"Gay Friendly" Agenda Gaining Footholds in Catholic Schools Around The Country

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**This is an old article (which is why I didn’t post In The News) but noteworthy still the same. I believe these things are still happening in Catholic schools in the U.S. **

"Gay Friendly" Agenda Gaining Footholds in Catholic Schools Around The Country

By Teresa Cepeda

The October 30 through November 1 conference of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) attracted nearly 1,000 teachers, administrators and activists to gloat on the group’s gains in schools and to share tactics for pushing the gay agenda in schools, getting around opposition from parents and school boards.

Parents and their elected representatives on school boards were identified by a number of speakers as “the enemy,” including keynote speaker Suzanne Pharr, a homosexual and racial activist from Plant City, Florida. The biggest enemy, according to Pharr, is the “Right”—a group of people, mostly men like the Promise Keepers, who don’t have any beliefs or ideals of their own, but want to hurt gays and to control youth and women. Pharr said that the current agitation for the gay agenda in schools is as important to their movement as the 1957 school desegregation court decision was to the civil rights movement.

Father James Schexnayder, speaking at the conference as a representative of the Diocese of Oakland’s Task Force for Outreach to Gay and Lesbian Communities and their Families and as Executive Director of the allegedly NCCB recognized National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries (NACDLGM), continues this theme of gay rights versus backwards “conservatives” into the Catholic realm. Right wing Vatican officials and preVatican II Catholics are the hateful, vocal minority trying to prevent progress in human rights. Church sexual teachings are superstitious, based on fear rather than theology or revelation.

With helping from a willing bishop, John Cummings of Oakland, Schexnayder and his group have made the diocese’s nine Catholic high schools gay-friendly. When Contra Costa County public schools passed a gay sensitivity resolution this year, Schexnayder’s diocesan Task Force formed a “Safe Schools Program,” funded by the United Way, to go into the public schools, hold faculty and staff in-services, to do presentations to classrooms and to form support groups to help gay students “come out of the closet”—things that were beyond the wildest dreams of gay organizations because of parent and school board objections, but which had been going on in Catholic schools for years. Asked by a questioner in his talk why the public schools would bring in a Catholic agency to promote gay and lesbian issues, Schexnayder replied, “Because we had had the experience in Catholic schools and even gay/lesbian agencies hadn’t been doing that.”

Schexnayder noted that the Catholic Charities employee who runs the Safe School Program, Julie Lienert, is a GLSEN board member and that she was attending the conference. Lienert’s business card and brochures for the Safe Schools Program were put out on a display table for a “queer youth” consortium of which the Safe Schools Program is a part. The program is, according to the brochure, conducted “in collaboration with the Center for Human Development” (a radical gay organization). Services offered to “gay, lesbian, and questioning youth and families” include: staff in services, classroom workshop (“Interactive presentations that help students explore myths and stereotypes, sexual identity, and family diversity.”), curriculum/library resources, and links to gay community services. Only a handful of people attended Schexnayder’s talk— several of them already involved with the Task Force and most of the rest gay teachers in Catholic schools who came to complain about the Church’s teaching that homosexual sex is wrong.

Click on link below to read article in its entirety
I thought that I would yank and protest to the vatican but that wasn’t an option…but thats what I would do!
If the Catholic school that my daughter attends were to cope a “gay friendly” attitude I’d remove my child from the school the very day such agenda went into effect & shake the dust off of my feet in protest against it.
Tyler Smedley:
I thought that I would yank and protest to the vatican but that wasn’t an option…but thats what I would do!
When posting these polls there is always an option that I wished I would have posted.
Just before the session closed, Amity Buxton complained that the Church says it is wrong to “express homosexual friendships sexually.” Schexnayder responded, “The Church validates the sanctity of an individual conscience. After a certain point, it’s nobody’s damn business. What are we going to do? Ask everybody? We don’t do that of heterosexuals. Because they have a loving relationships before marriage, do we go around asking, `Are you sexually active?’ As Cardinal Mahony said at our national conference last year, we should be careful not to ask more of gay and lesbian people than we do of heterosexuals.”
I was just wondering how one would go about finding out if these things were occuring in their school (Catholic or Public). I would think in more conservative areas of the country something like this would be done on the sly so as to not arouse any kind of parental outcry. Any suggestions? I’d like to look into it as soon as possible.

