Fun facts to ponder

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Arsenic is not poisonous to human life in its natural combined state, however, at high pressure, pure oxygen has toxic effects on our bodies.
The last pope who was not a cardinal yet when elected was Pope Urban VI in 1378.
Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday.
Okay this isn’t exactly a fun fact, but it is interesting! Heart attacks are increased by 20% on Monday’s.
The most common time for them to happen is between 4-10 a.m.
I believe heart attacks also go up dramatically when we go on and off daylight saving time…DST was instituted in WW1 in order for more daylight to allow the manufacturing of weapons when factories didn’t have electric lighting yet. It now seems to solve no problems but creates quite a few.
Sugar is such a concentrated source of energy that when combined with an oxidizer, such as KNO3, it can be used as a rocket fuel.
A lion’s roar can be heard from 5 miles away.

To be more specific, a lion can roar as loud as 114 decibels, which is roughly 25 times louder than a gas-powered lawnmower.
Statistically, are heart attacks less common in Arizona than in the other 49 states? It’s the only state that doesn’t switch to DST.
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After adjustment for trend and seasonal effects, the Monday following spring time changes was associated with a 24% increase in daily AMI counts (p=0.011), and the Tuesday following fall changes was conversely associated with a 21% reduction (p=0.044). No other weekdays in the weeks following DST changes demonstrated significant associations.

From here…

I think Indiana is now on DST. Arizona and Hawaii are not. Car accidents are also greatly increased in the three days following the spring change. It all seems to be due to the hour of sleep lost as heart attacks go DOWN by almost the same percentage in the fall as the rise in spring…21% decrease and 24% increase in spring. Humans seem to have a hard time going to bed one hour earlier and actually falling asleep…it takes several days to adjust…jet lag on the ground, so to speak!
For inquiring minds:

So they went DST in 2006 due to some areas going on it and some areas not as well as having some areas in a different time zone to begin with! Wow, what a mess…why on earth wouldn’t that small area that in Central time not just go with Eastern…are they special snowflakes or are there some really good reasons?
The last born in Rome was Pope Pius XII, elected in 1939. (He was also the last serving Vatican secretary of state elected.)
Saint Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.

Saint Lucia was discovered by the French after they were shipwrecked on the island.

They arrived on December 13th which is the feast day of Saint Lucy – hence, why they named it Saint Lucia!
The United States Navy has started using Xbox controllers for their periscopes.
You read that right – because the control stick for periscopes is so complicated, using Xbox controllers reduces the learning time from hours to minutes.
Silly string has saved lives in Gulf War II, by marking tripwires to IEDs before anybody stepped on them.
All the Church requires of you is 0.65% of your life.

Do the math: if you go to Mass every time you have to, that comes out to about 57 hours a year in the US. So all you give God is 0.65%? You can do better than that.
The Slinky was discovered accidentally in WW2, when a metal spring being installed in a piece of armament bounced down a factory staircase.
Luther didn’t reject the Deuterocanon until an opponent of his proved that purgatory is Biblical using a Deuterocanonical book.

After that, he started throwing books out left, right, and center. He tried to toss Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation, too, but his followers weren’t having it.
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