Gay marriage... how we ended up where we are

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I volunteer in a Catholic food pantry. Everyone who volunteers there is Catholic. I am the only person who says that gay marriage is wrong. The other volunteers feel sorry for gays and feel that gay marriage is harmless.

I was shocked.

How has it come about that misguided Catholics can see nothing wrong with gay marriage?

Throughout history, homosexuality was a mental illness. Just like psychopathy is a mental illness. Psychopaths are born the way they are.
They can’t help the way they are, they’re born that way.

The first step was to remove the stigma of mental illness from the deviant behavior. Sigmund Frued was the first “scientific person” to claim that everyone was bi-sexual before they settled on whatever sex they were going to be attracted to. This was supposedly normal. (Most of what Sigmund Frued has come up with in psycho-analysis and psychology has been debunked and is laughed at by modern psychologists.) Alfred Kinsey, a Zoologist, along with some other zoologists then did a “study” that said that 10% of all men and 2-6% of all women were gay so this was not as unusual as people thought. The inference was that if the frequency of those who were gay went up then this was not abnormal and perhaps just another way to live. This study is supposed to be more creditable because it was completed by people who were not psychiatrists or psychologists. (Since when is a study more creditable, because the people had no background in the field they were studying.)

The information from the study and Sigmund Frued were then used by a large number gay lobbyists who attended a psychology/psychiactric conference where decisions were being made about what should be included or removed by the DSM. Due to the large number of gays in attendance, something that had never happened before, those making the decision s about what should be included in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental illness were convinced that social norms were changing. (This was in 1973. The height of the Sexual Revolution.) They decided that homosexuality as mental illness was probably just a sexual repression, left over from the days when monogamy, no sex before marriage, and marital fidelity were encouraged. It was then removed from the DSM.

The gay lobbyists were disappointed because even though it was no longer technically considered a mental illness, Americans still called a spade a spade. So they got together and brainstormed, coming up with ways to convince the American people that homosexuality was okay.

A political strategist came up with three methods:
  1. Desensitization- You encourage public displays of affection between gay men who were dressed like everyone else. Announcing to everyone that you are gay and show them what a nice person you are. This way people will become accustomed to being around gay people and will tell other people that gays are nice people.
  2. Jamming- You run ads and get media stories about the most obnoxious in your face anti-gay people you can find. You get as many pictures and videos of these people bashing gays and use them to run ads. You equate anyone not having a pro gay attitude to being racist. You equate gay rights [whatever you want these rights to be] with Civil Rights. The Baby Boomers who went through the Civil Rights movement will not want to be considered bigots or racist. They will begin to feel that their religious beliefs are persecuting others. The more you can show others who are pro-gay, the more people who think there is something wrong with being gay will feel like they are a minority. Nobody wants to feel like they are a minority.
  3. Conversion-- You want to gain their sympathies. You want to portray gays as cool regular guys who think and do the same things as everyone else. The only thing is that they have this private thing that they are being picked on for. Everybody wants to root for the underdog.
The other thing discussed was that religions were against homosexuality. (This was discussed at the conference where homosexuality was removed from the DSM)
Christians had to be made to feel like they were being unchristian and not loving one another like Christ told them to if they were against gay activities.

Basically, the American people have been the victims of a mass manipulation campaign and they have fallen for it.
At this point, it is up to the millennial generation to resist the onslaught of evil.

“If this moral degeneration is ever to meet its end, warriors for truth must work toward that goal. The young Catholics of the millennial generation to which I belong may be our best hope. We have watched parents divorce and held friends mourning their aborted children. We know how empty the world’s promises are because many of us at one point were deceived by them. Despite claims to the contrary, many young people are drawn to the Catholic Church because her teachings are true.”

