Gay Adoption Ban Remains Law

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In a significant victory for children needing a home, the Supreme Court has refused to review Florida’s ban on homosexual adoption. Gay rights activists decry the decision, claiming that children will now lose the opportunity to have a “loving home” because of an “ideological point of view” that says children should be raised by a mother and a father. These activists claim that studies show that children do “just fine” in homosexual households. However, analysis finds that such research is fraught with methodological problems. In truth, the gay adoption movement is less about the needs of children and more about furthering a deviant political agenda and forcing the full acceptance of homosexuality upon our society. This welcome decision ensures that the 8,000 children awaiting adoption in Florida will not be entrusted to two homosexuals or two lesbians. Governor Jeb Bush and the state of Florida were correct in arguing that children should be placed in homes with a mother and a father.

– Mark L. Chance.
I wonder if other states will follow suit and put such laws on the books.
Yeah and Bill O’Reilly spent his morning show complaining
about the decision. I sometimes do not understand the man.
He of course quotes the most extreme situation, medically
fragile child, two homosexual nurses (they lived in FL and
apparently moved to the land of fruits and nuts AKA Oregon).

What Mr O’Reilly and his ilk do not understand is that in no
way would homosexual adoptions be limited to the most dire
cases. As someone brought up there are many homes that
are available but who do not meet the FINANCIAL criteria
to adopt…stay at home mom, working dad. Compare the bucks
with two homosexuals who make a good living and it’s easy
to see where the child will end up.

I am so glad this ban stayed in effect however I am dismayed by
the media’s response.

Lisa N
I do not agree with this ban. Their are still 100s of 1,000s of children out there availble for adoption or foster care. Whats more importent, keep them in the foster care system, or give them to a loving person or couple? Granted the courts should make a prefreance for traditional famliy homes, but really how many of those are there anymore?
I do not agree with this ban. Their are still 100s of 1,000s of children out there availble for adoption or foster care. Whats more importent, keep them in the foster care system, or give them to a loving person or couple? Granted the courts should make a prefreance for traditional famliy homes, but really how many of those are there anymore?
Quite honestly while that sounds reasonable on the surface, consider what you are suggesting, “problem” children do not deserve to be paired up with traditional families but should be considered of lower value? IOW we’ll let homosexuals adopt but they should only be a last resort?

Realistically, that sort of system would NEVER work. Homosexuals, if allowed to adopt would demand to be treated “equally” and thus could be considered as suitable as a stable married couple.

The many thousands of children in foster care often have serious medical or mental health issues. If ANY child needs a stable, two parents of the opposite sex home, it’s a child that has led a chaotic life with an irresponsible birth parent.

I do agree the foster system is not perfect and more screening needs to occur. But you don’t fix the foster care system by allowing homosexuals to adopt children. Sadly, any homosexual who truly wants a child will simply buy one either through IVF or rentawomb. It’s possible for them to obtain a child outside the adoption system anyway. Children have become a commodity.

Lisa N
Our society should decide what loving means. Exposing any child to a deviant lifestyle is not loving. The slogan from the homosexual lobby is all it takes is love to make a family. That intends to change the definitions of family and love.
When homosexuals consider their lifestyle “just fine”, I’m not surprised they would think their lifestyle would not corrupt young children.
I do not agree with this ban. Their are still 100s of 1,000s of children out there availble for adoption or foster care. Whats more importent, keep them in the foster care system, or give them to a loving person or couple? Granted the courts should make a prefreance for traditional famliy homes, but really how many of those are there anymore?
Can we please send one to my friend and her husband who have been waiting for over two years now to adopt a baby? :banghead: There are more than you think. One tenth of married couples are infertile. There are many people willing to adopt older children too, however many of the parents won’t relinquish custody. Foster parents can be a loving family too, I know several.
along the lines of adoption,what of the family who raises a child since birth. Loves that child and provides for that child just as if he or she was “born” into that family.

When time comes for the final papers to be signed, or even after signing, the birth parent shows back up, fights for custody and WINS. :eek:

Sorry,off topic.

What a warped sense of family will a child have?..How will this child know and understand the love that a MOM AND DAD can give? I am a single mom by virtue of being widowed. I am a pretty good mom, but I am a ROTTEN DAD.! Likewise, how can a man, even with the best intentions and love, be a MOM?

