Fulton Sheen in Sakkos

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Some time in the 50’s. Bishop Fulton Sheen celebrated the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom as a Byzatine bishop–and in English!

I’ve seen photos of him in Byzantine vesture.

Does anyone know who gave him his Byzantine faculties? How does this work for a bishop?
I know for a fact that Bishop Sheen spoke a couple of times at the Otpust at Mt. St. Macrina. This may have been where the pics were taken…
I know for a fact that Bishop Sheen spoke a couple of times at the Otpust at Mt. St. Macrina. This may have been where the pics were taken…
Did you see Bishop John Kudrick at the Peroria Cathedral liturgy for the Cause of Beatification of Archbishop Sheen on EWTN? What an odd juxtoposition, Bishop John distributing Communion with two altar girls holding patens standing next to him.

**Bishop John distributing Communion with two altar girls holding patens standing next to him.

I tried not to look too hard.

BTW–what were they wearing? I looked something like a blue chimere (or mantaletta) over an alb.
Some time in the 50’s. Bishop Fulton Sheen celebrated the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom as a Byzatine bishop–and in English!

I’ve seen photos of him in Byzantine vesture.

Does anyone know who gave him his Byzantine faculties? How does this work for a bishop?
He was given bi-ritual faculties by the Melkite Church, IIRC, because of his generous work on behalf of Byzantine Catholics in the U.S. He was also the last bi-ritual Bishop.

Peace and God bless!
He was given bi-ritual faculties by the Melkite Church,

I assume these came from the Patriarch himself? There was not a Melkite Bishop in the USA in the '50’s.
I recall there being some question as to who gave him bi-ritual faculties as a priest, and whether or not someone explicitly did. It was more questionable if someone did so again after he became a bishop or if just “retained” his previous bi-ritual status.
Ghosty, I was curious who that was in your signature photo…
Some time in the 50’s. Bishop Fulton Sheen celebrated the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom as a Byzatine bishop–and in English!

I’ve seen photos of him in Byzantine vesture.

Does anyone know who gave him his Byzantine faculties? How does this work for a bishop?
I would love to see those photos. Does anyone have a link?
the other thread does show Bp. Sheen in two different litugies vested in two different ways. Deacon Ed posted one of him in what is clearly a phelonian.

The other photo posted one of him in Saccos.

Multi-ritual bishops are rare, but not unheard of. Roman Rite Titular Archbishop Nicholas Elko was a former Ruthenian Bishop.

Bishops with assigned parishes of other Rites may celebrate as their bishop; I don’t know exactly whether or not they vest eastern for the HDL… Examples include the Syro-Malabar and Russian parishes in the US, who have as their bishops (and archbishops) Roman bishops.
the other thread does show Bp. Sheen in two different litugies vested in two different ways. Deacon Ed posted one of him in what is clearly a phelonian.

The other photo posted one of him in Saccos.

Multi-ritual bishops are rare, but not unheard of. Roman Rite Titular Archbishop Nicholas Elko was a former Ruthenian Bishop.

Bishops with assigned parishes of other Rites may celebrate as their bishop; I don’t know exactly whether or not they vest eastern for the HDL… Examples include the Syro-Malabar and Russian parishes in the US, who have as their bishops (and archbishops) Roman bishops.
Once Bishop Elko was incardinated into the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati, he ceased being a Byzantine Catholic bishop, and spent the rest of his as a Roman Catholic bishop. That was the only way Rome would allow to function as a bishop in the U.S.

Aramis: Actually the Syro-Malabar do have a diocese that covers the United States and Canada. The faithful of the Syro-Malabar Church in North America are under the care of:
Most Rev. Jacob ANGADIATH
Bishop of Catholic Syro-Malabarians in the United States
Permanent Apostolic Visitator to Canada

See stthomasdiocese.org
Some time in the 50’s. Bishop Fulton Sheen celebrated the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom as a Byzatine bishop–and in English!

I’ve seen photos of him in Byzantine vesture.

Does anyone know who gave him his Byzantine faculties? How does this work for a bishop?
Here is a link to one photo showing Archbishop Fulton Sheen in Sakkos, Omophorion, and Eastern Bishop’s mitre. He is holding a blessing cross, but not carrying a crozier, which would would be correct, as the church that he is in is not part of his diocese

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