How has it come about that misguided Catholics can see nothing wrong with gay marriage?
Well that’s easy. There is probably some person or personal in their life to which they have an emotional connection. It could be a friend, family member, or even a character in one of their favourite TV shows. To them it’s not a question of whether two people of the same sex can get married but whether these two people, at least one that they care about, can pursue happiness with each other. Telling them that it’s wrong conflicts with their feelings on those to which they are emotionally connected.
The information from the study and Sigmund Frued were then used by a large number gay lobbyists who attended a psychology/psychiactric conference
NPR had an interesting article on this. One of the regular host on NPR is the grand daughter of one of the people that crashed that conference.
where decisions were being made about what should be included or removed by the DSM.
Just for reference:
302 Sexual deviations

This category is for individuals whose sexual interests are directed primarily toward objects other than people of the opposite sex, toward sexual acts not usually associated with coitus, or toward coitus performed under bizarre circumstances as in necrophilia, pedophilia, sexual sadism, and fetishism. Even though many find their practices distasteful, they remain unable to substitute normal sexual behavior for them. This diagnosis is not appropriate for individuals who perform deviant sexual acts because normal sexual objects are not available to them

302.00 Ego-dystonic Homosexuality

The essential features are a desire to acquire or increase heterosexual arousal, so that heterosexual relationships can be initiated or maintained, and a sustained pattern of overt homosexual arousal that the individual explicitly states has been unwanted and a persistent source of distress.

This category is reserved for those homosexuals for whom changing sexual orientations is a persistent concern, and should be avoided in cases where he desire to change sexual orientations may be a brief, temporary manifestation of an individual’s difficulty in adjusting to a new awareness of his or her homosexual impulses…

Diagnostic criteria for Ego-dystonic Homosexuality:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-III-R
  • A. The individual complain that heterosexual arousal is persistently absent or weak and significantly interferes with initiating or maintaining wanted heterosexual relationships.
  • B. There is a sustained pattern of homosexual arousal that the individual explicitly states has been unwanted and a persistent source of distress.
Due to the large number of gays in attendance, something that had never happened before, those making the decision s about what should be included in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental illness were convinced that social norms were changing. (This was in 1973. The height of the Sexual Revolution.) They decided that homosexuality as mental illness was probably just a sexual repression, left over from the days when monogamy, no sex before marriage, and marital fidelity were encouraged. It was then removed from the DSM.
A.PA. Reference Doc 730008 (abbridged):
Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 1973
Approved by the Assembly, November 1973
Approved by the Reference Committee, November 1973

Controversy rages as to whether homosexuality should be regarded as a pathological deviation of normal sexual development or as a normal variant of the human potential for sexual response. Recently, this controversy has focused on the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-II) where homosexuality is listed as an official diagnosis in the section on Sexual deviations.

The proponents of the view that homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality argue for the elimination of any reference to homosexuality in a manual of psychiatric disorders because it is scientifically incorrect, encourages an adversary relationship between psychiatry and the homosexual community, and is misused by some people outside of our profession who wish to deny civil rights to homosexuals. Those who argue that homosexuality is a pathological disturbance in sexual development assert that to remove homosexuality from the nomenclature would be to give official sanction to this form of deviant sexual development, would be a cowardly act of succumbing to the pressure of a small but vocal band of activist homosexuals who defensively attempt to prove that they are not sick, and would tend to discourage homosexuals from seeking much-needed treatment.
What will be the effect of carrying out such a proposal? No doubt, homosexual activist groups will claim that psychiatry has at last recognized that homosexuality is as “normal” as heterosexuality. They will be wrong. In removing homosexuality per se from the nomenclature we are only recognizing that by itself homosexuality does not meet the criteria for being considered a psychiatric disorder. We will in no way be aligning ourselves with any particular viewpoint regarding the etiology or desirability of homosexual behavior.
I volunteer in a Catholic food pantry. Everyone who volunteers there is Catholic. I am the only person who says that gay marriage is wrong. The other volunteers feel sorry for gays and feel that gay marriage is harmless.

I was shocked.

How has it come about that misguided Catholics can see nothing wrong with gay marriage?

The first step was to remove the stigma of mental illness from the deviant behavior.

The information from the study and Sigmund Frued were then used by a large number gay lobbyists who attended a psychology/psychiactric conference where decisions were being made about what should be included or removed by the DSM. Due to the large number of gays in attendance, something that had never happened before, those making the decision s about what should be included in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental illness were convinced that social norms were changing. (This was in 1973. The height of the Sexual Revolution.) They decided that homosexuality as mental illness was probably just a sexual repression, left over from the days when monogamy, no sex before marriage, and marital fidelity were encouraged. It was then removed from the DSM.

The gay lobbyists were disappointed because even though it was no longer technically considered a mental illness, Americans still called a spade a spade. So they got together and brainstormed, coming up with ways to convince the American people that homosexuality was okay.

