It seems to me the issue is this. The Catholic Church says that you cannot be actively gay, nor transgendered like I am. That seems to be the issue.
Science seems to say being gay is normal and being transgendered is also normal.
Thus to keep us out of the fight, the issues are now between the church and science.
Last year Medicare reviewed it’s decisons about my condition. They decided to change, as thier information was old and incomplete. They now say there is only one treatment for the condition they will now cover, and that treatment works. I am 67 now. The Government tells me, there is only one thing works for that. It is to transition.
In Romans 13 verses 1-5, it says to me, the church is to follow the governments laws. It also says I am to follow the governments laws. Wow!
This fight is between them now, as God is telling me there, I must follow the Government laws also.
LOVE and love,
What the Church currently says about transgenderism is that people are the sex they are born as, barring some physical abnormality, and that surgery maybe undertaken only for a proportionate reason. Thus, if someone is in sufficient distress, surgery could be considered. Right now, it seems the Church has not taken a position because so little is truly known about this condition.Medicare in November of 2013, was asked to review it’s policies for my condition. I am transgendered. They did. I went to the doctor in roughly May of 2014. The first one required is for a full, in my case Psychiatric exam. The resuts were many. In short though, I am amazingly free of all mental pathologies, and and very Gender Dysphoric. Amazingly though, I presented my entire history to them. I was very surprised at some of their statements. I was also pleased with their proofs of their words, through corroborations.
The next step was to go to a medical doctor. I did that. They prescribed hormones, for me. I have asked, and it seems somehow hormones relieve Gender Dysphoria rather quickly, and the doctor said no one knows why.
The government is not only paying their share, but so am I, and I am following their rules on how to handle Gender Dysphoria.
LOVE and love,
What the law says is that *if *someone *chooses *to have their gender dysphoria treated under Medicare, the *only *treatment *they *will pay for is transitioning. The law does not mandate that someone be treated; the law does not mandate that someone receive treatment through Medicare. So any transgender person covered by Medicare who decided against treatment would *not *be violating the law.
And lastly, earthly authorities cannot (morally) make a law which is against the moral law. Were they to do so, we would actually be required to break that law. This is where the early Christian martyrs came from, remember?