I wish they had used more of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (now considered non-canonical). In the EU, Han and Leia had three children (Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo). Luke was also married and had a son, Ben. Jacen and Jaina were twins. Anakin was killed off to avoid confusion with his grandfather in the prequels. Over the course of nine books, Jacen slowly fell to the dark side, largely without realizing that he was falling. Jaina was eventually forced to kill Jacen, although (I think) he redeemed himself in the last second or two of his life. I’m not saying that’s the story they should have told (although I think it would have been a good one), but it would have helped if they didn’t do stupid things like reuse Ben’s name for a different side of the Skywalker family, further screwing up the relationship between the EU and the new canon. Would it have killed them to name him Jacen? Admittedly, I lost interest in the EU when they killed off both Jacen and Anakin Solo. Decided to write my own sci-fi books.