I know the faith forbids involving oneself in hokey pokey fortune predictions. However, we read in the bible lots of future foretelling and reading signs, stars, omens (?).
I understand that we shouldn’t put faith in fortune cookies, or horoscopes/astrological forecasts.
But I find myself interested in, entertained?, in listening to national futurists (people who predict the future - visionists?, remote viewers) - like those you find on the late night radio show CoastToCoastAm (formerly the Art Bell show).
Should this also be refrained from?
I understand that we shouldn’t put faith in fortune cookies, or horoscopes/astrological forecasts.
But I find myself interested in, entertained?, in listening to national futurists (people who predict the future - visionists?, remote viewers) - like those you find on the late night radio show CoastToCoastAm (formerly the Art Bell show).
Should this also be refrained from?