Like it or not, men and women are different, Praise be to God.
wisdom 3:5:
Can we please send one to my friend and her husband who have been waiting for over two years now to adopt a baby? :banghead: There are more than you think. One tenth of married couples are infertile. There are many people willing to adopt older children too, however many of the parents won’t relinquish custody. Foster parents can be a loving family too, I know several.
Baby adoptions are something differant. They are on a highest price paid enconomy. My privite adoption cost us 10K, public is anywhere from 20-30k, luckily Bush increased the Tax Credits that Clinton put in in his term, most corperations are also now paying for or helping to pay for adoptions if the couple is medically infertile.

But there is still allot of children out there who need a home.
So the children are to suffer while society trys to find equal ground on a sexual issue?
If ANY child needs a stable, two parents of the opposite sex home, it’s a child that has led a chaotic life with an irresponsible birth parent.
But this is my point, there are not enough people willing to adopt now as it is. We are thinking of doing foster care instead of problem pregnancy. We talked to a DSS social worker and could not believe whats actually going on. This person has kids that average a new home every 3-4 months, they are up for adoption but noone wants to.
So the children are to suffer while society trys to find equal ground on a sexual issue?

But this is my point, there are not enough people willing to adopt now as it is. We are thinking of doing foster care instead of problem pregnancy. We talked to a DSS social worker and could not believe whats actually going on. This person has kids that average a new home every 3-4 months, they are up for adoption but noone wants to.
And I totally agree the foster care system is a mess. And exactly how would allowing homosexuals to adopt these children improve that system? Is there a long line of homosexuals who are waiting for these “unadoptable” children? Or are homosexuals like the rest of potentially adoptive parents, wanting a cute white infant? Further is there any evidence that homosexuals would be more successful with “problem” children? No. The reality is that once you let the camel get his nose under the tent flap, you’ll be hosting him forever. If homosexuals obtain the “right” to adopt they will demand to be placed on “equal” footing with a traditional male/female married couple. I told the story of how a foster family wanted to adopt a little boy they’d had in their home but the child was sent across the country to two homosexual males. Trust me, they will want their “rights” and will sue to get them. The only thing that would prevent this is a ban on homosexual adoptions.

Sadly there is a reason that such children are difficult to place. Their parents have destroyed their lives with drugs, irresponsible behavior, unemployment, domestic violence, etc. It is going to take a VERY special and well trained professional to deal with such children. We just had yet another case of an adopted former foster child being abused. She was simply impossible for the family to deal with because of her violent outbursts…so they locked her in a room without food :eek: . Children like this don’t need people with grand ideas about how they can help, they need professional care.

Lisa N
I think it’s a shame the Supreme Court threw out the case instead of writing an opinion upholding the ban.
along the lines of adoption,what of the family who raises a child since birth. Loves that child and provides for that child just as if he or she was “born” into that family.

When time comes for the final papers to be signed, or even after signing, the birth parent shows back up, fights for custody and WINS. :eek:

Sorry,off topic.

What a warped sense of family will a child have?..How will this child know and understand the love that a MOM AND DAD can give? I am a single mom by virtue of being widowed. I am a pretty good mom, but I am a ROTTEN DAD.! Likewise, how can a man, even with the best intentions and love, be a MOM?

Like it or not, men and women are different, Praise be to God.
This very case is playing out down in my neck of the woods. The child is three years old, and a judge has ordered that he be returned to his birth mother. What’s worse is that his biological mother and father are not married, and will also be fighting over who gets custody of him. So there is a three way tug of war.
I think it’s a shame the Supreme Court threw out the case instead of writing an opinion upholding the ban.

This very case is playing out down in my neck of the woods. The child is three years old, and a judge has ordered that he be returned to his birth mother. What’s worse is that his biological mother and father are not married, and will also be fighting over who gets custody of him. So there is a three way tug of war.
Welcome to the forum BibleStudent:) This is a shame,they fight to have the "right"to have a child and the childs right to have alife is overlooked.God Bless
Welcome to the forum BibleStudent:) This is a shame,they fight to have the "right"to have a child and the childs right to have alife is overlooked.God Bless
Thank you. 🙂

I wonder if it is a stigma these days for a child to have same sex guardians as it was to have a single parent in the olden days.
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