Hardly my opinion. It is revealed to us by Christ. As for civil unions they are a mere ploy.This is merely your opinion, nothing more. There is no significant proof of this.
No, that is no fact and certainly there is no absolute proof, but as I said before even if there is some genetic predisposition that in no way makes your case. Many defects are genetic and we try to correct those defects, not celebrate them.This is an established fact within the scientific community, there is proof. Whilst my teacher did not provide any at the time, he said that it is very possible for homosexuality to be genetic, which is why, very often gay men may look effeminete, or lesbians less lady like (although this is only in some cases), in such cases it can be due to irregularities in the gametes that formed that person. In other circumstances, it can be due to the hormonal development. This can be seen within nature, as the endocrine research facility found that 8% of sheep were homosexually orientated. Whilst you may dismiss this, I shall not, it effectively destroys cries that homosexualitry is a choice that could effectively be reversed. In recognising this, one has to consider the rights of the homosexual as a person, they deserve to have legally recognised unions, even though not marriages. Further more, nobody is arguing that a marriage within the eyes of God is not licit for homosexuals, as I have stated to ignore this, or to make up that Civil Unions are an imitation marriage is ignorant.
This is your opinion. You want to minimize the dangers of the gay agenda?But yet it is true, pre marriage sex, casual use of drugs, pornography, increasing rates of crime, violence, war, killing, intolerance, misuse of alcohol are all just as damaging to our society, and yet so few campaign against these when we compare to the rate of those who are campaigning against anything to do with homosexuality, some times it does not even qualify as campagining and is in fact just complaining.