A political strategist came up with three methods:
  1. Desensitization- You encourage public displays of affection between gay men who were dressed like everyone else. Announcing to everyone that you are gay and show them what a nice person you are. This way people will become accustomed to being around gay people and will tell other people that gays are nice people.
  2. Jamming- You run ads and get media stories about the most obnoxious in your face anti-gay people you can find. You get as many pictures and videos of these people bashing gays and use them to run ads. You equate anyone not having a pro gay attitude to being racist. You equate gay rights [whatever you want these rights to be] with Civil Rights. The Baby Boomers who went through the Civil Rights movement will not want to be considered bigots or racist. They will begin to feel that their religious beliefs are persecuting others. The more you can show others who are pro-gay, the more people who think there is something wrong with being gay will feel like they are a minority. Nobody wants to feel like they are a minority.
  3. Conversion-- You want to gain their sympathies. You want to portray gays as cool regular guys who think and do the same things as everyone else. The only thing is that they have this private thing that they are being picked on for. Everybody wants to root for the underdog.
Basically, the American people have been the victims of a mass manipulation campaign and they have fallen for it.
This did not happen overnight. Some events were known at the time, others not until later. The poison was slowly, drop by drop, year after year, dripped into our veins. In the end, appeals to emotion - feeling good - overcame logic and reason. Then, you repeat the message, in various ways through various media, over a 40 year period, and people become conditioned and desensitized. That’s why Christianity had to be attacked during the same time period. The family had to be attacked. Norms had to be turned into the “wrong” way. Why bother believing or going to Church or caring about having children, or reducing relationships to: “the moment this gets unpleasant, I’m out.”? No self-disciple, not saying “I’m sorry,” not getting at the root of the problem. All that really matters is you. Sacrifice? For another person? Go through hard times with them (no, I’m not talking about abuse)? Hard work? Pleasure - just pleasure.

Let’s go back to 1973. The American Psychiatric Association is being targeted by radical gay activists and closeted gays in the APA, to get Homosexuality removed as a disorder from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. A vote is held and what was a disorder yesterday is not a disorder the following day. Years of research and published articles go out the window.

Move forward to 2013 and a similar lobbying effort has the same result for Transgendered persons.

“Whereas previously a man who “self-identified” as a woman (or vice versa) could have been classified as mentally ill, now the DSM-5 uses the term “gender dysphoria,” which means it is only a mental illness if you’re troubled by this self-identification. Elated activists in the “LGBT” community had lobbied the APA for the change for years.”


That approach is not logical or scientifically sound.

I also work in the media. Every word you read, image you see or sound you hear (people discussing homosexuality) gets stored on some level. I also understand the basics of Psychological Warfare, and it has all the same elements. Truths mixed with partial truths, mixed with lies. And delivered with the appropriate level of emotion.

Wake up, my fellow Catholics. Getting information the easy way is definitely not the best, especially on labeled “hot button” issues with a disproportionate amount of emphasis. Yes, it’s disheartening sometimes, but learn, ask questions. Don’t be confused. Learn what the Church teaches and why.

This may sound a bit flippant but I think there is an element of truth to it.

In the world of psychology the hospital has been taken over by the patients.

It is the patients who now define what is mental illness and what is not mental illness.

A psychologist friend once half jokingly said that many psychologists get into the business because they know that they are messed up and are trying to find answers for themselves
The information from the study and Sigmund Frued were then used by a large number gay lobbyists who attended a psychology/psychiactric conference where decisions were being made about what should be included or removed by the DSM. Due to the large number of gays in attendance, something that had never happened before, those making the decision s about what should be included in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental illness were convinced that social norms were changing. (This was in 1973. The height of the Sexual Revolution.) They decided that homosexuality as mental illness was probably just a sexual repression, left over from the days when monogamy, no sex before marriage, and marital fidelity were encouraged. It was then removed from the DSM.
It’s hard to blame the gays for being upset with what psychiatrists were doing to them. Here’s part of a paper presented at the 1970 meeting of the American Psychiatric Association by Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy at a program called “Issues on Sexuality” in which he explained his research in trying to wean homosexual men from their attractions to other men:
With apomorphine therapy, the patient was given injections of apomorphine after which he viewed slides of naked males while experiencing the resultant nausea. With aversion-relief, the patient received painful electric shocks after reading aloud phrases describing aspects of homosexual behavior. Following a series of shocks, he read aloud a phrase describing an aspect of heterosexual behavior, and this was not followed by a shock…
One group that made particular use of the aversion therapy technique of pornographic pictures and electric shocks to try and change the sexual orientation of gay men was the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

