Because God identifies as a He, Jesus was a He, men are commanded to be the leaders of their families and be the religious heads of their homes, and the culture of the day demanded it be men. There are, I am sure, many other reasons, but ultimately it doesn’t matter and to make it a bigger deal than it actually was is silliness personified.But why were all of the disciples male.
No female? This reveals to me you have done little research into the ministry of Jesus. He regularly had a large crowd surrounding him, including women such as his mother Mary. This imaginary coincidence is just that, imaginary.It isn’t as if he was living in an all boys boarding school, right? I’m just wondering… 12 male, no female seems like more than just a coincidence…
Wow! The depths of depravity people go when planting the seeds of doubt (on stone I may add). A scorned lover you say? Interesting. You do realize, or perhaps you don’t, you completely ignore the fact Jesus had no sin in His life, he was God in the flesh, no sexual desire and withstood the onslaught of temptation from Satan himself, yet, someone you unconvincingly suggest where all the temptations of the world, no - the universe, and the master of lies failed, the weak and selfish Judas succeeded. Just wow! You also forget Jesus foretold of his betrayal as he did of a many things. What an imagination you have, only rivaled by that of the LDS and their ideas.However, one thing that may go against this hypothesis is that Judas reacted like a scorned lover when Jesus refused his advances.
I am curious…do all homosexual lovers, when scornful, turn their former lovers over to murderers for money?
Oh, and what advances?