Gavin Newsom Exempts Entertainment Industry from California’s Stay-at-Home Order

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Another “superspreader exemption” for leftist big business (or else it shouldn’t be done in the first place against anyone).

This will force the little guy to have to risk life and limb to go in and work for the elitist leftists in Hollywood too.

Lockdown for thee but not for me.


Gavin Newsom Exempts Entertainment Industry from California’s Stay-at-Home Order​

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Frazer Harrison/Getty Images


23 Nov 2020

As millions of Californians endure another coronavirus stay-at-home order, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has reportedly decided to exempt the state’s signature industry from his lockdown mandate, allowing film and TV shoots to continue. The decision not only affects celebrities but also the thousands of blue-collar crew members who light the sets, transport the scenery, and keep everyone fed.

Deadline reported that the governor’s latest order doesn’t apply to the entertainment production industry, which is on the list of essential work and is thus exempt from the rule.

Gov. Newsom’s order requires the vast majority of the state to stop all non-essential work, travel, and gatherings between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. every day through December 21. The order affects Californians in “purple-tier” counties, where coronavirus cases are rising the fastest.

Movie and TV shoots remain big business in California, employing thousands of people each year, the vast majority of whom are so-called “below-the-line” — crew members who toil long hours behind the scenes. They include camera operators, sound engineers, electricians, carpenters, truck drivers, makeup artists, and caterers.

Many shoots take place at night and require crews to work before and after the actors have shot their scenes.

The state’s production industry employs tens of thousands of crew members, according to data from the California Film Commission. . . .

. . . The California lockdown comes as Gov. Newsom continues to deal with fallout for attending a party at the exclusive French Laundry restaurant in Napa where guests failed to wear masks or practice social distancing, in direct contradiction of the governor’s own recommendations.
Bold mine.

The little man needs to know their place, just accept what the Democrat elite gives you and ignore their growing wealth and influence
So, either the coronavirus decided that it will infect everybody other than the entertainers, or Newsom doesn’t care about entertainers’ health, or Newsom never truly believed in the importance of lockdowns.
Newsom never truly believed in the importance of lockdowns.
As with Gov. Cuomo, and several other staunch proponents of lockdown. If they don’t believe what they’re saying, why does anyone else?
There has to be an Andy Kaufman joke in that.

I can imagine many others in the bear state wish the California governor went easier on the rest of Californians for the holidays.
Newsom’s nonsense replicated in Los Angeles County:

I’m told Barbara Ferrer makes over $500k per year to be the head of the LA County Dept of Public Health, but here she can’t supply their own science/data to justify the latest LA County orders. Neither could her deputy.


yes do as I say not as I do.

Californians I’ve talked to lately are angry. There is an active recall on for Newsom. At the rate he’s going, I don’t give a fig for his chances of reelection in '22.
More on Ferrer’s fatal fecklessness:

I think it’s long past time for government bureaucrat heads and elected officials to have some skin in the game. One day lost salary for every day this draconian order is in place. So they can suffer the way they’ve made their constituents suffer. They’d figure out how to fix it in a hurry.

Notice I do not put the honorific “Dr” in front of Ferrer’s name as she has shown herself unworthy of the appellation.
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