Ronald Gold, one of the gay demonstrators who convinced the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders had himself been sent to psychiatrists from the age of 13. From the age of 24, he spent 18 months as a hospital patient and then another three and a half years as an outpatient at the Menninger Clinic in Kansas to try and be “cured” of his homosexuality. But they failed to “cure” him of his homosexuality.
Desensitization- You encourage public displays of affection between gay men who were dressed like everyone else
I’m a gay man and I dress like everyone else. How would you expect me to dress? It’s not a plot to desensitize anyone.
How has it come about that misguided Catholics can see nothing wrong with gay marriage?
Mental illness? Deviant behaviour? Maybe you don’t realise that you are part of the reason why there is so much increasing support for SSM and gay people in general. Everyone now knows someone who is gay – or knows someone who knows someone. Whereas it wasn’t so long ago that people kept their sexuality hidden – for all sorts of reasons that we could all be ashamed about these days, now most gay people have no problem in telling anyone who would like to know, that they are gay. It’s no big deal. Even the church says there is nothing wrong per se with being homosexual.

So everyone you talk to in your group, about deviant behaviour and mental illness are thinking: ‘Hang on. Back the truck up a little, lady. This is my son/daughter/work colleague/friend/niece/mother you are talking about. And they are most definitely not mentally ill. And I will take strong objection to the fact that you are calling them deviant’.

People ARE accustomed to being around gay people. They realise that they ARE nice people. Everyone was mixing and socialising with gay people all the time. They just didn’t know it. Now they do, their attitude to these friends and relatives and colleagues hasn’t changed. They don’t think: ‘Good grief, Dave was a deviant all this time’ or ‘Heavens, I didn’t know my niece was mentally ill’.

Yeah, sure you can post as much as you want about aids or the breakdown of the traditional family or gay parades or swingers bars – go for your life. But most gay people are like most people. They just get on with their lives, hold down a job, get into relationships, go to Little league, buy a dog, try to get a mortgage…just like everyone else.

And comments like these below are so old hat it should be written in Olde Englishe.
Former president of APA says organization controlled by ‘gay rights’ movement.
Sure, buddy. Just like every single relevant organisation in every civilised country on the planet. Including, for heaven’s sake, all those in places like China. Do you know where people still believe this tripe? What countries still class it as a disorder? Well, let’s just say that it ain’t anywhere you’d like to take a holiday, shall we? Say a little prayer tonight that you don’t live in places like that.
I’m a gay man and I dress like everyone else. How would you expect me to dress? It’s not a plot to desensitize anyone.
This is taken from the book After the Ball by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. As was all the strategy information I mentioned.
Here is the path that I have so far;

Demise of the Family Unit in the United States

1930 Lambeth Conference where the Anglican Church reversed the 1920 conference’s rejection of contraception. Most major Christian groups followed over the next 40 years.

1935 FDR creates social security. Americans begin to depend on governments providing needs instead of having to work for them.

1938 A judge lifts the federal ban on birth control.

1960 The first oral contraceptive was approved by the US FDA for contraception.

1963 Publication of “The Feminine Mystique” which helped jump start second wave feminism. Mrs. Friedman later went on to help found NOW, National Organization of Women. It is not that her book outright rejected marriage, but tended to push an idea that women shouldn’t settle for being mothers.

1963 The United States Supreme Court abolished state-sponsored prayer in public schools.

1965 The United States Supreme Court gives married couples the right to use birth control.

1966 The National Organization for Women is founded. Among its founders is Betty Friedan who would compare the family to “a comfortable concentration camp.”

1967 Yes, The Pill was approved by the FDA in 1960, but the marketing push began in the April 7, 1967 cover story by Time magazine about The Pill. The word Freedom would always be the most abused term, but, at the time, people trusted Time magazine more. “Contraception: Freedom from Fear.” Fear of what? That “bundle of joy,” that “gift from God”? That’s right - babies are now the subject of fear.

