re conflating LIBERAL Pro-Abortion Protestants such as those in ECUSA with CONSERVATIVE Pro-life Protestants such as the Southern Baptists or Hugh Hewitt.
The Liberal, Heterodox, Pro-Abortion Protestants will support Dr. Frist’s position on Fetal Stem Cell Research, since they don’t have any real problems with the act which gives the researchers the stem cells.
On the other hand, most Conservative, Orthodox Pro-Life Protestants will condemn Fetal Stem Cell Research because of the act which gives the researchers their stem cells.
I know there are some in that group who don’t get it, and there are others who are ill-informed and susceptible to be emotional pleas from patients and the families of those whom the MSM has convinve FSCR is their only hope, but many do know better, and many are informed and can resist he emotional blackmail of the MSM.
Do you think that you could resist the emotional blackmail of several patients and their loved ones who believe that their only hope is FSCR? And, what if you were the one who was suffering and it was you own loved ones applying the pressure?
This is where doing the right thing has a cost and might be more than a little uncomfortable…
Richard, on this one, I know whereof I speak.
Blessed are they who act to save the live of God’s Little Ones, Michael