God Bless
Members of the audience were first asked to identify themselves and describe their work in Catholic schools. Kim Eisman, a male teacher at Ursuline Academy, an all-girls high school in Cincinnati, Ohio, noted that his school had been very “progressive and aggressive” on this issue, beginning about four years ago, when lesbian students demanded to be allowed to take same-sex dates to dances. The school has a Sexual Orientation Awareness Committee, which is currently attempting to proselytize other, less “open-minded” Cincinnati Catholic schools. **In response to Eisman’s description of his school’s activities, Schexnayder responded that a Cincinnati bishop, Carl Modell, had recently contacted him to obtain resources on the subject. **

John Otterford, a religion teacher at Notre Dame High School in Belmont, California, noted that he is trying to get his administration to do faculty in services on gay issues. Greg Miller, a teacher and campus minister at St. Ignatius College Prep in San Francisco said he had come for ideas on forming a gay/straight alliance in a Catholic school and for discussion of worries about gay faculty being fired if they have partners.
Article said:
[With helping from a willing bishop, John Cummings of Oakland…

How old is this article? Bishop Cummings was replaced by Bishop Vigneron a few years ago.

Bishop Vigneron is about as orthodox as they get. I can vouch for him personally as he was the Rector of the Seminary where I am taking my Diaconate classes. As one of the Auxilliary Bishops here in Detroit, he also Confirmed my wife.

( I still haven’t forgiven Oakland for taking him 😉 , but I guess they really did need him more than we did)


I guess the article address my question
Gorzycki said she is very worried about what will happen after Bishop Cummings retires
. "Bishop Cummings has been an amazing support with regard to this issue.

And worried she should be 👍
I was just wondering how one would go about finding out if these things were occuring in their school (Catholic or Public). I would think in more conservative areas of the country something like this would be done on the sly so as to not arouse any kind of parental outcry. Any suggestions? I’d like to look into it as soon as possible.

God Bless
Ask your school for a copy of the ‘scope and sequence’ part of their curriculum. There should be a document with this or a similar title for each grade level. Then ask for a list of texts and materials for any subject that raised questions. For example, a program such as this could show up in various places (health, social studies, history, science, PE or religion, …). You probably don’t have to worry about Math. Once you have the list of materials, you can look each text or series up on the internet. You should also ask for a calendar of special events and programs that will be presented.

For a Catholic school that is part of the diocisan system, you can contact the diocisan Administrator for Catholic schools. They should have the same information. You might want to do that if you don’t want warnings going up at the school your kids attend.

Attending school board meetings is a good idea too. If there are other concerned parents, you are likely to encounter them at the meetings.

Ask your kids too. They will likely know about anything that seems out of the ordinary when compared to their religious upbringing - even if it isn’t in their own grades.

Good luck.
Martin Mayer from Woodside Priory School, a Benedictine school in Portola Valley, California, complained that religion teachers were expected to teach that "homosexual activity is wrong." "This year," he noted, “we started our school year with an in service done by Kevin Gogin.” Gogin is a gay activist working for the San Francisco City School District to push gay issues in elementary schools.] Mayer suggested that other Catholic schools might bring Gogin in to speak. But, complained Mayer, “I am still concerned about what somehow we are expected, being Catholic schools, to present to students, and how psychologically-damaging that can be, and trying to find some way of making our curriculum acceptable.”
To think that these poor unsuspecting parents were paying tuition for this.:nope:
I would take my kids out of that parish and then protest my way all the way to the Vatican. Protect the children first.
**Meg Gorzycki, a history teacher at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland helps run the students Gay/Lesbian Education and Awareness (GLEA) club. Later in the session, she presented a more detailed account of gay activism at her school. **

Amity Buxton, who formed the International Straight Spouse Network after her husband “came out,” expressed great hatred toward but little knowledge of Church teachings, which she described as “anti-gay.” “I had to fight my own conscience about the Vatican saying my husband is evil when I know he’s not,” she said. Later in the talk, Buxton claimed that “Vatican II changed the definition of marriage it’s not for procreation anymore.” This fact indicates, she said, that the Church now views gay unions as equal to marriage.
Tyler Smedley:
I thought that I would yank and protest to the vatican but that wasn’t an option…but thats what I would do!
**Me too! **👍
I would have thought Catholic schools would have been chartered to have to follow Vatican decrees.
Just before the session closed, Amity Buxton complained that the Church says it is wrong to “express homosexual friendships sexually.” Schexnayder responded, “The Church validates the sanctity of an individual conscience. After a certain point, it’s nobody’s damn business. What are we going to do? Ask everybody? We don’t do that of heterosexuals. Because they have a loving relationships before marriage, do we go around asking, `Are you sexually active?’ As Cardinal Mahony said at our national conference last year, we should be careful not to ask more of gay and lesbian people than we do of heterosexuals.”
Later in the talk, Buxton claimed that “Vatican II changed the definition of marriage it’s not for procreation anymore.” This fact indicates, she said, that the Church now views gay unions as equal to marriage.
I WAS going to ask if the program accept homosexuals but reject their behaviors, but I now see that question is moot.
I will go to confession for this, but Roger Cardinal Mahony needs help.
A lot of it.
Father James Schexnayder is dead wrong. For him to say that the Church teaches on sexuality are not grounded in theology is for him to make up his own bible. Anyone that does not will not be in a position to teach my children, whether through school classrooms or homilies.
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