1968 After hearing from his advisers regarding their thoughts about artificial contraception, Pope Paul VI decides not to follow their advice and affirms constant Church teaching against artificial contraception by having Humanae Vitae published. The reaction was swift and the 5 year plan was put into full motion. "Within 24 hours, in an event unprecedented in the history of the Church, [bolding added] more than 200 dissenting theologians signed a full-page ad in The New York Times in protest. Not only did they declare their disagreement with encyclical’s teaching; they went one step further, far beyond their authority as theologians, and actually encouraged dissent among the lay faithful. Source: Regnum Christi

1968 US FDA approves intrauterine devices (IUDs) for contraception.

1969 California is the first U.S. state to adopt “no-fault” divorces in the United States, other states would soon follow.

1970- Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research. The White House Conference on Children recommends “consumer-determined, publicly funded programs of 1) family life, sex and population education and, 2) voluntary family planning services and safe abortion, available for all.”

1971 Let’s start spreading the lies a bit further and cause conflict and confusion among the sexes. Ms. magazine (yes, that’s where that divisive word comes from) is co-founded by radical feminist Gloria Steinem who said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” The Women’s Liberation Movement is here. You should hate being a housewife or a mother. Men, all men, are the enemy, including those men running the Catholic Church. “Sisters! Throw off the chains of your oppression!” What is the proper role for women? Get power! You are in charge! Get a high-powered career! Forget kids. Or, if YOU want them, leave them at Day Care, and when they’re old enough, give them a key. 18 and out. Or abortion.

1972 The United States Supreme Court legalizes birth control for all citizens, initiating rampant promiscuity in the US. Female reproductive self-control was seen as essential for full economic independence from men.

1973 The United States Supreme Court legalizes abortion, the legalized killing of our children begins. There was also mention of a vague “right to privacy,” but Jane Roe, whose real name is Norma McCorvey, never got an abortion. She is a Catholic now.

1973 Pressure from insurance carriers that had to pay for treatments and the development of a politically active gay community in the United States, leads the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (Declasified as a mental disorder.)

1975 Video Cassette Recorders (VCRs) are introduced to the mass market allowing for pornography to be viewed in privacy of the home, greatly reducing the shame and stigma attached to obtaining porn, and lowered the barrier to entry, not to mention making it increasingly accessible to younger and younger children.

1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone, with no fees allowing for even greater access to pornography.

1998- Viagra, a drug for treating erectile dysfunction, explodes on the market, again focusing on the availability of sex without responsibility.

2000 The first abortion pill was approved for use in the United States by the US FDA.

2003 The United States Supreme Court reversed the constitutionality of sodomy laws, invalidating sodomy laws in the last remaining states.

2015 The United States Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage, redefining what marriage has meant for thousands of years.
It’s hard to blame the gays for being upset with what psychiatrists were doing to them. Here’s part of a paper presented at the 1970 meeting of the American Psychiatric Association by Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy at a program called “Issues on Sexuality” in which he explained his research in trying to wean homosexual men from their attractions to other men:

One group that made particular use of the aversion therapy technique of pornographic pictures and electric shocks to try and change the sexual orientation of gay men was the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

Ronald Gold, one of the gay demonstrators who convinced the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders had himself been sent to psychiatrists from the age of 13. From the age of 24, he spent 18 months as a hospital patient and then another three and a half years as an outpatient at the Menninger Clinic in Kansas to try and be “cured” of his homosexuality. But they failed to “cure” him of his homosexuality.
Historically, treatment for mental illness has been inhumane and barbaric. It does not mean that the people who were treated didn’t have a mental illness. I know two schizophrenics who would like to have the diagnosis of a mental illness removed so no one could try to force them to take their medication.
This did not happen overnight. Some events were known at the time, others not until later. The poison was slowly, drop by drop, year after year, dripped into our veins. In the end, appeals to emotion - feeling good - overcame logic and reason. Then, you repeat the message, in various ways through various media, over a 40 year period, and people become conditioned and desensitized. That’s why Christianity had to be attacked during the same time period. The family had to be attacked. Norms had to be turned into the “wrong” way. Why bother believing or going to Church or caring about having children, or reducing relationships to: “the moment this gets unpleasant, I’m out.”? No self-disciple, not saying “I’m sorry,” not getting at the root of the problem. All that really matters is you. Sacrifice? For another person? Go through hard times with them (no, I’m not talking about abuse)? Hard work? Pleasure - just pleasure.

Let’s go back to 1973. The American Psychiatric Association is being targeted by radical gay activists and closeted gays in the APA, to get Homosexuality removed as a disorder from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. A vote is held and what was a disorder yesterday is not a disorder the following day. Years of research and published articles go out the window.

