Just seen this reply. No, charity doesn’t have anything to with race. Don’t accuse me of racism. However a pope from a third world nation would have a better idea of what needs doing. Simple as.Sorry to be picky, but “probably”? “allowing”? The Church’s “stance” or “leanings” re contraception and all other moral and doctrinal issues are fixed and will remain the same forever regardless of whether a cure is ever found for AIDS. Of course I pray that a cure will be found, but this will have no effect on Church doctrine. I pray that we see an African and/or Latino pope too, but it’s racist to assume that the Church’s focus on charity and humanitarianism (which could hadly be any greater than it aloready is) is a function of the Pope’s race.
To the OP and others, please don’t misapply political terms like “liberal” and “conservative” to the Church. The Church is not a political party. I think you mean to ask if the Church’s members will be “more orthodox” or “less orthodox”.
And yes ‘‘probably’’ I don’t claim to know with certainty any detail of the future, neither do I pretend to. So ‘‘probability’’ is what I’m going on.