Fulton Sheen an anti-Semite?

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On the other hand, here is a quote on Padre Pio from one of his contemporaries. The quote is sourced:

The following is a copy of a letter sent to the Catholic Times by Stephen M. Smith of London, concerning a meeting between Marcel Lefebvre and Padre Pio in 1962.
Further to the comments of Mrs. Susan Murray concerning the example of obedience to superiors set by Padre Pio. Catholic Times readers may be interested to learn of the meeting of Padre Pio with the late Archbishop Lefebvre in 1962, shortly after the archbishop had been made Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers.
**The archbishop had a meeting with Padre Pio in the presence of Professor Bruno Rabajotti. This witness reported that at a particular moment Padre Pio looked at Lefebvre very sternly and said: “Never cause discord among your brothers and always practice the rule of obedience, above all when it seems to you that the errors of those in authority are all the more serious. There is no other road than that of obedience, especially for those who have made this vow.”
Padre Pio could give this advice because he had to obey some rather questionable orders himself. His attitude was to put this in God’s hands because He would find a way for truth to triumph. It seems that Archbishop Lefebvre did not see things in quite the same way even if he did respond to Padre Pio with “I will remember that, Father.” Padre Pio looked at him intensely and, seeing what would soon happen, said: “No! You will forget it. You will tear apart the community of the faithful, oppose the will of your superiors and even go against the orders of the Pope himself – and this will happen quite soon. You will forget the promise you made here today, and the whole Church will be hurt by you. Don’t set yourself up as a judge. Don’t take powers that do not belong to you and do not consider yourself as the voice of God’s people, as God already speaks to them. Do not cause discord and dissension. However, I know that this is what you will do!”
Unfortunately, the truth of Padre Pio’s prophecy is obvious to everyone.**
(Quote taken from Padre Pio Gleanings by Pascal Catanes, 1991)
How significant that the Padre Pio who foresaw the disobedience of Lefebvre was the same Padre Pio who met a young Fr. Karol Wojtyla in 1947 and told him that he would one day be Sovereign Pontiff. God bless our Pope.

(Signed) Stephen M. Smith, London


Sean O L Note Jan. 13, 2005:

I have since purchased the book Padre Pio Gleanings by Pascal Cataneo, Éditions Paulines, which originally appeared as: I Fioretti de Padre Pio, Edizioni Dehoniane, Rome, 1988. The above quote in bold is on pages 58-59.

Sean O L
Considering the site includes several eastern fathers Fr Ambrose shouldn’t be so quick to spread this tripe to every thread he inhabits.
THe anti-semetism of the Russian Church and State has no parallel save the Nazis anyway perhaps to make up for his own church inadequacies he spread this filth.
Using your logic: Given that Satan can quote Scripture better than anyone, and can appear as “an angel of light” - then it is OK for you to misinterpret Fr. Ambrose’s remonstration at the attribution of the anti-semetic tag! I think that you have not really read what Fr. Ambrose actually wrote in Message #7.
Originally Posted by justbeinfrank
This website is ridiculous. They speak about “the perfidious Jews” and the like. It is clearly anti-Semitic and they’ve made up that quote.
Perfidious means faithless. The Jews have no faith in Christ. Ergo they are perfidious.
Sorry, I should of chedcked out the website before hand.
Pope John XXIII expunged “perfidious” from the Good Friday liturgy.

July 25, 1960: “Motu proprio” from John XXIII, whereby the new “Corpus Rubricarum” for the Breviary and Missal is approved. Previous rubrics are abrogated; same for privileges, indults and customs. Calendars and Propria to conform. (Australasian Catholic Review, 1961, pp.10-13).
Why have I been the only voice, and an Orthodox voice at that, to make this protest??? Everybody else did nothing!!!
Sorry, Fr. Ambrose. The Sun rises earlier in the East. N.Z. is East of Oz. Besides - today is Pension Pay Day 🙂
It is true that there Jews who to some degree influenced and played a part in presecution of the church. However, the jews collectively as a whole cannot be blamed, nor do they hold sole responsibility. The Second Vatican council talked about the church’s relationship with the jewish people. They are God’s chosen people, the first to hear to hear His word. Their covenant with God is still good. God never revokes His promises nor did He ever abandon his own people. I say this because there were jews who did in fact convert to christianity like St. Paul for example. Some of the jews were for Christ, some of them weren’t. Those who rejected him, assuming they didn’t repent perished. So the Church’s relationship with the jews is a very special one, because salvation is from the jews. And we are to honor them. If it weren’t for the jews, there would be no church, I garauntee it! That doesn’t mean however that we shouldn’t convert them.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”

Katolic, stop making false qoutes about our holy Padre Pio.
I can’t wait until people start calling St.Maximilian Kolbe an antisemite! This is has happened to many times in Poland.😦
Prior to his death, Maximillian was an anti-semite and published a journal about it as well. The problem here, guys, there have been many Saints who have been anti-semites. Look at the Early Church Fathers…sentiments that still exist today in all peoples… Maximillian gave up his life for a jew, we all know that. He probably repented from his diatribes. Iwill look for the book that says all of this…
Prior to his death, Maximillian was an anti-semite and published a journal about it as well. The problem here, guys, there have been many Saints who have been anti-semites. Look at the Early Church Fathers…sentiments that still exist today in all peoples… Maximillian gave up his life for a jew, we all know that. He probably repented from his diatribes. Iwill look for the book that says all of this…
A saint declared by the church cannot both be anti-semetic and a saint. To say that would mean they would be disobedient to the church.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
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