Move forward to 2013 and a similar lobbying effort has the same result for Transgendered persons.

“Whereas previously a man who “self-identified” as a woman (or vice versa) could have been classified as mentally ill, now the DSM-5 uses the term “gender dysphoria,” which means it is only a mental illness if you’re troubled by this self-identification. Elated activists in the “LGBT” community had lobbied the APA for the change for years.”


That approach is not logical or scientifically sound.

I also work in the media. Every word you read, image you see or sound you hear (people discussing homosexuality) gets stored on some level. I also understand the basics of Psychological Warfare, and it has all the same elements. Truths mixed with partial truths, mixed with lies. And delivered with the appropriate level of emotion.

Wake up, my fellow Catholics. Getting information the easy way is definitely not the best, especially on labeled “hot button” issues with a disproportionate amount of emphasis. Yes, it’s disheartening sometimes, but learn, ask questions. Don’t be confused. Learn what the Church teaches and why.

This is taken from the book After the Ball by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. As was all the strategy information I mentioned.
lol,Someone actually wrote a book about the homosexual agenda entitled “After the Ball”?
Historically, treatment for mental illness has been inhumane and barbaric. It does not mean that the people who were treated didn’t have a mental illness. I know two schizophrenics who would like to have the diagnosis of a mental illness removed so no one could try to force them to take their medication.
The decision by the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the DSM was not just due to pressure from gay people. As noted by Dr. Gregory Herek, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis:
Today, a large body of published empirical research clearly refutes the notion that homosexuality per se is indicative of or correlated with psychopathology. One of the first and most famous published studies in this area was conducted by psychologist Evelyn Hooker.

Hooker’s (1957) study was innovative in several important respects. First, rather than simply accepting the predominant view of homosexuality as pathology, she posed the question of whether homosexuals and heterosexuals differed in their psychological adjustment. Second, rather than studying psychiatric patients, she recruited a sample of homosexual men who were functioning normally in society. Third, she employed a procedure that asked experts to rate the adjustment of men without prior knowledge of their sexual orientation. This method addressed an important source of bias that had vitiated so many previous studies of homosexuality.
Hooker administered three projective tests (the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test [TAT], and Make-A-Picture-Story [MAPS] Test) to 30 homosexual males and 30 heterosexual males recruited through community organizations. The two groups were matched for age, IQ, and education. None of the men were in therapy at the time of the study.
Unaware of each subject’s sexual orientation, two independent Rorschach experts evaluated the men’s overall adjustment using a 5-point scale. They classified two-thirds of the heterosexuals and two-thirds of the homosexuals in the three highest categories of adjustment. When asked to identify which Rorschach protocols were obtained from homosexuals, the experts could not distinguish respondents’ sexual orientation at a level better than chance.
A third expert used the TAT and MAPS protocols to evaluate the psychological adjustment of the men. As with the Rorschach responses, the adjustment ratings of the homosexuals and heterosexuals did not differ significantly.
**Hooker concluded from her data that homosexuality is not a clinical entity and that homosexuality is not inherently associated with psychopathology.
Hooker’s findings have since been replicated by many other investigators using a variety of research methods. Freedman (1971), for example, used Hooker’s basic design to study lesbian and heterosexual women. Instead of projective tests, he administered objectively-scored personality tests to the women. His conclusions were similar to those of Hooker.
Although some investigations published since Hooker’s study have claimed to support the view of homosexuality as pathological, they have been methodologically weak. Many used only clinical or incarcerated samples, for example, from which generalizations to the population at large are not possible. Others failed to safeguard the data collection procedures from possible biases by the investigators – for example, a man’s psychological functioning would be evaluated by his own psychoanalyst, who was simultaneously treating him for his homosexuality.
Some studies found differences between homosexual and heterosexual respondents, and then assumed that those differences indicated pathology in the homosexuals. For example, heterosexual and homosexual respondents might report different kinds of childhood experiences or family relationships. It would then be assumed that the patterns reported by the homosexuals indicated pathology, even though there were no differences in psychological functioning between the two groups.
In a review of published studies comparing homosexual and heterosexual samples on psychological tests, Gonsiorek (1982) found that, although some differences have been observed in test results between homosexuals and heterosexuals, both groups consistently score within the normal range. Gonsiorek concluded that “Homosexuality in and of itself is unrelated to psychological disturbance or maladjustment. Homosexuals as a group are not more psychologically disturbed on account of their homosexuality” (Gonsiorek, 1982, p. 74; see also reviews by Gonsiorek, 1991; Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walston & McKee, 1978; Riess, 1980).
Confronted with overwhelming empirical evidence and changing cultural views of homosexuality, psychiatrists and psychologists radically altered their views, beginning in the 1970s.
Dr. Nicholas Cummings was President of the APA. From the link: “Cummings says that he personally is not in opposition to the homosexual movement, including gay “marriage,” pointing out that he was the author of the motion to strike homosexuality from the APA’s list of mental illnesses. However, he is distressed at the loss of scientific objectivity at the organization.”

Sure, buddy. Just like every single relevant organisation in every civilised country on the planet. …
Everybody doing it is not a justification.
I’m a gay man and I dress like everyone else. How would you expect me to dress? It’s not a plot to desensitize anyone.
This is taken from the book After the Ball by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. As was all the strategy information I mentioned.
All the same, I am curious as to how else someone would expect a gay person to dress in their everyday. Is typical wearing typical clothing seen as some form of “camouflaging” oneself?
Mental illness? Deviant behaviour? Maybe you don’t realise that you are part of the reason why there is so much increasing support for SSM and gay people in general. Everyone now knows someone who is gay – or knows someone who knows someone. Whereas it wasn’t so long ago that people kept their sexuality hidden – for all sorts of reasons that we could all be ashamed about these days, now most gay people have no problem in telling anyone who would like to know, that they are gay. It’s no big deal. Even the church says there is nothing wrong per se with being homosexual.

So everyone you talk to in your group, about deviant behaviour and mental illness are thinking: ‘Hang on. Back the truck up a little, lady. This is my son/daughter/work colleague/friend/niece/mother you are talking about. And they are most definitely not mentally ill. And I will take strong objection to the fact that you are calling them deviant’.

People ARE accustomed to being around gay people. They realise that they ARE nice people. Everyone was mixing and socialising with gay people all the time. They just didn’t know it. Now they do, their attitude to these friends and relatives and colleagues hasn’t changed. They don’t think: ‘Good grief, Dave was a deviant all this time’ or ‘Heavens, I didn’t know my niece was mentally ill’.

Yeah, sure you can post as much as you want about aids or the breakdown of the traditional family or gay parades or swingers bars – go for your life. But most gay people are like most people. They just get on with their lives, hold down a job, get into relationships, go to Little league, buy a dog, try to get a mortgage…just like everyone else.

And comments like these below are so old hat it should be written in Olde Englishe.

Sure, buddy. Just like every single relevant organisation in every civilised country on the planet. Including, for heaven’s sake, all those in places like China. Do you know where people still believe this tripe? What countries still class it as a disorder? Well, let’s just say that it ain’t anywhere you’d like to take a holiday, shall we? Say a little prayer tonight that you don’t live in places like that.
I get a kick out of posters that contend that they have known and worked with gay individuals for many years and everything was just perfect until those gays decided that they could actually be truthful about their sexual identity. So, evidently, it’s just fine to be LGBTQ, unless, you talk about it or have a life partner. One comment that I read stated that all was just fine until the gays started coming out of their closets and"forcing their gayness" on good upstanding straight people, who shouldn’t have to put up with someone else’s “choice”.
I think that the Church is consistent in Her teachings.

She does not discriminate against those with same sex attraction. We ended up where we are at because we have lost track of the purpose of sex. Studying Biology 101 is a good place to begin.

It seems most strange to me that some people will use some aspect’s of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution to try and explain that God does not exist. Yet many of these same people will be the first to criticize the Church because She teaches the same love for the abundance of life that “Mother Nature” so richly gives. What could be more insulting than the statement “Survival of the Fittest”.

The Church’s teachings are much kinder than “Survival of the Fittest”. Kinder perhaps, but these same teachings are still very difficult put into practice. Whether a person deals with same sex attraction or a person, for what ever reason, is unable to marry and have children, we are all, by the grace of God, made fit for God’s Kingdom.

The sacrifices made for the truth about sex is the same for everyone of us. It is not an easy truth. Sex is about babies it is not about adult desires. It is about abundance of life. It is about the care and nurturing of children. It is about the future. It isn’t about me.
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